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troubleinharlem's avatar

What is Lady Gaga's gender?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7991points) December 20th, 2009
46 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I know some people are probably tired of hearing about it, but I’m asking anyway. *if you are one of those people,
don’t bother answering.*

I know some people are probably tired of hearing about it, but I’m asking anyway.

I’ve seen her videos and there are lady bits, which isn’t any proof that she’s a man. So what’s up with other people saying otherwise?

Your question has too many typos. No biggie! Just fix them and no one will be the wiser.
Hi troubleinharlem. You’re question is a sentence fragment. If you will be so kind as to add a “What is” to it, we’ll get it right back up. Thanks!

^rofl, what’s wrong with this statement?

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Vunessuh's avatar

I think Lady Gaga is just an it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Her point, I believe, is to transgress societal binaries…there was that video circulating which to some proved that she had a penis…she hasn’t denied or claimed that she is intersex (which is not a gender category) and I applaud her for it…as per her gender identity, she is deliberately using the word “lady” in her name but what purpose that serves…well you’ve got to ask her…

@Vunessuh referring to a person as an ‘it’ is one of the problems in our society, a society that is unaccepting of gender deviance

spacemonkey's avatar

past or present? j/k it’s a dude,i think

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir ; I agree about the “it” comment.

simone54's avatar


Vunessuh's avatar

Laughs Relax. It’s called a joke and being annoyed with all this hype over whether she’s male or female.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh look, I know it’s a knee jerk reaction to just say ‘oh it was a joke’ whenever someone says something contrary to your comments, but you don’t have to subside to this reflex..with my comment I was not yelling at you or being offended or at all un-relaxed…that you took it personally is something you should look into.

Vunessuh's avatar

Funny that you claim I took it personally. Now I know jokes aren’t allowed around certain people. If anything you jumped to a conclusion that I am unaccepting of gender deviance. My frustration stems from the hype surrounding her and who she is which I could care nothing about. I don’t judge accordingly. That is all.

Seek's avatar

I remember reading some quote supposedly by her in which she said she has a “little bit of a penis, it hardly gets in my way”.

I don’t remember the source, to be honest.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh I can understand being frustrated about the hype…I can’t listen to any more Tiger Woods shit…and you might as well be into gender deviance and that’s cool, whatever…and yes, this is a trigger issue for me, you’re right…but all that aside, we, you, me society, should, joking or not, stop referring to any person as an it

rangerr's avatar

She’s a she. She’s not transgendered. Her high school pictures were leaked, she’s a girl.
She’s went over it in interviews. When she’s asked, she jokes it off.
She’s herself, she’s who she wants to be, and expresses it through her clothing choices.
If you don’t like her, ignore her.
Gah, people piss me off.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@rangerr granted I do place a lot more value into what she says about herself, rather than what she looked like in high school

Vunessuh's avatar

You clearly still don’t understand what I meant and that is fine. I won’t have somebody telling me I am what’s wrong with society because as a joke I called somebody an ‘it’ out of frustration that it doesn’t matter who or what she is. Have a good day

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh I believe I never said ‘vunessuh, you’re whats wrong with society’...but yes, if you stand by your justification, I will have a good day and not bother you further

syz's avatar

I really don’t care, I just wish her music sounded better :(

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (5points)
Freedom_Issues's avatar

What’s wrong with the statement? The “you’re” should have been “your”!

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

I believe that she’s a Hermaphrodite !!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly okay please don’t jump down my throat May I suggest the term intersex instead?

gymnastchick729's avatar


citizenearth's avatar

Of course a female. What are you thinking? Definitely a vulva down there. What else?

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I wasn’t jumping down your throat,the double exclamation points’ just a habit. Second you gotta be kidding me ! Now the word Hermaphrodite is not PC ?
Political correctness is going overboard.

Berserker's avatar

I thought the penis story was done by her on purpose just to shock people. Apparently, when some fans learned she was a “man”, they committed suicide.
She might have calmed down by now.
On the other hand I really don’t follow this stuff, and there’s always more than one story, so dismiss. I’m sure she’s a woman though.

Although if you ask me, I think she’s a leather purse, actually.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly well this is certainly not the thread to get into that can of worms and we already talked this topic to death here on fluther but it’s not about PC, it’s about moving with the times…that term is offensive to some, especially in the intersex community…so if you want to talk about them, maybe you use the terms they do…obviously if you want to use it use it, do whatever you want but I just wanted to make a suggestion

ShoulderPadQueen's avatar

she seems to be female to me?

Vunessuh's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Perhaps people are getting defensive because they feel you are telling them how to answer a question a certain way. NOT saying that you are, but perhaps it’s something to think about. We’re all individuals here.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Maybe she’s a female who just happens to have a huge 6 inch clitoris.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh just because individuals have different opinions doesn’t mean we can say whatever we want and have people not question us – just something for you to think about…fluther doesn’t work with a question that just has comments…it works where we have a discussion bounced off each other’s comments…imo, anyway and it works great…and people are getting defensive all the time, so what…that’s just how the world goes

Vunessuh's avatar

You’re telling me this as if I don’t already know.
If people get defensive all the time and it’s “so what” to you, then why criticize when somebody does?
I mean, don’t be surprised over it and don’t make snide remarks like “that you took it personally is something you should look into,” then preach the whole politically correct anthem later on. Come on now.
I don’t have an issue with you at all. I was making a suggestion much like you did for me. Take it or leave it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh I am failing to see how pointing out that a person is not an it and that a term is outdated are ‘criticisms’ – please enlighten me to the reverse..and my ‘snide’ remark was a response to your comment about how you laughed at what I said and told me to ‘relax’

Vunessuh's avatar

Because laughing and telling someone to relax is being defensive??
If calling someone an ‘it’ was so horrible, how is saying that Brittany Murphy probably died because she couldn’t stop hearing about Tiger Woods alright?
If you’re not going to be consistent or adhere to someone else’s sense of humor besides your own, then please tell me now. I don’t like wasting my time.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh what I’m not going to do is continue discussing my ‘consistency’ with you…why would I adhere to what you consider consistency?...if you were offended by my remark in another question, I would love to hear your comment about it (on that question)...if you weren’t then it’s irrelevant to this discussion…and really, how childish of you to think that going around and picking something else I’ve said can undo the very simple fact that you said something I thought was inappropriate to begin with…again, vunnesuh, if you want to call people it, do it…but it won’t be cool by everyone…

Vunessuh's avatar

Actually, I would have never of said anything about your comment in another thread if you hadn’t shown signs of hypocrisy. That’s not being childish, that’s calling you on your shit.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Vunessuh I read your profile, seems to me you like drama though you say you don’t and making fun of chicks with dicks…should have known…you can call me out on my shit all the live long day…you will get the same from me…seems you don’t like your own medicine…further, would you like to move this to the PM so people can get on with the question?

Vunessuh's avatar

Sounds like a lovely idea.

arnbev959's avatar

[Mod says:] Please stay on topic. Further off-topic posts will be removed.

Darwin's avatar

Gaga is female. She is simply someone who craves attention, hence the bizarre clothing, odd song choices, and continuing rumors about all sorts of things.

Sarcasm's avatar

@syz I wish I could lurve you more than once for this comment.
I don’t get how anyone can like the music.

OnaBoat's avatar

Perhaps that’s what she means by “Can’t read my poker face”? Hmmm…

Berserker's avatar

@OnaBoat Lmao. :D

Darwin's avatar

@Pseudonym – I suspect Gaga will admit to anything that will keep her in the public eye without going to jail. She reminds me a bit of the young Madonna, but not as attractive.

citizenearth's avatar

Lady Gaga is going after publicity and fame at all costs, thus she will do anything to get it. She is a girl after all. Period.

HungryGuy's avatar

Well, I happen to like Poker Face. And I think Lady Gaga is fairly attractive. So sue me…

HungryGuy's avatar

I meant to add that if she’s hermaphrodite, or intersex, or whatever the PC term is these day, I wouldn’t want to have sex with her (being as I’m straight), but I still think she’s very attractive, and I like her music…

But because of this question, I did a little research.

Lady Gaga is a genuine™ female born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta and learned performing arts at Tisch School in NYC.

So now I can go ga-ga over Lady Gaga :-p

ladygaga15's avatar

I am kinda of super fan of her so I have researched her and she is a WOMAN.

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