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Narl's avatar

What are some ways to "sneak" in exercising?

Asked by Narl (1814points) December 10th, 2009
17 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I already park far away and take the stairs when available, but what are some other ways to sneak in exercise throughout my day? Sex as many times as possible is another one I try to do. What do you do?

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delirium's avatar

Sex. Stairs. Forgetting things downstairs. Walking some every few hours (also good in general if you work in an office). Playing with the dog.

marinelife's avatar

Get a dog and walk it regularly.

MissAnthrope's avatar

My suggestions have already been mentioned, stairs, walking a dog, parking far away. :)

When I waited tables at Olive Garden, I picked up and carried so many trays in a day that I started to get defined arm muscles for the first time ever. I liked that, so I would intentionally load up my tray heavier and heavier to get the muscles to burn.

You could probably do something similar if you have to lift anything during the day.. I’ve been known to pump juice bottles and stuff.

Chatfe's avatar

Isometrics at the office.

FiRE_MaN's avatar

walk instead of taking the elevator. don’t park as close as you can to your destination when in a parking lot, that also makes it easier to find your car if there are no others around it +) haha.

Facade's avatar

watch tv standing up

MagsRags's avatar

Turn on dance music and boogie while you do chores.

SeventhSense's avatar

Leave your house keys in a gym locker on your way to work. Retrieve, work out and go home.

bea2345's avatar

Buy a pair of sneakers. Walk everywhere.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

A burst of dancing for 2–3 songs in the morning
Run or trot instead of walk up stairs
Sex is the very best exercise, it works!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Spark People’s got videos of workouts to do at your desk!

I jump rope sometimes. It’s fun!

Xilas's avatar

anything that will increase your heart rate – i pushed on a brick wall once for 15 minutes and was really sore the nxt day.

janbb's avatar

Most of mine have been taken already too. Here’s one additional; find a baby or toddler to play with – airplane, chase, etc. Great work-out!

Darwin's avatar

Work out at home to an exercise DVD.

Park three lanes farther than you would have, or walk to the farther bus stop. Better yet, hoof it to your destination, or ride a bicycle.

Mall strolling.

Improvise a belly-dancing class. Put on Shakira or similar music and start handing out the scarves to your partner. Now, shimmy!

Find a companion who likes to dance and go do it.

VohuManah's avatar

Set an egg timer, and every ten minutes on the computer, get up and do some laps around your house/apartment. Or run in place.

Every time you do activity x, do some form of exercise (Every time you open the fridge, do ten push-ups).

Get a small weight or hand-exerciser and set it by your desk.

Time yourself to see how quickly you can do something; you will burn more calories this way.

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TehRoflMobile's avatar

It depends on your level of athleticism or how much exercise you really want to sneak in.
I tend to get board pretty quickly around the house so I will do stuff like rather then walking somewhere (lets say to the kitchen) I’ll do a crocodile walk, (hands and feet, back and butt straight with a push up for every step) or do some lunges. Or I’ll bound up the stairs or just jump up 4 of them at a time.
This stuff may seem to be a bit to much of an exercise for some people which is understandable.

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