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Val123's avatar

Is it possible for a dog to get so traumatized that he or she quits barking almost altogether?

My little Dutchess dawg got picked by the dog catcher and taken to the pound on Friday.
We didn’t realize it until after 5:00, so we would have to wait til Monday to get her out. Well, early, early Sat. morning we got a call that Rick’s 86 year old father had fallen, and was in the hospital undergoing surgery. So off we went to Pittsburgh, Kansas, no idea how long till we’d be back. Well, my son offered to pay the $54 to get Dutchess out while we’re gone. However, it turns out the dog pound wasn’t open on Monday, so my son, Chris, couldn’t get her out till Tuesday. So she was there for five days. On top of that, when she did get home, “Mom and Dad” weren’t there. Now, this dog goes into spasms if we go to Walmart and are gone for an hour! When we get back she whines and yelps and cries like a baby, saying how happy she is that we’re back. The longest we’ve left her is two days and one night. But the poor thing gets out of jail, only to come home and have to wait and wait and wait, not knowing if we’re ever coming back.

Now, this dog talks. She barks (in fact I posted a q here on how to get dogs to stop barking And she whines. She has a whole range of different whinings that mean different things. She has a “I gotta pee!!!!” whine. She has a “I’m really worried!!!” whine. She has a “pet me!!!!” whine. She has one that is accompanied by intense staring, while whining, “I’m not hungry, I don’t have to pee, you don’t have to pet me, but but I have something REALLY important to tell you!!!!” (Rick always responds with, “Did Timmy fall in the well???!!!” And Dutchess will yip!) All whines are accompanied by no less than four exclamation marks.

Well, we finally got home on Thursday night to be greeted by all the dogs. It took a bit before I realized that Dutchess wasn’t making a single sound as she greeted us. She jumped up like she usually does, but she was far more restrained than is normal for her, and she wasn’t making a sound. Not a sound. In fact, as the evening wore on and she was so silent I wondered if the pound people had done something to her. (When Chris went to get her and described her to the guy, the guy said, “Oh. The little whiney one?” Uh, yeah. That one.) I was actually getting worried, and was relieved to actually hear her growling softly as she played with one of the other dogs.

Also, when she wants to come in she barks, and it’s always been kind of an hysterical, “OMG!! Let me in! Let me in!!” screaming kind of bark. And she’ll JUMP as high as the sliding glass door when she sees us (it is a sight to behold!) Today she DID bark to come in but it was two very restrained barks, and they were lower and deeper than I’ve ever heard her. She isn’t barking at people going by the house. She’s like a completely different dog…

Part of me is very relieved, but part of me is worried. I can’t figure it out. `I wonder…she knows that we don’t like her barking. I wonder if she thinks she got sent to jail because of her barking? Or was she just so freaked out by it all that she’s…what. Kind of scarred? I don’t know! What do ya’ll think?

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