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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Secret to immortality, what would you do if you found it?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) December 15th, 2009
42 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Lets say hypothetically while you were trying to recreate a old family brownie receipe you stumbled on the secret to immortality. You realize this because you stopped aging while everyone else you know just got older and older. What would you do? Would you seek a patent and try to make a mint off the formula? Would you share what you know and share the brownies not the receipe with them to keep them young? Would you share all, and give them the receipe? Or would you tell no one and stay mum about it?

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styfle's avatar

I would shoot myself to fix the problem.

absalom's avatar

It’s kind of a curse, and I’d rather not impose that curse on anyone else. Don’t think I’d tell anybody.

chesspiece's avatar

Call my friend and be like “Dude, you’ll never guess what just happened”.

loser's avatar

I’d be bummed that I didn’t find the brownie receipe.

Zen_Again's avatar

I’d sell it to the highest bidder. Have fun the rest of my natural life.

Oh, I woudn’t keep the recipe for myself. Wouldn’t want A. to live more than 120 (I’m Jewish) b. The responsibility c. Nudniks bugging me all the time. And a long, but eventual life.

Berserker's avatar

Weed brownies just ain’t what they used to be…

I’d do the most logical thing; sell em and get rich.

Thammuz's avatar

1) Patent
2) Essay
3) Peer Review
4) Sell it at insanely low prices (Although with a profit margin)
5) Make huanity immortal
6) Nobel price
7) Flee to some deserted island and live there until people realize that life has no meaning once you can’t die.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Good question. I’d hide it at Hogwarts.

timothykinney's avatar

I think people misunderstand the true problem of immortality. If even one person became immortal every generation, the whole world would finally become unlivable for everything but immortal beings. It would be the end of progress since evolution requires death and natural selection and reproduction to continue. With immortality, there is no need to reproduce. There is no need to educate.

If a secret for immortality were discovered, I would do everything in my power to prevent it from becoming known by others. It is the natural order of things for a species to arise and then to fall. There is no reason humanity should continue indefinitely. If the sun goes out or a comet hits the Earth, so be it. It’s been a good ride in the interim.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Thammuz timothykinney makes a good point, if humanity were made immortal less murder and wars ets the Earth would eventually run out of room. We might have to have more wars to keep the population down and keep the food supply from being striped away, though that might be the catalyst for many future wars. If you sold it, pretty soon it would be worthless unless those who had it wanted to get more from it by getting rid of the competition (and they might do it in deadly ugly ways). That could be worse than the drug wars.

rooeytoo's avatar

I would keep eating the brownies until I got sick of them and sick of this life and then end it all with a flourish!

YARNLADY's avatar

@rooeytoo Eat yourself to death on immortality brownies – it boggles the mind.

Jacket's avatar

I would roam the streets at night and solve crimes.

TheJoker's avatar

I’d share it with the person I love & my closest friends & family. I’d probably recommend them not to take it but I would give them the choice.

belakyre's avatar

@Jacket Skulduggery Pleasant much?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Being immortal doesn’t mean invincible or indistructable so I’d go easy on the super hero gig :-)

bunnygrl's avatar

@styfle I agree I wouldn’t want to be immortal either. Watching everyone around you grow older and then die would be my personal hell. Besides if you’d discovered the secret to everlasting life imagine the horrible folk who’d be after you to exploit it for personal gain not for the better of mankind at all….ok, comspiracy theories running through my head here too many X files episodes watched over the years lol. Does anyone remember the end of Zardoz? where the immortals all want more than anything to just be allowed to die?

In answer to your question, if i found it I’d burn it. Mankind has not evolved yet to where we could deal with such a concept and I don’t think that we ever will.
hugs xx

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Eat a raw onion. That’ll make you immortal.

Bagardbilla's avatar

Would it come with milk? ;)

Poopy's avatar

I would destroy it, I have no desire to live forever.

CMaz's avatar

Would that be immortality with the inability to get sick or hurt?

If just immortality I would be pretty bummed. Probably pass the brownies on to some people I hate.

If I never have to worry about health issues or disfigurement. Sounds like something I would be willing to take a spin for a few hundred years before deciding to tell anyone.

Silhouette's avatar

I’d toss the brownies in the trash and I’d burn the recipe. The worst thing in the world we could do to life is end death.

ccrow's avatar

The way I tweak recipes, I would most likely not be able to remember exactly how I made them…

Xann009's avatar

I’d try to find a mix of enjoying my immortality and learning every thing I could. I’d go to college and take every major you could think of. I’d be, in all senses, Gandalf! Hahaha.

CMaz's avatar

I take it back. I do not want immortality. Unless I can also have super strength with a powerful energy beam that I shoot from my body.
What if for some reason you get buried under tons of rock and earth.

You could be trapped for a millennia.
That would suck.

dpworkin's avatar

I would call Batman and tell him Superman said he’s a doody-head. Then I would call Superman and tell him that Batman dissed him. Then I would see who wins the fight.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@pdworkin Batman would win

dpworkin's avatar

would not

Jacket's avatar

@pdworkin Bale-Batman would. Not the Clooney one though. No. Not the Clooney one.

Only138's avatar

I would sell some, eat some, and give some to friends and family.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@Jacket Was Clooney Batman???

Jacket's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown Well, he tried to be. But it was another century then. They had different values.

Utta_J's avatar

i would stay mum because word gets around FAST and you never know what kind of person wants a hold of it maybe a person that would do anything to get it….and alot of people would want it including the high authoritys like the government or kind of cool…

barbiedoll's avatar

I believe we have immortality. However, I’m sure this is suggesting physical immortality like the vampires. If so, I would want it to stop the aging process around 25. There was a really old movie that enacted this. I think it was Shangrila. I saw it as a kid and my parents told me about it. Oh, yes.

stevenb's avatar

I found that recipe years ago. That’s why people can’t believe me when I tell them my age. Now if I could only save money and be a rich immortal. It bites living paycheck to paycheck for eternity.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@stevenb That is almost impossible to live for an eternity and NOT become rich? It is too impossible. You can buy a piece of art today and 70, 95, 120 years from now it could be worth millions, not to mention stocks. Stop job hunting, with the right company you can out live everyone and end up the freak’n CEO!

stevenb's avatar

I should have bought apple and Microsoft in the early eighties. Missed that one.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@styfle That would not be a problem. It is not a forced immortality, simply don’t eat the brownies and you will die eventually like any other person who did not have it. You do not have to shoot yourself to escape life, when you got tired, no more brownies. ;-)

Thammuz's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central That’s what the 7) point is for: avoiding the aftermath.

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