Meta Question

wundayatta's avatar

Does anyone else feel out of control?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) December 15th, 2009

I used to be everywhere on fluther. I would check in and see what was happening, and sometimes I would try to move conversations back on a more salutary track (or at least, I flatter myself that I did so). But there’s too much going on now. I can’t keep up with it. I wonder if the moderators can? I have the image of little fires breaking out all over the place.

Has your fluther experience become more disjointed? Do you think it will quiet down or will it remain this way? How is it affecting you, personally?

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10 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

I used to answer more questions but with so many, I now tend to skip to ones I feel that need an answer or that I can really add something to.

It’s already calmed down a bit so I’m not worried. I view it like hitting the gas on a good car. You get a bit of a jolt at first, then you become used to the speed.

DominicX's avatar

To be honest, the increase in activity is a good thing in my opinion. Yeah, there are a lot more questions to check, but I’m glad to see more activity. I’ve always wanted a little more activity. The only thing I don’t like is I have a tendency to miss out on really good questions and by the time I post, people have already stopped following and no one will see responses… :(

andrew's avatar

I hang out in the Questions tab. It’s wonderful.

Harp's avatar

Questions aren’t staying on the main page very long, so they don’t get as much attention over time.

I’m a very slow typist, so by the time I grunt out one of my answers, ten others have landed in front of me.

From the mod perspective, there’s a lot of volume, what with new folks figuring out how we do things here, but everyone has been extremely cool about it all (I’m as proud as can be of how the collective has handled this), so there’s not much in the way of drama.

Cotton101's avatar

Have not been here very long, but really like the fast pace of the site. Also, like the way the mods keep it clean. Very good site Daloon!

andrew's avatar

@Harp I was amazed that the question I asked yesterday got a handful of responses almost instantly. I didn’t even leave the page.

Harp's avatar

@andrew Yeah, it’s like throwing a carcass into a piranha pool!

CMaz's avatar

All is good. I like the flow.

Ok, I do spend a bit too much time checking up.

I dig the peeps that are here.

MacBean's avatar

Fluther has definitely lost a little of its relaxed feel, and it has caused me to answer fewer questions. But that’s all right. Things change, and that’s life. And besides, it’s certainly not bad enough to chase me away completely.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’m fine with a faster pace, just not always able to get in front of a computer.

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