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CakeOrDeath's avatar

Does God have a sense of humour?

Asked by CakeOrDeath (106points) December 14th, 2009
37 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

With your perception or if there are any instances in the bible. Does he ‘get’ our humor, is he humorous etc

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proXXi's avatar

Yes, but according to Depeche Mode it’s a sick one.

visualplant's avatar

Yes, mortality is his series of jokes.

Berserker's avatar

Japanese animation exists.

So yes.

styfle's avatar

My friends and I were just talking about this today. I know a girl who prayed that she felt her faith was all dried up and she compared it to a drought. A minute later shes walking across a lawn and the sprinklers turn on.

Dog's avatar

To me the proof is in the platypus. Just look at those things! Totally created for humor!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (7points)
keithold's avatar

G’day CakeorDeath,

Thanks for your question.

I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumours but I think that God has a sick sense of humour. link


mellow_girl's avatar

god has to have a sense of humour, look at all of the crap that’s going on in the world…

Haleth's avatar

Or maybe it’s just a sense of poetic justice? Anyway, I don’t believe in a god.

JLeslie's avatar

If there is a God He probably laughs at us all of the time.

richardhenry's avatar

Do unicorns have a sense of humor?

whatthefluther's avatar

@richardhenry….I answer to “wtf”....that’s indicative of a sense of humor, don’t you think? See ya…...Gary/wtf

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

If you want him to, then he does. No one can say “God is….” any more, as every religious person modifies their religion for their own point of view.

daemonelson's avatar

Sarah Palin.

He’s a sick puppy.

ratboy's avatar

Take a look in the mirror.

Finny's avatar

You would hope so.

TheJoker's avatar

….... haven’t you taken a look at male genetalia?

Roby's avatar

The fact that he created Cockroaches is proof enough for me

SirGoofy's avatar

Well of course…he made YOU didn’t he?

Qingu's avatar

No. There are no instances anywhere in the Bible where Yahweh is portrayed as having a sense of humor that I am familiar with.

However, Paul is a fan of dick jokes. (In Galatians he makes a funny about how he wishes a pro-circumcision rival sect of Christians would circumsize themselves all the way and cut their whole dicks off. Ha, ha, ha!)

AstroChuck's avatar

He must have. He couldn’t have been too serious a dude if he made me.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

From making Balaam’s donkey talk to his response to Job’s moment of anger(Num.22:21–34, and Job 38), there are numerous instances that can be taken as God being humorous. It is an effort to make a profound impact on the target du jour, and worked flawlessly. A modern example is the arrogance that comes from people that insist that He isn’t real, but couldn’t defend their point of view logically and beyond retort, without becoming abusive and angry. Really very funny.

proXXi's avatar

@TheJoker, Male genitalia is lovely, mine included. Try again.

Qingu's avatar

@Ghost_in_the_system, oh my, that sounds like a challenge.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

@Qingo, I am all about broadened horizons, I am all for an origional argument from an athiest. If they could explain, calmly and logically or without trotting out the impression that their lack of belief in God is actually just an attempt to start an argument, I would love to hear it.

Qingu's avatar

Alright… for which god do you want me to explain my lack of belief in?

Are we talking Yahweh here, or Allah, or Ahura Mazda, or did you have something like the Deist clockmaker god in mind?

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Take your pick.

Qingu's avatar

Alright. I’m less familiar with Ahura Mazda than the others, but I’ve seen no evidence of his existence beyond the documents and traditions of an esoteric religious sect (which, obviously, doesn’t really count as “evidence”). The ideas behind this sect can be traced back to nascent Persian and perhaps Hindu mythology.

Also, the fundamental idea surrounding Ahura Mazda and his religion—that of a dualist opposition between created order and chaos—is fundamentally incorrect based on what we know about how complexity emerges from simpler forms of organization. It’s a naive worldview indicative of the bronze-age people who by all evidence invented/adapted the myths alleging this guy’s existence.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Wonderfully refreshing. Thank you for a well reasoned and intelligent argument. And not one mention of evolution. Seriously, if everyone could take the time to evaluate what they believe seriously, many religions would falter under the scrutiny.

Qingu's avatar

Um. Evolution is a textbook example of complex things emerging from simple things.

So which god were you talking about? I had assumed Yahweh, but you know what they say about assumptions.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Evolution is very real true, but as some would have one believe that it and any God figure to be mutually exclusive. Personal preference does go into Yahweh, not that I am closed off to an intelligent point of view. I have studied many different religions and cults none of which makes as much sense or hold up as well. Atheism flounders as well, due to the sheer volume of unanswered or unanswerable questions. But, that is MY point of view, and everyone has one.

Qingu's avatar

Evolution is mutually exclusive with Yahweh, a god who creates humans out of clay either before (Genesis 2) or after (Genesis 1, in a wonderful contradiction) creating the rest of the plants and animals one by one.

That’s why I asked. Are you sure you actually prefer Yahweh? The god who, in addition to specially creating each life form, also created the world in six days (the sun on the third), crafted the sky out of a solid dome that holds up an above-sky ocean, and personally handed down a bunch of laws to a guy named Moses, including laws commanding slavery and genocide?

If you don’t believe any of those things happened, I don’t really understand in what sense your “preference” goes to Yahweh.

Also, I don’t understand how “unanswered questions” affects the view that no gods exist, anymore than it affects the view that no fairies exist. See God of the Gaps.

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Life “evolves” to adapt to its environment, changing with successive generation, but it had to start somewhere. One minute nothing, the next the world as we know it? Big bang? Something had to be there to bang, where did it come from? Man only recently(in the grand scheme)has come to grips with time and the ideal way to count it. Who is to say what a “day” is/was to God? There are many questions asked to be answered that haven’t been in any other way yet. If you want to say ,definatively that He doesn’t exist have to be able to say where all existance came from.

Qingu's avatar

@Ghost_in_the_system, you are correct, life had to start somewhere. Evidence suggests it started in the oceans, in primitive cell-like lipid bilayer membranes. (Lipids, when mixed with water, spontaneously form cell-sized enclosing bubbles. These can even divide in a process similar to cell division under certain conditions).

Like many religious people, you completely misunderstand the Big Bang Theory. It’s not:

1:00. Nothing.
2:00. Nothing.
3:00. Nothing.
3:34. BOOM! Big bang occurs.

There was no time before the Big Bang. Space and time are the same fabric. To put it another way, time is finite, but boundless—there is no “edge” to it. In the same way the surface of the earth has a finite area, but there isn’t any “edge” or “boundary.” The north pole on the earth is the northernmost point, but you don’t fall off the earth if you go past it. Similarly, the Big Bang is the “earliest” point in the universe, but it’s not an edge. Stephen Hawking talks about this at length in A Brief History of Time.

Even if Yahweh was creating in slowed-down days, he still is described as having created stuff in the wrong order. We know, for example, that the sun came into existence before the earth. And that day and night do not even make sense as concepts without a sun. (Of course, for a bronze-age nomad adapting Mesopotamian mythology, this conception might make sense.)

And you have a bizarre standard for “saying that Yahweh doesn’t exist.” Can’t you make the same argument for people claiming Ahura Mazda doesn’t exist? Do I really need to have all the answers to the Universe’s mysteries before declaring that Zeus and Thor are made-up mythological characters? Again, this is the “God of the gaps” argument. You think you can prove God’s existence by pointing to the (shrinking) realm of phenomena not yet explained by science and assuming he lives in there. It’s just weird.

proXXi's avatar

God’s sense of humor is responsible for the Pontiac Aztek…

SomeoneElse's avatar

I reckon He has.
Nudists, cryogenics and that missing particle – bet He has a chuckle about that.

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