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jenandcolin's avatar

Podcast suggestions?

Asked by jenandcolin (2301points) December 3rd, 2009
13 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I have a 2 and ½ hour commute (each way)! I love podcasts…if I didn’t have them to listen to my ride would be horrible. As of now I listen to Real Time, This American Life, Wait…Wait, Stuff You Should Know, Stuff You Missed in History Class, Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know, Countdown, Moth, and Rachel Maddow.
But, even after all of these, I still need hours more of audio entertainment! Music is good, but I like to listen to podcasts on my commute more. Any good suggestions? Specifically, I would like an audio (not video) that lasts a half an hour or more. I would be very thankful for any suggestions!

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jenandcolin's avatar

Oh, I also listen to “Now on PBS” and “Risk!”

gemiwing's avatar

How about Car Talk?

syz's avatar


syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (1points)
jenandcolin's avatar

Thank you- I forgot about Car Talk! I had it for a while but then got rid of it (space on IPOD). I will bring it back!

Medlang's avatar

onion news! very funny

syz's avatar has podcasts.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (1points)
MacBean's avatar

I listen to most of those, too. :D I second @jaytkay‘s suggestion of Selected Shorts. You might also try New Yorker: Fiction, Escape Pod, Pseudopod, PodCastle, the Drabblecast, and/or Well-Told Tales, depending on your tastes. The stories aren’t always things that I love, but they’re very rarely bad, in my opinion.

PooperDood's avatar

Onion News or Collegehumor.

simpleD's avatar

How Stuff Works is funny and informative.

Anything on the TWiT network if you’re interested in anything tech related.

jenandcolin's avatar

Thanks to all for the suggestions!

sndfreQ's avatar

BBC Radio also has a number of podcasts and genres.

alekog's avatar

Indie Movie Cast

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