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yourface420's avatar

Can you get ink poisoning from making a real homade tattoo with a sharpie?

Asked by yourface420 (14points) December 14th, 2009
47 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Okay so i got a sharpie retractible fine point and i made a tattoo design and i was looking to make it permanant like a real one so i used a needle and i stabbed the skin to make this and then burnt it with a hot peice of metal can i die or anything from this please tell me!

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Spirit_of_the_Nomad's avatar

I’m pretty sure that sharpie ink is not intended to be used as tattoo ink. If you are interested in DIY tattoos make sure you aren’t using anything that’s going to poison the person getting the tattoo.
I just read the details – call sharpie and find out if you should go to a doctor or not.

spacemonkey's avatar

no you wont die but you should think things through a little better.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

I don’t know about a sharpie, what do they use in prison?

J0E's avatar

FYI: Never ask if something will kill you after you do it.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (19points)
curlysue's avatar

I dont know but you could get a nice case of blood poisoning.

UScitizen's avatar

What you are asking about could result in a wide range of bacterial infections. DON’T DO IT! Worst case scenario MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This can be fatal.

fireinthepriory's avatar

You might want to call Poison Control. 1–800-222–1222 if you live in the US.

randomness's avatar

Sharpie ink probably could poison you, as it’s not meant to be put inside the body. I’d go to a doctor if I were you….

tyrantxseries's avatar

Don’t listen to them, DO IT you will be fine, and it will look great when your done….
Also you can drill a hole through your head,,,just like on ghostbusters, don’t ever let anyone tell you different…

yourface420's avatar

okay so can i die from it or not bc i tryed to get it off and its not coming off well

randomness's avatar

@yourface420 Here’s what you should do…..

I mean, really…. Ohhh I’ve just burned my body and put a whole lot of ink in there…. plus I think I might die…. I’d better sit around here on Fluther instead of seeking medical attention…...

yourface420's avatar

exactly i really dont feel like going to a doctor and tell them so i can goto a mental hospital bc you know if you like tats and your not old unuf to get them and do it ur self your automatically insane.

tyrantxseries's avatar

lol don’t worry, they won’t send you to a mental hospital for that, they will just call you an idiot for doing that

randomness's avatar

@yourface420 Honestly, you’ve pretty much made the insanity case against yourself strong already, going to a doctor won’t make it any worse.

Seriously, who tries to give themselves a tattoo with a sharpie?!?! Who??!!

tyrantxseries's avatar

lol, apparently yourface420 does

@yourface420, how old are you

randomness's avatar

@yourface420 You’re 16?!?! Couldn’t you just wait two years…? I think a small wait is preferable to ink poisoning and then death, don’t you? Why didn’t you do some research (at least) and find a better way to go about this?

yourface420's avatar

because im having a “wonderfull” day my girlfriend broke up with me i hit my head getting off the bus and i didnt think about it at the time i got most of the crap off and i didnt get sleep last night i was up till one am and got up at five for school.

yourface420's avatar

and im pretty sure noones brain works well like that

tyrantxseries's avatar

what was this “tattoo” (using this term extremely loosely) of?

yourface420's avatar

it was of the chinese sybol of “zen” not a large“tattoo” it is lik 1 in length and an inch width on wrist

randomness's avatar

@yourface420 so… you had a bad day, you didn’t get enough sleep, and you decided that the way to fix this would be to get a tattoo…? I go to bed at around 3–4am most nights, and I get up at 6 for school, yet I’ve never put sharpie ink into my skin as a fix-it….

I’d recommend medical attention immediately. Sure, the doctor might think you’re a nut, but that’s better than ending up with severe ink poisoning. Also, I’ve just read that you did this on your wrist… if you messed with the many blood vessels going through there, you could be in a lot of trouble….

Also, if you have issues with lack of sleep, and if you find that you are depressed due to your recent relationship issues, you should probably see a counsellor.

tyrantxseries's avatar

post a pic of it, I would love to see this

yourface420's avatar

sorry not all of us can be like you your majesty not all of us are happy no matter what most people are depressed when there are relationship issues
and i hate counslers never again will i see one.

randomness's avatar

@yourface420 Okay, if you don’t like counselors, perhaps you have some friends, or a family member you can talk to?

Also, I’m not happy no matter what, I just practice dealing with my problems in healthy ways. It’s probably something you should try, I don’t know you, but I’d rather you not die of ink poisoning :)

yourface420's avatar

@tyrantxseries its my default pic not that great but whateve

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

I think you will live without seeking medical attention. If it starts to swell it may be infected and then you might want to go to a Dr. or at least put an antibiotic on it.
Think it through a little more next time, ink is permanent, I should know, I have a gang of it.

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

@yourface420 Not to shabby from what I can see of it. Maybe you should let a real artist clean it up with some real ink.

yourface420's avatar

well ive been trying to get it off with rubbing alch @Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby thanks if i was older i would but wirght now i cant

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

@yourface420 Right, the 18 as well as the parent thing. Well, 2yrs. isn’t that long to wait. Gives you plenty of time to think it over and not get something you will regret later on.

yourface420's avatar

@Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby yeah well i have been wanting to do this scince i was 14½ and the only undecided part is where i like the wrist tho

tyrantxseries's avatar

@Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby ya, it doesn’t look too bad, (bigger pic)

doesn’t look deep, so you might slip by, could develop an infection like @Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby says, keep an eye on it for a wile..

only get tattoos with personal meaning, not “off the wall” tattoos

fundevogel's avatar

I actually know some one that tattooed themselves with a needle and writing ink. It certainly isn’t the quality you see from a good artist but it healed and looks ok.

At this point I’d recommend you follow the aftercare advice for any tattoo: Treat it like and open wound. Keep it clean, but don’t allow too much contact with water. Keep it moisturized with an unscented lotion like lubiderm. It will probably flake or scab and get itchy, but don’t pick at it. Lotion will keep the itching down, if its still too itchy to stand you can smack it. Redness and swelling is normal for the first day and it will probably remained raised until it heals. However if it is red longer than a day you might have an infection which can be very serious and will require medical attention

And next time, go to a professional.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You hit your head? How hard? Did you tell your parent(s)/caretaker? You could have a concussion!

yourface420's avatar

@aprilsimnel it wasnt hard and ther is a thin pad above the door but i hit the metal to but it just left me with and anoying pain its gone now and no my guardian doesnt know anything i realy dont feel the need to tell her she is my older sis and i will prob get the death sentance and i was going to tell her l8r like a week or so but yeah i dont know haha

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar


yourface420's avatar

to what are you asking

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@yourface420 I am asking…you know I don’t know why you don’t know what I’m asking…why did you think this was ever a good idea?

yourface420's avatar

@Simone De Beauvoir
because i wanted a tattoo and i didnt think about it at the time cuase (see above) and so yeah…

stratman37's avatar

I once saw a guy who had a home-made tattoo on his arm that read: “Hell’s Angle”

When I pointed out to the guy that he had mis-spelled “Angel”, he was adamant about having spelled it correctly.

I decided that showing him a dictionary might ruin his day for days to come, and I dropped the matter.

fundevogel's avatar

Perhaps it referred to a particularly heinous pair of lines radiating from a single point.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Based on the fact that you asked “can I die” after you did this I have just four words: Potential Darwin Award Candidate.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown dude I was just thinking that yesterday as I washed the dishes…then I thought ‘stop it, you’re so mean’

ericabanerica's avatar

Yes, anything foreign that enters your bloodstream is considered a poison. The real question is, how much of it will be considered harmful?

yourface420's avatar

well it seems fine its been a few days and i haven’t noticed any harm so i guess I’m good thanks everyone plus now Ive got a great looking piece.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@yourface420 is that it in your avatar?

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