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kheredia's avatar

What is your earliest childhood memory?

Asked by kheredia (5566points) December 15th, 2009
33 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

I think one of the most vivid memories that I have from my childhood is my first day of school. I remember my older sister walked me to my class and told not to cry and that she would come by to get me later. I remember going into to the classroom and sitting on the floor where all the other kids were and then playing with some letter blocks trying not to pay attention to all the other kids that were crying. I remember concentrating so hard not to cry and still a little tear drop ran down my face.

I must have been about 4 years old. What are some of the things that you remember from your childhood?

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HighShaman's avatar

I can remember starting kindergarden . My mother took a new rug for me to lay on at nap time.

seekingwolf's avatar

My earliest memory may have been when I was around 2 or 3. (yeah it goes back a long way, I have a good memory) father used to take me for walks. He’d take me in a “backback” on his back, but it would be up higher so my head would be on his shoulder and I could see where he was going.

I remember being carried on a path through the woods, seeing the sun and my dad’s shoulder and his dark hair…a slightly later memory was when I was 3ish. We would go “owling” together. He’d put me on his shoulders and we’d go out to the pine trees and go “wooo wooooo wooooo” and see if we could hear anything back. When I was 6, he started bringing in owl pellets so we could look at them and their…ahem contents haha.

All of my fondest childhood memories are just me and my father. :) <3

Berserker's avatar

Sitting in the back seat of a car, in one of those safety baby seats. My mom’s sowing kit was besides me, and I was trying to reach out to it for some reason but couldn’t get at it.
I think we were stalled in traffic, the car wasn’t moving anyways, and my mom was in the passenger seat, holding up a cigarette. I distinctly remember all the blue smoke rising up. She was talking to the woman in the driver’s seat, but I don’t know what they were talking about.
It was blindingly sunny.

DominicX's avatar

My dad used to be a field engineer for a global energy company (around the time I was born and earlier) and one time he had to go to Australia and he decided to bring my mom, me, and my older sister. My earliest memory is a blinking red light and a bag of marshmallows in a hotel in Melbourne, Australia. This happened around spring of 1993. I wasn’t even 2 yet. It’s possible that the images may have just formed in my head from my parents telling me about it, but I like to think I actually remember it.

If that doesn’t count, I remember visiting my mom’s friend’s kids in December 1994 in Henderson, NV. I can remember the house and I can remember crying because I fell down in the backyard. :P

Jude's avatar

Pre Kindergarten, when I wore my Strawberry Shortcake bikini to school. Story goes, it was a school morning, and my Mom was on the phone. I asked her if it was a school day, to which she replied “No”. But, she was really talking to the person on the other end of the phone. I then skipped off, and put on said bikini. I was playing out front, when the school bus pulled up. The bus driver opened the door and I got on. No shoes, no lunch bag; just a Strawberry Shortcake bikini. When I got to school, my teacher called my Mama. She was there 10 minutes later with a change of clothes.

seekingwolf's avatar

@jmah haha that is so cute, made me giggle out loud. :D Thanks for sharing.

It’s amazing what we wear when we’re young. I used to like to wear polka dots AND stripes together when I was 5ish…and now that we’re older, we wouldn’t DARE go out looking like that, let alone just wearing a bikini.

SirGoofy's avatar

Crawling across a wood floor that was painted green, crossing over a metal threshold onto a sandy beach. I remember looking up and seeing hundreds of sailboats in the distance and I could see the edge of the water and crawled to it, then someone swooped me up. My late mother told me that I was only 18 months old. This happened at their beach house at Monterey Bay, California.

Facade's avatar

Being on the tumble bus at 3, doing cartwheels on the balance beam. Ahh, the beginning of the end

Cruiser's avatar

Knocking out my front tooth at 2 years old. I remember having to go to the doctor to remove the bloody root dangling there after tripping and biting the corner of my moms dresser. Those teeth marks are still there to this day!! LOL!

mellow_girl's avatar

i don’t really remember all that much, it just kinda blurs together, the older i get the more i remember, but it’s still blury…

JLeslie's avatar

My mom putting my sister in the crib. I asked her why the pillow was under the mattress. I was probably around 2¾.

DixieRock's avatar

We lived in the country and had a big dog house for our two dogs. My older brother was in school and I was only three years old and did not go to school yet. Everyday around 3PM I would go into the dog house and wait for the bus to come and bring my brother home. I made believe I was hiding from him, and when he walked up the driveway, he did not see me and when he got about 10 feet away from the dog house, I would jump out and yell BOOOOOO, like I was trying to scare him. I still have to laugh when I think about it.

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Gokey's avatar

My earliest memories involve images of windmills, the desert and the napping cots used in my preschool.

I have a distinct memory that occurred around the age of four. My family and I were at a neighbor’s cookout, and I had been playing with their son. After a while of running around the yard we grew bored, so we decided to have an adventure. The boy and I successfully sneaked away from the adults, climbed up and over a fence, and made a dash for my house. Once inside, we made the spontaneous decision to go fishing – in my family aquarium. We each grabbed miniature fish nets from the cabinet beneath the tank and began to fish – only we realized we were too short to dip our nets into the opening at the top. Soon enough, we found ourselves standing tall over the aquarium in my mother’s high heels.

Talimze's avatar

I very vaguely remember the day my sister first came home from the hospital after being born. I remember taking credit for supplying her with a head.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

It would either be licking the aluminum screen door in the dead of winter and pulling off most of the skin on my tongue, or dreaming that I was riding in The Long Trailer with Desi Arnez and Lucille Ball. Both were before the age of 5.

aprilsimnel's avatar

This one.

I’m too lazy to write it out again.

deni's avatar

i was maybe 3. it was my great grandmas birthday. we were having a party for her at my dads house. i remember going to get balloons with my mom and carrying them down the driveway. actually i dont remember carrying the balloons, but i do remember walking down the driveway because i remember what my dads porch looked like. exactly the same as it does now, but there was people on it. it’s a vague memory. i was wearing the cutest dress ever. it was so colorful and i was simply adorable as it was anyhow.

Only138's avatar

My earliest memory dates back to the ripe ole’ age of 3. I vividly remember the day we moved from our old house to the new house (where I spent the rest of my childhood plus some). Nowadays I’m lucky if I can remember what I ate for dinner the night before. :)

Freedom_Issues's avatar

I have a few memories from when I was 2. One was being able to fit into a step and take a nap there. Another was me thinking I didn’t want to wear a bib at a birthday party. Another was me seeing the moving truck before we moved to our new house.

Only138's avatar

This is what one of my memories is: My Grandpa backing his pickup truck up to our front porch and them loading our stuff up. I even remember all the carpet colors from our old house.

live_rose's avatar

my first childhood memory was crashing my tricycle into the bad of my dad’s truck, kind of an odd first memory you don’t get to pick them.

My first vivid emotional memory? When my aunt died . . . I had made her a friendship necklace thing, I wasn’t allowed to go to the funeral I was too young but I remember my mom telling me that she was buried with the necklace still on.

icy's avatar

5–6 years old with my 1st little plastic swimming pool

Strauss's avatar

I remember being in a crib in my parents’ bedroom. I think I was standing up watching my mom getting ready for bed.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I remember walking for the first time on my first birthday.:)Now, I CRS!lol!

hug_of_war's avatar

being in the hospital for surgery

belakyre's avatar

I remember…a green area…and there was a hole…maybe it was a golfing ground…I’m not so sure. Whatever it was I still get occasional flashbacks of it. But the first memory I coherently remember was the day I fully became conscious of my surroundings…at the age of 4 (kinda late I know).

Fred931's avatar

@aprilsimnel Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, I know, but other Jellies have also answered this Q, if people care to know what they said.

“Sitting in one of those baby roller scooter things that are supposed to help you get used to being upright. It was yellow. There were three flowers that were attached to the front, blue and purple, and I rotated them. I suppose that would have been at about a year old or so?”

azlotto's avatar

My first easter egg hunt.

raylrodr's avatar

Fishing with my Grandfather and Dad, somewhere in Minnesota in a boat….I hooked a fish and my pole went swimming. I was 3 or so…

Arp's avatar

I remember sitting in a room near a window in a pink house (My old house), just minutes before we moved to our new house. I was playing with my lion king stamps (I loved lion king!) and remember putting them in the ink and then realizing I had nothing to stamp. I eventually decided to stamp my hand, and I had green ink on my hand the rest of the day (I also remember riding in the moving van later that day, they let me go in the back!)

CMaz's avatar

Being in my mothers womb.

Crib, age 2.
Hospital, age 3.

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