General Question

cornbird's avatar

What are some ways of pleasing a woman?

Asked by cornbird (1750points) December 19th, 2009
59 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

When making love to your woman, what are some of the best ways of turning her on? I once had a woman who touched me and kissed me in certain ways that made me hard without her even taking her clothes off. What are some of the ways guys can do this to their women?

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Pandora's avatar

The neck is a good place to start if she isn’t ticklish.

Baggins's avatar

Foreplay…..any foreplay is a good start for most women. Men are quick to respond and quick to “finish”. Women take awhile to get the juices flowing, if you know what I mean.

NUNYA's avatar

Go for the neck!! I’m a sucker for a neck kiss! I’m goo in your hands if ya do that. (good to go!)

galileogirl's avatar

Foreplay-pitching in around the house without being asked.

NUNYA's avatar

Well said @galileogirl I agree!

cornbird's avatar

She made me stay really still with my shirt off..started to blow on me gently from neck to my belly button. She would also rub in the small of my back…and would say stuff to stimulate me. Can a guy do this to get the same sexual response? Oh and by the way..she wasnt too physically attractive,but i was really excited!!!

TominLasVegas's avatar

My wife really gets hot when I take out the trash,clean the bathrooms,and mop the floors.

chyna's avatar

Kissing, touching, fondling, basic foreplay. Take your time with it and don’t rush it.

Vunessuh's avatar

I love it when someone breathes heavily in my ear while running their fingers through my hair. I go crazy.

sliceswiththings's avatar

As @Vunessuh said. Hot air in the ear does it every time. Also kissing my neck. I also love the first moment when the guy puts his hand on my waist under my shirt. What doesn’t do it for me is when he goes for the gold too quickly. I want to just hardcore make out for awhile before continuing on.

Also, I had a guy once who would stop everything. He’d go in like he was going to kiss me then barely brush his lips, and stay totally still. After a few “fakes” he’d kiss me hard and press himself into me, and it killed me every time.

@TominLasVegas Haha love it.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Know this book? Says it all:)

NUNYA's avatar

@TominLasVegas SHIT you’re married? Damn it! Can you change the roll of Toilet Paper too?

chyna's avatar

@TominLasVegas Well maybe you have a single brother?

Vunessuh's avatar

@sliceswiththings I get turned on when someone takes control, but at the same time is really gentle about it. If someone grabs me and pulls me close then breathes in my ear and plays with my hair…..damn, I’m getting horny just thinking about it.

TominLasVegas's avatar

sorry babe,VERY married:)

chyna's avatar

@Vunessuh You needing a cold shower? :)

sliceswiththings's avatar

@Vunessuh Haha don’t get me started, I have a paper to write! :)

TominLasVegas's avatar

@chyna .sorry no brothers:)

NUNYA's avatar

@TominLasVegas But can you change the roll of T.P. and Paper Towels? She is lucky in more ways then one!

cornbird's avatar

I hear sucking on her toes is a turn on too…and massaging her neck. What about ice?

TominLasVegas's avatar

@NUNYA I do. Nunya do u rememeber me from AB?I was Lets go sharks,AND known as dodger dude.

chyna's avatar

@cornbird I’m not sure very many women would let you suck on their toes. Suck on ice, making your tongue cold and lick her in various places would be a turn on.

Vunessuh's avatar

@chyna As long as somebody can take that shower with me.
@sliceswiththings It’s difficult being productive when you’re horny. I should know. :p

cornbird's avatar

@NUNYA ok thanks.

cornbird's avatar

@chyna i mean.. sry

sliceswiththings's avatar

@Vunessuh Well next semester I’ll be taking a Psychology of Sexuality class so I don’t think I’ll be able to write papers for it without being horny.

Also exceeding expectations is a turn-on. I went to visit my boy the other day but we weren’t going to do anything, just smooch a little, because his housemates were here so we only had the couch. Since I didn’t think anything would happen, it was thrilling when it began to go father than it should have on the couch:) Or if I have my period and swear not to do anything.

So just tell her it can’t happen that night then surprise her!

NUNYA's avatar

@TominLasVegas I DO remember you!!! (as Dodger Dude)How the hell are ya? Goodness sakes! Nice to see ya!!! No wonder I connected, I already knew you. lol Well how the heck are you???? (((HUGS)))

TominLasVegas's avatar

I have a thing for girls with sexy feet and toes too. Very sexy when a girl has pedicured feet and toes.

chyna's avatar

@TominLasVegas My feet happen to be my best feature. :)

NUNYA's avatar

@TominLasVegas You didn’t happen to answer my question on AB about “sucking my toes” did ya?

cornbird's avatar

@chyna Wowiee!!!

TominLasVegas's avatar

@NUNYA I didnt answer it yet…....:)

@chyna Id love to see them!

NUNYA's avatar

@TominLasVegas don’t bother…........AB sucks the big one! Nothing is the same. But Fluther sure is a nice place. Such great folks here. Hometown feeling goin’ on! Thanks!
Did you know AB had a “melt down”? You will see over 300 of us here on the Fluther site. Though many really don’t hang out much here. The AB site went to hell in a hangbag on the 11th of Dec. There are many that go back and forth between the sites and many just totally stopped. Hey, I’ll do the “friendship” thing and we can continue the conversation there. No need to clutter up the answer spots. See ya there.

wundayatta's avatar


You know that I love you so, and it’s killing me that you aren’t here today, and I can’t even call you, Although, you know what happens when I call,,,

I know, I know I’m bad. But how can you blame me? I’m thinking of you all day long, and that makes my pants so uncomfortable, and I know you’re thinking of what you want to do to me, and I know what’s happening to you right now. Is your face hot? Are you getting just a little bit…slippery?

When we get together, I’m going to take your face in my hands and look into those amazing eyes of yours that change their color all the time. Tonight, I think, I’ll want green, I go wild when your eyes are green.

Baby, think about me when you read this, and then read it again, just before we get together. When you see my face, you’ll already be ready for what’s in store for you. My kiss will be tender—full of promise. I’ll taste the sweat on your lips. Oh Baby, I can’t stand it. Why aren’t you home yet?

I’ll caress your shoulders and pull you tight while kneading the muscles of you back. We’ll touch, body to body and you’ll notice how much I want you. And my hands will run slowly down your back, hesitate so you’ll wonder, and then go down across that most beautiful ass in the world.

You’ll lean your head to one side, opening your neck. “Give me your tattoo,” you’ll whisper. And it will start there—two bodies—two souls merging into one….

You do that. You say that. You’re not going to have any trouble at all! ;-)

That’s for you, babe!

cornbird's avatar


NUNYA's avatar

So @daloon Do you write romance novels? Cause you’d be really good at it!

chyna's avatar

@daloon Nice.

cornbird's avatar

Is hickies a nice touch? i personally like to put one on her breasts

TominLasVegas's avatar

@cornbird hickies are nasty and immature!If you must give one do it where nobody else can see it.

cornbird's avatar

i dont think so. I think its a good way to show that you are in a good sexual relationship. Its kinda like marking your territory.

chyna's avatar

@cornbird Your’re not dogs. lol.

fundevogel's avatar

Things that are amazing to one person wont necessarily do it for another. I once dated a guy that just went nuts if I sucked his fingers, but I’m indifferent to finger sucking.

As the others said the neck and ears are a good place to pay attention to. I also like being kissed on the belly or fondled about the hips by the illiac crest. I love the feel of facial hair around a kiss, but I get the impression a lot of women don’t. And of course it’s generally unlikely I’ll turn down a good opportunity to get my titties sucked.

James Joyce’s letters will probably have more fringe appeal, but I always think it’s worth checking out classic author’s erotica.

cornbird's avatar

@chyna Well when someone sees the mark they will know that you have someone and they will think twice about flirting with you.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@cornbird The only hickies I have gotten are from one night stands. So they don’t always indicate that someone is taken.

definitive's avatar

@daloon…crikey there are some romantic passionate men out there lol…better get my SO to read that and recite every last word and put it all into action :-)

SABOTEUR's avatar

@TominLasVegas re: My wife really gets hot when I take out the trash,clean the bathrooms,and mop the floors.

My wife does too!
I guess that why I haven’t gotten any action recently.

phil196662's avatar

I would call it Carpet play, kitchen play, public cuddling and just being “In-tune” with the other then all the right contact acts like a Starter Button! The Wife and I touch, cuddle and kiss all day in public and sometimes find a private corner to Handle the other More only to be Runnin- Hot by the time we get home.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Money, rock hard abs, and an inhuman obsession with fulfilling her needs.

Violet's avatar

don’t be sloppy or boring. Hump like you’re a porn star (fake it if you have to), and learn how to give great oral. Do some research, but also talk to your partner and see hoe she likes it. Watch some porn for pointers

UScitizen's avatar

Give her your wallet.

chicadelplaya's avatar

@daloon Wow…that baby of yours sure is a lucky girl. I’m impressed, to say the least. ;)

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

When the woman in your life is upset about something, listen to her attentively without offering advice or trying to solve the problem. Be empathetic and resist trying to be the problem solver or fixer.

That will please her more than you could ever imagine. She will start to feel better and she will remember why she is so crazy in love with you!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence Great advice. Especially the part about not trying to offer advice or fix the problem. As backwards as it may seem.. women don’t want you to solve the problem necessarily… they just want you to be there to listen. I’m still working on this one myself. It’s in my nature to want to make her feel better.. to fix the problem.. to offer advice on how to make things better.. but she doesn’t want to hear that.. she just wants to vent.

wundayatta's avatar

You know, that should probably be the first lecture in Women 101.

Of course Men 101 includes the lecture on how men want to fix things.

sleepdoc's avatar

my wife says watch the kids so she can get her hair done and then clean the kitchen

phil196662's avatar

Simple sometimes- run your fingers through her hair…

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@phil196662 That’s a good one but often it isn’t enough. Come to think of it… I’m not sure it’s possible to actually do enough.. XD

phil196662's avatar

It changes ALL the time!

cornbird's avatar

I think the best places are along the nape of her neck, and at the back of her hip.

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