Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Who wants to hear the one about the audiologist - Hearkat - who just reached 10K?

Asked by janbb (63366points) December 18th, 2009

Another Jersey girl has reached 10K! Who wants to raise a shout for one of Fluther’s most consistently thoughtful and giving Jellies?

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59 Answers

absalom's avatar


jackm's avatar


syz's avatar

It’s a red letter day! Congratulations to you, congratulations to you (sung to the tune of happy birthday).

dpworkin's avatar

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov

(Were you able to hear one of those better than the other? Now which one?)

chyna's avatar

Congrats! You were one of the first people in my fluther. You give great answers and fluther is a better place for having you here. (hear?) :)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Congratulations, hearcat!

cold_cut's avatar

way to go hearcat, good going!!

rooeytoo's avatar

Way to go @Hearkat! Hope we have a great party for you, I am on time for a change!
Congrats and congrats!!!

jackm's avatar

How about some quotes about Congratulations?

Congratulations, you have a sense of humor. And to those who didn’t: Go stick your head in the mud.
Jesse Ventura

Congratulations. I knew the record would stand until it was broken.
Yogi Berra

I didn’t care at all about losing, but I just didn’t want Emerson to feel bad, You know, I didn’t win, but Felicity won, and when you come to the set next time, you can give her a big congratulations.
Teri Hatcher

I’m not supposed to talk about the snail. The snail is, well, congratulations to whoever noticed it. It’s supposed to be a thing where you gotta look for it in every episode, and it’s there three times in every episode.
Steve Burns

The effect of liberty to individuals is that they may do what they please: we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations.
Edmund Burke

The news of the discovery spread fast all over the country, and inquisitive enquiries mingled with congratulations from this moment became the daily programme.
Howard Carter

We have a problem. ‘Congratulations.’ But it’s a tough problem. ‘Then double congratulations.’
W. Clement Stone

You know when something feels so good but you’re afraid to feel good about it? So you kinda hold back? Everyone says, Congratulations, you must be so happy. And you say something stupid like, I’m just doing what little I can with what little I have.
Vin Diesel

What about a rap song Called Congratulation?

_black hearts on my cardigan
at the crib tellin your girl that we should order in and tell G to put his feet up on the audomin
we just up against a bunch of rappers i go harder than
damn im so catrina smarter than alot these niggas swear the coaches brought the starter in
yeah and im the type to tell your daughter things
i flow high dont try to cut my water wiiinngs
im still myself
suicide bars i kill myself
charger to the game i bill myself
and i dont feel yall but i feel myself
and to those tell em i deserve a mozaltoff
im rappin like a sheperd with the muzzel off
im next to blow
and i can hear the critics talking over the applause
yeah i try to tell em future let em know
send the haters all my love
x and o
i got a black box where suggestions go but i dont really give a fuck its probably best you know
my reality is brighter than your dreams are
i got ur dream girl ridin in your dream car
yeah and the visual is stunnin
i hope they document what im becomin

so what you want an award or somthin?
im at the private airport bored or somthin
i see nothin from a far but im far from nothin
put on your poker face i’ll pull your card if your bluffiiin
but i aint with the hard talk
i got a monopoly catch me on the boardwalk
like i said, we pull your card and find out you’re a hallmark
just know im breakin world records no false start
i dont see point unless its gunpoint or somthin
my deal like weezy’s first week, one point somethin
and my verse is gettin stupider
wayne if your on mars can u pick me up from jupiter?
phone blowin up so im cutting off my cellular
im a superstar know that they on to my nebula
i will break a leg, break a arm and a fibula
when i break it down when i when i break it down
i hug and kiss the drum kick
i put the beat in my back pocket and just sit
u can never beat my ass
again damage yall again
yall pretend that we are some men that get it on and in
i die before i lose because i was born to win
if he dont fuck with yall then dont bother him
and yes i fuck this game but i wont father them

right (uh)

its like these days man im booked and im busy
dad named me drake
folk’s named me drizzy
they tried to tell me i’d never be nothin but a protege
but if you watch the VMA’s there’s nothin more to saaay
i got the key to happiness and all the copies
remember this day like you bought a poppie
and damn how it get so nice
i done spent it all once bout to get rich twice
surprise party bitch now its on and poppin
i always choose dough like its my only option
cause money always knows best
change snatch flow they say get it off yo chest
and im with all the fuss about
and if they talkin i bet im what they discussion bout
hit me at the office same extension
consider me the reason yall should pay attention

it’s crack
ay yo drizzy u shoulda said that on the hook
you shoulda been like
it’s crack
it’s crack
ladies and gentlemen_

mangeons's avatar

Congrats hearkat! I think of you as quiet, yet witty, calm, yet strong in your beliefs. You’re a greatly valued member of Fluther in my eyes, and while I haven’t gotten to know you very well, I appreciate all of your responses to questions, mine or other members’. Congratulations again, hearkat!

Buttonstc's avatar

I knew you were getting close and had my eye on you but I fell asleep at the wheel. Dang!

But I really appreciate your honesty, frankness and caring spirit in a lot of your writing. You deserve all the appreciation heaped upon you.

Happy 10K ! ! !

rooeytoo's avatar

@jackm – I don’t know what the prize is for the longest congratulatory message, but yours would have to be up there in the top 5 for sure!!!

jrpowell's avatar

I’m a fan. I dig her.

Narl's avatar

Congrats! Yay for all these amazing parties!

Jeruba's avatar

Excellent. Most excellent. @hearkat, you are a very warm and generous-spirited jelly who has given freely of helpful words to so many flutherites. I am pleased to be able to say thank you to you on your 10k day.

rangerr's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

ccrow's avatar

Oo-wee! Congratulations!!

arnbev959's avatar

!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!**Congrats Hearkat !!!!!!!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!**!!!!!!

ugh. Formatting doesn’t look the same as it did in the preview. Congrats again!

wildpotato's avatar

Let’s hear it for the Kat! I love your avatar and your answers. Thank you for swimming with us. And special thanks for your help the other day; I’m definitely going to follow up on your advice.

flameboi's avatar

wow congrats!!! so many jellies today!!! let’s party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please make sure to let john powell know :P

sjmc1989's avatar

Hearkat You are an amazingly sweet and wise woman. You have always given me and others wonderful advice without judging. Congratulations and Happy Holidays!

cookieman's avatar

Man, it’s a lurve orgy today!

Congratulations @Hearkat – well deserved.

cyn's avatar

CONGARATULATIONS! =] you are amazing @hearkat.
much lurve!!!
there are a lot of parties today.

MagsRags's avatar

Congratulations! I enjoy reading your posts.

jlm11f's avatar

Congratulations from me and my vestibulocochlear and chorda tympani nerves!!! Ok, so I am a nerd.

dpworkin's avatar

Hey @PnL Your organs of Corti don’t love her any more than my organs of Corti.

forestGeek's avatar

Congratulations hearkat! This 10K party in your honor is well deserved! Cheers!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats!! Woohoo! You have an awesome avatar!

Allie's avatar

What’s that? I’m not sure I heard. Did… did I hear someone say 10K ? ;)


Judi's avatar

I can’t believe it! @hearkat is one of the kindest, most thoughtful and knowledgeable jellies out there. Just don’t stick anything in your ear smaller than your elbow or you will hear about it from her!!!
Congratulations friend!!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

AstroChuck's avatar

Three cheers for Hearkat!

Hip hip Meow!
Hip hip Meow!
Hip hip Meow!

Congrats on 10K. You deserve all the accolades you’re getting.

tinyfaery's avatar

Congratulations! Another great jellie, wow! Can you hear me? Because I’m whispering. ;)

ubersiren's avatar

So awesome, hearkat! Here’s to your next 10k.

kevbo's avatar

Couldn’t happen to a nicer jelly. You’re OG, hearkat.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Ho’omaikai! Congratulations!

Ansible1's avatar

Congrats on the 10K!! Keep on truckin’!!

J0E's avatar


I remember when I first started on Fluther I sent you a comment about your awesome Calvin and Hobbes avatar, which you are still using to this day!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Aw, hooray! Every time I see your avatar, @hearkat, I smile. And then I read answer and smile more! Congrats on arriving to the 10K manse!

Wilkommen, benvenue, c’mon in!

wundayatta's avatar

You go, hearkat!
Lemme give you some ‘o dat!
You’ll never hear me say you’re fat.

Just watch
This silliness
Go splat!

Congrats on 10K

I hear they’re saying that 10k is the new 5K and 20k is the new 10k, but I have no idea what that means.

Facade's avatar

Yay! Is there any cake? There should be cake.

Jude's avatar

Lady, a big ol’ congrats to you! To a lovely lady with a beautiful heart..we are so, so lucky to have you here. Girl, I thank-you for your heart felt posts. You have so much to offer and I truly want you to be happy!

As my Grandma would say, “You’re made of good stuff!”

Again, congrats!

Facade's avatar

@jmah Quit following me, you stalker

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, Hearkat! <3

drdoombot's avatar

Hear hear for Hearkat!

breedmitch's avatar

Congratulations. Well done!

loser's avatar

Congrats! Lurve to you on your 10k day!!!

hearkat's avatar

@janbb: Thanks! It took well over two years, but I finally am in the 10k Club. w00t!!

Of course we need cake! And pancakes. And guacamole!! (still waiting, Bendrewim…).

Since it was apparently the question about how much alcohol we drink that put me over the top, I guess we’ll need booze, too!

@EVERYBODY: Thanks so much for the congratulations and kind words! Much Lurve to you all!!

gemiwing's avatar

how did I miss the party?
Late, but big, CONGRATS!

NUNYA's avatar

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to you heartkat!!! WELL DONE!

filmfann's avatar

I feel like such a socialite, moving from 10k party to 10k party!
HearKat, You rock! Congrats, and enjoy this big event!

sndfreQ's avatar

Yay-congrats hearkat!

rooeytoo's avatar

@filmfann – I was thinking it is like inauguration night in DC, party hopping all over the place on the way to the white house!

fireside's avatar


Cupcake's avatar

Woo hooo!!! Congrats @hearkat!!!

stratman37's avatar

Everyone chant with me: Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!, Hearkat!,

Dog's avatar


Welcome to the mansion!!!!! I am so glad you made it!

Smith_san's avatar

This is great. Congratulations to you Hearkat!

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