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toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Ladies: Do you ever wear mens cologne?

Asked by toomuchcoffee911 (6928points) December 12th, 2009
32 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’m not talking about the really strong, musky stuff (unless you’re into that) but is there a scent that you like so much that you sometimes like to wear it yourself?

And I suppose I can ask men if it’s a turn-on or a turn-off.

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StillStephanie's avatar

I used to wear my ex bf’s Axe.. it smelt soooooooo goood. We always fought over it.. I always wanted to take it from him, but he never let me :(

juwhite1's avatar

Yes – When my husband is out of town and I miss him.

NUNYA's avatar

yes, I have. When my S/O was out of town I would so I could have his “smell’ around me! I do love that smell!!!!

laureth's avatar

I did that after a break-up for a while. I went out and found a bottle of the kind of cologne he wore (Egoïste), and would spritz a bit. Eventually I couldn’t stand that smell any more, and that’s when I knew I’d moved on!

janbb's avatar

Canoe used to be the sexiest men’s cologne – on men or women.

rangerr's avatar

I’ll wear men’s Old Spice deodorant when I’m working on the ranch, it smells good and works better than the girly stuff when it’s 104 degrees outside.

Outside of that, not really.

stemnyjones's avatar

I wear cologne most of the time.. not very musky ones (or any that remind me of my dad, because I feel weird if I walk around smelling like him), but lighter-scented ones.

But I’m a lesbian, and that’s pretty common among us.

I always wear men’s deodorant, though… usually Old Spice but every once in a while Degree for Men.. because I have hyperhydrosis and it works better.

laureth's avatar

My mom, also a lesbian, used to wear men’s musk all the time, btw.

stemnyjones's avatar

@laureth I discovered my favorite cologne in my mom’s bathroom (who is also a lesbian) ;D

pouncey's avatar

No I don’t think so but one of my friends mom gave him cologne and he didn’t want it and he asked if any in my old classes wanted some and i took it. HATED the smell.

fireinthepriory's avatar

I don’t wear any perfume or cologne, but I wear men’s deodorant, so that’s what I usually smell like. And man, it smells AWESOME. (Mitchum smart solid, “Marine”.) And my ex-gf used to wear the chocolate Axe, which was also delightful.

rooeytoo's avatar

I’m not a lesbian but I often find men’s cologne much less cloying and heavy as women’s perfume, so yes!

If it smells good and light, I wear it, I don’t much care what it says on the label.

@janbb – I agree, but I think we are showing our age, hehehehe.

Facade's avatar

I’ll probably never do that. I like smelling and being feminine.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I don’t wear any scent except my own.

lonelydragon's avatar

Occasionally. Sometimes I need a break from the overpowering florals in women’s cologne. But I don’t usually go for the musky ones like Old Spice. I’m more likely to wear Candies for Men.

Xilas's avatar

on the opposite spectrum of things…
i wear women’s perfume sometimes – but i have a certain theory on its usefulness, and it smells great

augustlan's avatar

I will occasionally wear my husband’s Old Spice deodorant. Or one of his (barely worn) shirts. It always makes me feel warm and cuddly to be surrounded in his scent. :)

Violet's avatar

I sometimes wear my bf’s deodorant when it’s an emergency

rooeytoo's avatar

@Xilas – let me guess at its usefulness, you are a serial killer and if you smell like a woman’s mother or best friend, it puts them at ease and you can more easily lure them into your trap?

Xilas's avatar

@rooeytoo HAHA – no but thats good

i live and attend college in a college town – so when girls smell alittle bit of “another girls” perfume on me – they smell competition.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Xilas – I am relieved to hear that my supposition is incorrect!

But what do you mean by “they smell competition?” Is that an enticement? Because it is always being said that women are not comptetitve, makes me curious what you feel it accomplishes?

pearls's avatar

In my younger days I used to wear a men’s cologne called Jade East.

mclaugh's avatar

i never have, except in case of emergencies. my ex used to always leave his tshirts lying around my place and he’d make sure to spray some axe on them and on the teddy bear he gave me before he left for work or wherever he was off to, cause he knew i liked his smell.. it was kind of sweet! always reminded me of him and it was nice to have when i missed him. awwh, i miss him. :(

laureth's avatar

I’m trying to think of what would constitute a cologne emergency.

mclaugh's avatar

@laureth lol… i forgot to mention that i wasnt talking about cologne! i was talking about underarm.. and for me, underarm emergencies do happen since i sweat alot. :)

laureth's avatar

Aaah, okay! :) Understood!

Jude's avatar

Personally, I like feminine scents on me. As far as my girl, feminine or a nice musk. My ex used to wear a men’s cologne and I found it overpowering and it gave me a headache after awhile. Not my thang.

deni's avatar

I dont wear anything regularly but if i’m passing the cologne section i will drown myself in Lacoste, because my boyfriend wears it and i miss him and it smells soo damn good. then im happy the rest of the day but i probably drive people away because i smell so strong hahh

OneMoreMinute's avatar

yes. But only these three lovely ones….
“Ajaccio Violets” and “Skye” by Geo F Trumper…..made in England. sooo deliciouse!
And mens “Hanae Mori” soooo soft!

TheOnlyException's avatar

I love love wearing Old Spice.
In general I find women’s perfumes/deodorants to be fairly weak, and most of them smell too flowery and fruity for my taste, which can quickly turn rancid on a muggy day x_o

Old Spice reminds me of what my father wore when I was younger, he doesn’t use it anymore, but it brings back memories of times when I would spend Saturday mornings just watching cartoons or we would go down to the park and feed the birds.
So I wear it for the whole daily nostalgia trip, olfactory senses are exceptionally strong in connection to memories, more so than sight or sound.
But regardless of that I think it smells amazing in its own right!

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