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xshortiex's avatar

Do you have any tips to help me lose weight?

Asked by xshortiex (247points) December 2nd, 2009
13 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

hey i’m 16 and i’ve recently gone from 8 st 8ish to 8 st 5 in two days. Anyone have any other tips to share with me? I want to get down to the 7’s. I eat healthy at the moment. I skip lunch and breakfast and eat as little as i can bare until I eat my tea at about half five in the evening. Thanks guys.

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JLeslie's avatar

Count your calories, exercise, and weigh yourself every day. If you count calories you will choose veggies and fruits more, because otherwise you will be stuck eating almost nothing. 500 calories a day less will get you to lose 1 pound a week, if you are adding in more exercise than usual you might lose closer to 2. Don’t do anythng to an extreme. Losing more than 2 pounds a week will be impossible to maintain for a long time.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Eat some kind of brekkie. Why? Because then you don’t get absolutely ravenous by lunch time and then devour a lot of food.

It doesn’t have to be a big breakfast. I myself will have a few fruits, like a banana and an orange or a handful of berries, and a couple of slices of wheat toast with half a pat of butter.

Eat more fresh vegetables, and make sure they are the brightly coloured ones. Try an aubergine. Try kale. Deeply coloured vegetables have different properties that fight disease and are filling with less calories than burgers and fries.

Avoid foods like white bread, donuts, white rice, food from boxes and so on. Such foods are full of a lot of empty calories and the glycemic levels are high, which throws off your blood sugar, and then you come down and are hungry again in short order. Also avoid added salt. It retains water and is bad for your blood pressure.

Walk everywhere. Or as many places as you can. Take the stairs instead of elevators. Find an exercise you like and commit. Stick with it. Better yet, find two or three and you can alternate. Try new sports as you feel more at home in your body.

I say all these things because earlier this year, I was 11st 6, and after nine months, I am 9st 10 and continuing to lose.

That’s the last thing, don’t go in for trying to drop a lot of weight quickly. That’s the other reason for changing your eating and moving habits. If you go on some sort of crash diet, sure, you may lose the weight you want, but then start eating like you do usually, the weight will come back and bring mates. If you change your eating habits and exercise, and take things more slowly, the weight may come off more slowly, but it will stay off because you now live differently..

Good luck!

mass_pike4's avatar

you really should not eat as little as you can. All you have to do is make sure you are eating healthy foods in smaller doses throughout thhe day. Try to consume 5–6 small meals a day. Also, if you want to lose weight, consume more fiber in your diet. Foods that contain more fiber are whole wheat products, apples, and legumes (beans).

Georgia_Printco's avatar

hit the gym

mass_pike4's avatar

You also will not lose weight by just eating right. If you want to get the full effect you have to have a consistant exercise routine with either running/walking and weight training.

You will not lose as much weight as you intend by just adding aerobic exercise (running, walking, etc.). You need to add the anaerobic exercise (weight training).

I know what you are thinking, you dont want to get big. Well, you wont. When you add weight training to your routine, you will look more tone and less flabby. You do not have to worry because women have less muscle than men. You would have to lift big weight for more than a 10 week period to even see results.

I would suggest you to do a full body exercise, which consists of lifting weights for your legs, back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abdominals. If you do not have the time to lift weights, you can do body resistance exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups. Yoga is a also a exercise to do.

As a result of becoming more active, you are going to want to consume more calories, but this is okay because it means your body needs more nutrients. Therefore, you will have to add more time to exercise.

I understand it is a lot harder than it looks, but this is what it takes to lose weight the healthy way. You are still young and abiding to this routine may get you into a lifetime routine of great health!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, I forgot, drink water! Drink a lot of water. Eight 8oz. glasses a day. I drink 4 of these glasses a day of water, and I’m sorted.

Fyrius's avatar

Yeah, don’t skip lunch and breakfast. Spread out your food intake, starting as early in the day as you can.

dpworkin's avatar

I have a slightly different point of view about weighing yourself every day. I would throw away the scale and never weigh yourself again. It isn’t a contest; it’s a matter of slowly changing very fundamental habits, and changing them for good. I was fat most of my life, and in 2002 I weighed 375 lbs. I now weigh 175, and I know this because every six months for the last 6 years I get a checkup, and I always weigh the same.

First, don’t diet. Second, eat more meals (6 is good) Third, eat fruit and vegetables and complex carbohydrates and fish, and once in a while flavor your meal with a little meat. Fourth, shop on the periphery of the supermarket – don’t go into the middle where the prepared, processed food is sold. Instead buy fresh things that are seasonal, and, if possible, local. Fifth, do more with your body (I stopped using escalators and elevators, began parking my car in the far reaches of the big parking lots, etc.) It’s a life-long project, you will slip up, don’t ever punish yourself, take it easy, make incremental changes, and, once again, DON’T DIET (it will make you fat) and DON’T WEIGH YOURSELF (it will make you feel bad for no good reason.)
Good Luck. You can do it!

JLeslie's avatar

@pdworkin actually, you might be interested to know that studies have shown that people who weigh themselves every day are more likely to maintain their weight loss. Many people are able to lose weight, the trick is keeping it off.

dpworkin's avatar

I have no studies. My evidence is strictly anecdotal. Worked for me.

JONESGH's avatar

Workout regularly, at least 30 minutes a day. I’ve found that if I do that I can eat whatever I want.

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Sophief's avatar

You are eating well, you just need to exercise now to help.

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