Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Frank-N-Furter is in his lair and is attempting to put together a mighty fine jelly. What would said jelly look like?

Asked by Jude (32210points) December 23rd, 2009

Let’s see: casheroo’s eyes, Dr. C’s noggin’ (smarts), epony’s swagger, mac bean’s/aprilismel sense o’ humor (combo), facade’s smile, daloon’s arse, jonsblond’s kind heart, asmonet’s feistiness, Gris’ wisdom (yeah, that’s right), IBER’s baking skills, to be as fit as La Chica (gomela), harp’s patience, Allie’s cuteness and Zen Again’s constitution (minus the hemorrhoids ). One last dick punch by JP, et voila.

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20 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

This time, he had better keep Brad and Janet far away…

deni's avatar

dear god. when i read this the first time i was thinking by jelly you meant jam or in other words, something one applies to toast to add flavor. and then you asked to describe this topping and i was beyond confused. i thought WHY? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS????????? now i get it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Don’t forget andrew’s hair!

Jude's avatar

…and Andrew’s hair.

Tout fini.

filmfann's avatar

AstroChucks eternal youth

janbb's avatar

I think ti should be Ben’s hair!

avvooooooo's avatar

Don’t forget the poohat.

KatawaGrey's avatar

What about gailcalled’s grammar skills? I think that would be an important addition to any jelly.

Jude's avatar

Poohat, yes. Gail’s grammar skills, yes.

absalom's avatar

And @janets… ?

Allie's avatar

It’d look like a jelly I’d totally get with!

filmfann's avatar

Janets way with words

Jude's avatar

Shit. Seeing that comment made my heart drop. ;-)

Double feisty?

KatawaGrey's avatar

@tinyfaery‘s love for beautiful women?

Jude's avatar

@KatawaGrey that’ll do.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery what do you think?

Dr_C's avatar

How about @jmah ‘s sensuality? how can you leave that out?
that is one HAWT jelly

Jude's avatar

@Dr_C sweet tawka’ :)

tinyfaery's avatar

I guess. Hmm…;)

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