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beautifulbobby193's avatar

Indecent Proposal: Would you do it and would it work?

Asked by beautifulbobby193 (1699points) December 3rd, 2009
28 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Just like the movie with RR & DM. This proposal can be aimed at either a man or a woman and based on your current status. Also the proposal would be straight, not gay (perhaps another question for another day). I’d imagine that mens price in general would be lower than womens, with women in relationships being highest.

So would you do it for $100k? What about $500k? $1m? If you are in a relationship would the decision be any easier/difficult depending on how attractive the proposer was? (on the assumption that an attractive person poses more risk to your existing relationship).

Would your relationship survive accepting/refusing the proposal?

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DrBill's avatar

Everyone has a price. (it’s not always money)

Phobia's avatar

Since I’m single, the answer is yes. Hell, I would do it for $1k.

But if I was married or in a serious relationship, I would have to talk it out with my S/O first. I’m pretty sure for a million, I would get the go-ahead.

gemiwing's avatar

No I wouldn’t. I’m not a whore.

SuperMouse's avatar

I would love to be able to say I would not do it for any amount of money but I’m not so sure. If my man and I agreed and there was really no emotion involved – it if was a purely financial transaction, and of course he was tested and he used a condom – I might have to give it some thought.

I know, for a woman whose initial reaction to the casual sex thread was the desire to give a stern lecture, this answer may seem incongruent. The casual sex issue probably comes from the fact that I came of age during the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

No, he would happily do a test but with so much money involved there would have to be a no condom clause in the contract.

seeing_red's avatar

Yes and Yes, for one million.

SuperMouse's avatar

Without a condom the answer would be a resounding no.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

Come on, imagine how odd it would have seemed had Robert Redford made the proposal and the answer was “yes, but only if you wear a condom”. The check would have been instantly shredded.

You could buy the morning after pill and still have lots of change left over.

Phobia's avatar

For guys answering, I take it we would have to wear the condom instead? Either way, my answer is still yes, just curious is all.

CMaz's avatar

Nope. She is mine and that would be all that is important to me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure, why not..I am in an open marriage, so the having sex with another wouldn’t bother me…I would have to be attracted to a person, though…

Likeradar's avatar

My guy and I have actually talked about this- and the answer is yes for several hundred thousand dollars. That amount of money would be seriously life-changing for us. We have each others’ hearts, and would be willing to share our bodies with someone else if it would be seriously financially helpful and we could be assured of our physical health and safety.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

That would be great, I could use some cash right now. I’m in an open relationship, so that wouldn’t be a problem. Like Simone said, I would need to be attracted to the person. I would also need to respect the person. Which would most likely be a problem, as I cannot see myself having any respect for someone who is trying to pay me for sex. Edit: If it was enough money, respect might not be an issue.

drClaw's avatar

F*** No! I would Chuck Norris that old son of a B in the face if he even asked jokingly.

SuperMouse's avatar

@beautifulbobby193, the condom is about preventing STD’s more than anything else. Even with a clean HIV test I wouldn’t take any chances, the virus can lie dormant for a long, long time (I’m talking years here) before a test shows up positive. Might not be romantic, but it is non-negotiable.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@SuperMouse granted you run that risk with anyone that you have sex with

beautifulbobby193's avatar

Simone, the proposal would be a straight one, would that still make it easy for you?

Mouse, come on, in that case it would be years before any of us could go bareback with our partners. Most people ditch condoms when it goes from dating to relationship, or as soon as tests are done to prove a clean bill of health. I can’t imagine people go without for a few more years to get the ok on the highly unlikely aids scenario.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@beautifulbobby193 do you mean sexuality wise? yes that’s not a problem

beautifulbobby193's avatar

Yes that’s what I meant Simone, nice one.

knitfroggy's avatar

It’s holiday time. I’d probably do it for way less than $20K. I don’t know how my husband would feel about it. He’d probably get all moral on me. I’d let him do it.

AstroChuck's avatar

Would I sleep with Robert Redford for $1,000,000? You bet! But where am I going to come up with the kind of money?

drdoombot's avatar

It depends. If I was in a serious relationship, I think I’d let my women do it. If we were already married, however, the answer is no. That level of commitment is not to be taken lightly.

evil2's avatar

hell ya, i would be knocking boots for the money, this kinda of offer doesnt come every day…...

wundayatta's avatar

Shoot, Sherlock! It’s been a secret dream of mine to work as a porn star for years. If they want to pay me more than the going rate, I’d take that deal! Especially if they were hot. If they were unattractive, I think my rate would go up.

tinyfaery's avatar

Fuck yeah, but of course, there are conditions. I have to have at least some attraction to the person and the amount would depend my level of attraction.

My wife and I have talked about this. We aren’t a typical couple. We don’t see each other as possessions and we value each other’s autonomy. We focus on us more than ourselves. If one night gave us great benefit I’d do it in a heart beat.

beautifulbobby193's avatar

If you were attracted to the person, wouldn’t that be less of a reason for you to do it from your wifes point of you? How would you feel if your wife received the proposal and said “yeah let’s go for it, he’s sexy so it will be lots of fun”? Wouldn’t you rather her say “ok at least he’s not Rocky Dennis, let’s just get this over with”.

tinyfaery's avatar

First of all, I am a woman with a wife. We have a special love. I deny her nothing. If she ended up falling for another, man or woman, I would wish her well. I love her. I want her to be happy.

She feels the same about me.

cyn's avatar

Do I look like a prostitute?
rhetorical question.

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