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Zacky's avatar

Are you a pacifist?

Asked by Zacky (793points) December 12th, 2009
26 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

I’m wondering if you sometimes deal with problems physically or is any kind of violence not in your character.

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75movies's avatar

First off I love that your particular avatar is right next to this question. I think that non-violent means of dealing with a problem lends itself more to converting the “opposition” to your way of thinking instead of forcing them to pretend to go along. Of course the above precludes that you would win a physically confrontation.

Imagine if marketing departments, instead of appealing to your wants/needs/desires, just beat the crap out of you and dragged you to the check out line with their product in tow. You might not buy that product next time when they weren’t looking.

spacemonkey's avatar

i have been working on last arrest for battery was November of last year so i must be doing something right.everyday is a challenge.some people are just begging to get torqued.begging.

skyfilms85's avatar

I don’t know that I would stand on a soapbox proclaiming pacifism, but it tends to be my nature. In my opinion, love and kindness are always the answer. I have no right to judge anyone, as in to fix someone else’s “wrong”.

Cman's avatar

i like a good fight now and again. I admit it.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

No, but I’m very selective about what I’ll use violence for. Defense of my country, my home, my self or an innocent person being attacked. I carry a pistol, properly licensed, but would only use it in extremis.

missingbite's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Couldn’t have said it better myself. Never be a victim.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Violence isn’t really in my character. That’s not to say I wouldn’t become violent should it become necessary.. like if someone breaks into my house and tries to hurt my wife or my kids… they wouldn’t exit perfectly healthy.

Angels21fvryoung's avatar

physically always, i feel there is no other way to take care of things. BUT violence should only be used when there is no other way to take care of such problems ;)

filmfann's avatar

I studied the teachings of Gandhi in college. Physical violence is almost always wrong.
The only exceptions I would make would be for pedifiles, Ann Coultier, and Rick-Rollers.

(Chompers! Sic balls!)

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

This documentary actually displays how violence is often a necessary and viable option.

75movies's avatar

@filmfann “The only exceptions I would make would be for… Ann Coultier…”

I believe it’s considered rude to hit a man in high heels.

hug_of_war's avatar

I would never consider myself a pacifist, but I would only resort to violence as a last resort. I definitely agree witth not letting yourself be a victim. There have been times when I should have reacted physically but I didn’t and it would have saved me a lot of emotional pain.

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

Violence begets violence. But self defense is just that.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t do violence.

And even if I wanted to, I’m too wussy and feeble lol.

Blondesjon's avatar

I am the biggest pacifist you will ever meet and if anybody has a problem with that I’ll whip your fucking ass.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

If possible it is best to follow the teaching of Sun Tzu and defeat your enemy by manuever and psyops without firing a shot.

MENSAN's avatar

I would assume so, as I live closer to the Pacifist Ocean, than the Atlantic one.

jaketheripper's avatar

I am a pacifist, It comes from my understanding of christian teachings about loving other people as yourself and what not. I don’t believe violence is ever the best answer. Sometimes it sucks to be a pacifist…

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’ll turn the other cheek, sure.

Any shenianigans after that, I’d look out if I were you! I’ve only got so many cheeks.

Alrook's avatar

I’m too lazy to put up a fight…but I do stand up for my family, be it with fists weapons or words (friends and strangers are on their own).

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Aprilsimnel : I’ll turn the othe cheek, but only after rendering the attacker hors de combat.

ratboy's avatar

Only because I’m a wimp. If I were built like a fridge, I’d kick ass for no reason at all.

MENSAN's avatar

All joking aside, it is claimed by the folks at DC Comics that SUPERMAN is a Pacifist. i believe that. He sure acts like one.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I oppose war or violence as a means of settling disputes or gaining advantage. In my view of a perfect world, people will have learned to control their violent nature and redirect the energy generated to everyone’s mutual benefit.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,and you can’t make me ;)

TexasDude's avatar

I’m a pacifist until it’s time to “pass a fist.”

No violence for me unless my loved ones or I am threatened. Then it’s go time.

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