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BraveWarrior's avatar

Have you found an OTC weight loss product that actually worked for you?

Asked by BraveWarrior (1330points) December 10th, 2009
22 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I’ve tried Alli, Slim Shots, Control Tabs, and Full Bar, none of which did a thing for me. I just bought SlimQuick Appetite Control but haven’t tried it yet. I can’t use anything with caffeine because I have Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome & take a beta blocker to control tachycardia. I am going to the gym & watching what I eat, but am hoping to find something that will help me to eat less and/or help me lose weight faster. Before I spend any more money, I’m hoping someone has found something that is really worth the money because it actually works! Thanks!

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Likeradar's avatar

They are all scams designed to make your money go into someone else’s pocket.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Co-signing @Likeradar.

Eat less + move more + time = weight loss. That’s what works.

Facade's avatar

Alli should work.

gailcalled's avatar

Eat four green veggies, 1 yellow, one red and one orange (vegetable) daily. Eat one or two pieces of fresh, unsprayed fruit, eat some complex carbs (brown rice, barley, steel-cut oats, bulgur, quinoa, amaranth, some serious bread), eat beans, eat small amounts of fish and chicken if you must.

Don’t eat anything that is white (except cauliflower), don’t eat any processed foods, nothing with sugar, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners, make your own salad dressing, use low-fat dairy.

Save your money for a nice trip to a spa.

Likeradar's avatar

The only “OTC” thing that helped me lose a few when I was already eating less and moving more was a water bottle. I carry it everywhere. I got one with a straw, so it helped replaced my desire to stick munchies in my mouth, and all the water helped keep me full and gave me lovely, glowing skin.

BraveWarrior's avatar

@Facade Alli didn’t work for me because it blocks a percentage of the fat that you eat and does nothing for non-fat calories. Between having had my gallbladder out years ago & having reflux, I eat a very low-fat diet.

tedibear's avatar

Yes. 30 Day Shred Levels 1, 2 & 3 by Jillian Michaels and a treadmill.

BraveWarrior's avatar

I know that “eat less, exercise more” and drink lots of water is the best & healthiest way to weight loss & a healthy lifestyle. I also know that I am very weak & lacking in willpower. I am an emotional/stress eater and also hypoglycemic (which gives me sugar cravings) and in a sedentary 40 hour/week desk job where unhealthy and healthy snacks abound (especially during the holiday season where we get boxes of candy). I’m also a female in my mid 40’s so my metabolism isn’t what it was even 10 years ago. And I get discouraged very easily.

I am going to start a low Glycemic Load diet to help with my blood sugar & cravings and I work out on treadmill, elliptical, and other machines at a gym 2–4 days/week. But if I’m snacking all day on tomatoes & fruit and eating too large portions, I’m either going to gain weight or maintain.

So what I’m looking for is not what I should eat, but what might help me to eat less when I’m lacking willpower or are tempted to graze or overeat. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking… <sigh> :(

Facade's avatar

@BraveWarrior In that case, just exercise more.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yeah; the OTC stuff honestly, truly, really doesn’t work, at least not without pause-giving side effects.

75movies's avatar

“But if I’m snacking all day on tomatoes & fruit and eating too large portions, I’m either going to gain weight or maintain.”

Snacking all day and eating too large portions is part of a recommended diet plan? What happens when you end the diet? What is the author’s name? So I can shoot him.

faye's avatar

Hoodia Gordonii is the next one I’m going to try. It is supposedly a healthy appetite suppressant.

BraveWarrior's avatar

You might want to check out this article:
Hoodia Gordonii Review

Here is an excerpt from the above article which was written by Cathy Wong (Cathy Wong, ND, CNS, is a licensed naturopathic doctor and an American College of Nutrition-certified nutrition specialist. Cathy has 10 years of research, clinical, and teaching experience in the field of complementary and alternative medicine. In addition to her experience in private practice, she was a consultant to the spa industry. )

“How Does Hoodia Gordonii Work?
Despite its popularity, there are no published randomized controlled trials in humans to show hoodia is safe or effective in pill form.

One study published in the September 2004 issue of Brain Research found that injections of p57 into the appetite center of rat brains resulted in altered levels of ATP, an energy molecule that may affect hunger. The animals receiving the P57 injections also ate less than rats that received placebo injections. However, this was an animal study and injections in the brain are different from oral consumption, so it cannot be used to show that oral hoodia can suppress appetite in humans.

The manufacturer Phytopharm cites a clinical trial involving 18 human volunteers that found hoodia consumption reduced food intake by about 1000 calories per day compared to a placebo group. Although intriguing, the study wasn’t published or subjected to a peer-review process, so the quality of the study cannot be evaluated.

What are the Side Effects of Hoodia?
There are some potential side effects of hoodia that you should be aware of…. ”

75movies's avatar

“there’s no solid evidence from scientifically sound clinical trials that hoodia is an effective tool for weight loss.” – taken from the Mayo Clinic’s website.

faye's avatar

Sigh, If it sounds too good to be true…

BraveWarrior's avatar

@faye Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m starting to learn, too :(

75movies's avatar

Don’t get so glum chums. Going for a bicycle ride is both fun and exercise. Same with hopscotch, chasing the Ice Cream Man, and playing frisbee with a pooch.

BraveWarrior's avatar

@75movies Yes, of course there are lots of great & enjoyable ways to get in more exercise. The problem is time… working 1 full time & 2 part time jobs plus other responsibilities doesn’t give me much more time than the 2 hours or so at the gym 3–4 days a week so I was hoping for some help to lose weight a bit faster in conjunction with a low GL diet and my gym workouts.

tedibear's avatar

If you are an emotional/stress eater, I suggest the “Food and Feelings Workbook” by Karen Koenig. I only got part way through and can tell you that now, I rarely eat my feelings. When I do, I’m completely aware of it. Hopefully, that can help you with one component of your weightloss journey.

BraveWarrior's avatar

@tedibear39 Thank you, I appreciate your suggestion.

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