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music_03's avatar

What should I tell a guy friend that likes a girl when I know for sure the girl doesnt like him?

Asked by music_03 (70points) December 24th, 2009
13 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

One of my friends recently told me who he likes knowing that I am friends with her. He has a low self confidence and keeps telling me how hes not going to do anything about this assuming no girl would ever say yes to him. I know my friend doesn’t like him and would nicely shut him down. So what should I tell him to do? I would like to give him courage, but I don’t wanna give him false hope when I know the outcome?

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Fyrius's avatar

False hope will only do harm. If his plans for this particular girl have no future, encourage him to look for someone else and to seize the day with them.
Plenty of other fish in the sea, and stuff.
And even for the most awesome guy in the world, some women just won’t suit him. That’s nobody’s fault. Just try someone else, there’s bound to be someone you could make happy.

It will be more difficult than either encouraging him to be brave and try his luck with this girl or allowing him to give up altogether, but it would be the only right thing to do, I think.

LeotCol's avatar

Well you should tell him gently anyways. And give him advice with that. The reason she may not like him is because of the low self esteem. Make him a more confident person and make him believe that he can get girls and then they will want him. Though thats a project to work on, maybe a new years resolution. Break the news gently. Then use it as motivation for spurring him on to build confidence to ask another girl.

mollypop51797's avatar

Maybe you shouldn’t, or you could set him up on a blind date with someone who you KNOW would like him back. That way, they both will be happy, you know he won’t be rejected, and it will bump up his self esteem.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

He’s your friend, she’s your friend so you can be open and honest without being hurtful. If he brings her up then gently tell him, “naw, not her… I know her interest is elsewhere.”

AnonymousWoman's avatar

How I’d react to this if I were in the same situation would probably depend on my mood at the time. A question I have for you, though, is, how do you know for sure that your friend does not like him? There are guys I’ve been with who many people would not even GUESS I’d be interested in! One of the things you can do is to suggest to him to just tell her and tell him that “It would be better for you to find out now if she doesn’t like you back so that you can move on instead of pining away for her for ages and wondering what could be. If she doesn’t like you back, it probably just means you weren’t meant to be. If she does, awesome!”

skfinkel's avatar

Run it by your girlfriend to make sure she has zero interest in your friend. And if she says zero, then tell him to put his energies elsewhere. If she isn’t totally against the idea, let him know that too.

marinelife's avatar

I would not tell your friend anything. I would let him moon on in helpless adoration. If he gets the courage to go after this girl, you don’t know what would happen (you think you know the likely outcome, but you don’t know for a fact.)

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Find out for sure….directly from the girl…..that she is not at ALL interested and tell her that you need to know the truth….no fudging.

Then, if she registers no interest in him….please tell him. Don’t let him waste his time.

“Hey, Charlie Brown…I know you really do like the red-headed girl. However, the red-headed girl told me that she isn’t interested in romance with you…and for you not to take it personally. She thinks you are a really nice guy, but she said she is interested in someone else (or wants to keep it platonic, if she isn’t interested in someone else.) But hey….listen….there is a (party, dance, get-together ) next week, and I know there will be a lot of people there…wanna go? You may meet someone there. At any rate, Lucy will be there trying to kiss Schroeder and that’s always good for a laugh and Snoopy will be dancing up a storm…what do you think?”

And I agree….if you are this person’s friend…and he needs some confidence boosting….then, find out what he might need work on that you can help him with.

You know….there is a lid for every pot…as they say….and somewhere, in this big world, there is a girl/woman looking for the homely guy who sits in the corner wearing nerdy glasses, a pencil protector and with little to none social skills whatsoever.

Just ask Melinda Gates…..:)

Good luck.

Cruiser's avatar

Be the friend you say you are and tell him the truth and save him possibly much embarrassment over his miscue.

cornbird's avatar

Tell your friend that their is a woman out there that feels the same way and that all he needs to do is believe in himself and that to win at almost anything you need confidence. Girls dont like him because he THINKS that. If he changes his thinking and just believe, he will be a winner.

YARNLADY's avatar

That is very touchy issue. I once had a terrific crush on a boy who was not the least bit interested in me. My friends were able to introduce me to a boy who was interested in me, and we hit if off right away. We remained friends for many years.

HighShaman's avatar

If this guy is your FRIEND; tell him the TRUTH…. don’t let him go around believing that she MIGHT actually like him someday… that would be cruel !!

kittymr92's avatar

Honesty is always the best policy. Perhaps what he needs is an activity to regain his confidence. Everyone’s good at something. And maybe a girl isn’t what he needs right now. Perhaps he needs some time to find out who he truly is before he decides to be with someone else. Confidence is attractive. Encourage him to work on that but more importantly, be patient, loving, and honest towards him.

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