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laurenakey's avatar

8 week old puppy has ticks and fleas what should i do?

Asked by laurenakey (9points) November 26th, 2009
15 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I just bought a puppy from a breeder and it had ticks and fleas. i have use a tweezer to get the ticks and i do not believe i got all of them because that would just be too good to be true. However, it still has alot of flees. the pup is 8 weeks old. Whay should i do? Also, he isnt eating and hes sleeping alot. i juat bought him today. Please help me!

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troubleinharlem's avatar

Hi there. I removed this.
That’s all. Go look at @rangerr ‘s answer.

rangerr's avatar

He’s a puppy, they sleep a lot.
He’s probably stressed out about being in a new home, give him a few days to adjust.

As for the ticks, like with humans, you need to make sure the head of the tick comes out too if you’re going to pull them out with a tweezer. Make sure to clean the areas where the tick was to prevent it from getting infected.

If it’s a lot of ticks and fleas why did you bring him home if he was being bitten that badly? and the areas where they bit him look anything other than a little welted that’s normal for a while then I’d take him to a vet as soon as you can to get him looked at.

If it’s not a lot of ticks and fleas, make sure they are all out Including the heads and give him a nice tick/flea bath. The shampoo for that is at most pet stores. They can also suggest a good medicine to use to prevent them in the future. I can’t think of the puppy brands off the top of my head.

Tink's avatar

Don’t buy from breeders.

simone54's avatar

I think you got your details confused with your question…...

laurenakey's avatar

I did not notice the ticks or fleas when i got him, a lady noticed them. There arent alot of ticks but i am taking him to the vet first thing in the morning. Plus i am bombing my apt. &ow long will it take to remove these bugs off him with meds and baths.

rangerr's avatar

The medicine and baths don’t necessarily remove them, but they prevent them.. they do stop the fleas from biting fairly quickly though.
Most flea medicine I’ve had experience with takes about 24 hours to fully work.

Your vet will be able to tell you how to treat and prevent it from happening again.

AstroChuck's avatar

Take him to a vet. That’s the first thing you should do when you get a new pet, regardless if it has fleas and ticks or not.

Parrappa's avatar

I think you’ve got the subject and description mixed up!

YARNLADY's avatar

Always take any new pet you get to the veterinarian as soon as possible. They can help you with the shots, heartworm, neutering and any other issues.

Buttonstc's avatar

If you are taking him to the vet, they will most likely give you a type of medication which kills all the ticks and fleas within 24–48 hrs. Most likely Frontline or Revolution. You will then need to reapply it again for several months afterward.

This will kill all the hatchlings and intermediate stages as well.

The only thing that the bombs do is kill the ADULT stages which are currently on him.

But the medication will do that as well as the future ones.

The chemicals used in the bombs are highly TOXIC for both humans and animals, especially young pups.

Bombs are usually used for severe infestations of an entire house, carpets, drapes, furniture etc. He has not been at you house long enough to cause this degree of infestation.

The bombs, in this case, are extreme overkill and could hurt him as well

rooeytoo's avatar

First thing I would do is call the breeder and raise holy hell about the condition of the pup. And tell them to take care of the rest of the pups.

It is unlikely that your home would become infested that quickly so I wouldn’t worry about bombing, just take care of the pup.

Most any shampoo or bar soap will kill fleas. Soap the pup up really well and then wrap it in a towel and let it sit in the suds for about 15 minutes, then rinse, the fleas should fall right off with the rinse. Do get some flea stuff from the vet when you go tomorrow.

The sleeping doesn’t seem to be a problem, but the not eating isn’t good. Do you know what the pup was being fed before you picked it up? If you do, it would be good to continue with the same diet for at least a couple of days. If it won’t eat, usually a little boiled chicken and rice or hamburger and rice will entice them, but not to much.

What breed is the dog? Usually reputable breeders are more conscientious.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

In future, please write a shorter question, and put the rest in question details. It is easier to read.

laurenakey's avatar

Ok thanks for the responses. I am def. Goin to take him to the vet followed by baths in the morning. Trust me, i called the breeder and raised hell on earth. It is a chihuahua, very small. Hopefully meds and baths weekly will keep the fleas if not gone, than at the bare minimum. I do not see anymore ticks, just fleas. Thanks everyone for the help!!!! This is my first pup so im slightly ignorant to the facts.

Buttonstc's avatar

The newer types of flea meds such as Frontline are very very effective, much more so than the old fashioned stuff and as long as it’s applied monthly, should eliminate ALL fleas.

Because they interfere with the entire life cycle of the flea, they can’t reproduce. They should all be gone within three months, so even the weekly baths should be unnecessary.

When you mentioned that, im assuming you meant flea baths with chemicals, not just a regular bath with ordinary shampoo.

With a dog this small and young, it can be dangerous to overwhelm him unnecessarily with chemicals. Be sure to discuss this with the Vet.

As a matter of fact, make sure he knows the brand name of whichever shampoo medication you have already used. He can best make the judgment about combining what with what.

Your pup is fortunate to have a pet parent as conscienscous as you are.

chyna's avatar

As @Buttonstc said, be careful as to what you bathe a tiny puppy with, the chemicals could be very harmful to the dog. See the vet FIRST and get his advise on what to use.
It sounds like you are doing everything right. Good luck with your new puppy.

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