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NUNYA's avatar

Do you remember where you were on January 1, 2000 at 12:01AM? Did you party differently on that year then any other year so far?

Asked by NUNYA (3207points) December 27th, 2009
56 responses
“Great Question” (8points)

Just curious if people did things differently to ring in the New Year 2000 then they did before or will do again? Maybe did you party like it was 1999, as in the song by Prince called 1999.

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rangerr's avatar

I was 10.
And passed out from eating cake.

Sarcasm's avatar

Well, it was a Friday night. So I was at my best friend’s house playing Mario Party eating pizza.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I was with some college friends, eating Chinese food and playing cheesy board games. We’ve been doing this every year for the last 15. The only difference is the apartment we occupy. :-)

St.George's avatar

Cayucos Tavern, kissing.

dalepetrie's avatar

Honestly don’t remember…didn’t seem like a big deal to me. In retrospect, the most significant thing about new years’ 2000 was my last year as a single man, my wife and I were married in October of that year. That might have been the year I won tickets to the New Years’ celebration at the downtown St. Paul Radisson, where a local band (The Honeydogs) were playing, can’t remember for sure. I never bought into Y2K hysteria, and I’ve never been a person who does things just because everyone else does them…I go out on New Years if I have the opportunity and there’s something specific I want to do. I don’t see the point in paying 10 times as much to do something that I wouldn’t want to do any other day of the year. I just stay home, pop in a movie, pause it for a bit before midnight and turn it onto one of the network stations to watch the ball drop, pour my wife and I a glass of champagne each, and when it’s over, turn the movie back on. Probably what I did in 2000.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I was in a fortified bunker in an undisclosed location with emergency rations because someone mentioned that the world would fall apart when the millenium hit.

Some of that statement is fiction and some of it isn’t. Maybe.

sliceswiththings's avatar

In the woods after sacrificing a [burlap] goat, eating it’s [candy] innards and drinking its [wine] blood.
I love my family.

Freedom_Issues's avatar

I was a senior in high school, and we went to one of my friend’s uncle’s house who had an indoor pool and had a party. I was drinking non-alcoholic bubbly in the living room. It was pretty fun.

Violet's avatar

I do! I was at a party at my friends house. I don’t party at all any more, even for New Years

Judi's avatar

I think I stayed up and watched TV until I was sure the world wouldn’t collapse, the went to bed.

faye's avatar

At work, we decided by 12:02 we would have to work the shift.

eponymoushipster's avatar

waited, saw the lights didnt go out and planes didn’t crash into the ocean, and went to sleep.

YARNLADY's avatar

I was sound asleep, and hubby was at work, because his boss wanted the IT manager on duty, just in case.

phillis's avatar

Nunya, I can’t remember where I drove yesterday. Or if I drove. Did I get gas? Who knows!

DominicX's avatar

I was 8. So I was probably at home in the living room with my family watching the New Year’s celebrations on TV. The one time out of the year when I got to stay up late. :)

Jeruba's avatar

I was at home with my husband, anxiously awaiting a call from my son to say that he had got safely to the party he was going to, some distance away in the mountains. He did, and he called to say Happy New Year. Then I switched to fretting about his getting home safely.

chocstar's avatar

Hi Nunya! My son was quite ill so we didn’t celebrate at all. Was wide awake but with a sick child and not a drop of alcohol passed my lips that night. Have made up for it since then, of course!! :)

monocle's avatar

I remember. I was a kid, out in a field, lighting fireworks with my family. Ten years later I’ll probably do the same, except there will be more people and I’ll be thousands of miles away.

LTaylor's avatar

Yes I do. I was with my wife.

pathfinder's avatar

I was on the hotel party.The answer is that the silvester was defriend since that time.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Ballroom of a beachfront hotel on Barbados. Our honeymoon.

Fernspider's avatar

@Sarcasm – I think I love you.

I was 16 at the time and thought I was incredibly grown up. My friends and I managed to persuade an old guy to buy us cheap bourbon (which we drank from juice bottles at the beach party).

I ended up very intoxicated and staying up until midday New Years Day. * sigh *. I would be almost physically incapable of this now. Not that I would want to anyway.

This year… BBQ and pool party in the summer sun at a friends house, listening to great music, amongst great friends and home by 12:30am to cuddle up with my dog and boyfriend.

answerjill's avatar

I went down to Washington, DC, to celebrate with some friends. We had dinner at someone’s house and then we went up onto the roof to see the fireworks over the city.

sdeutsch's avatar

I was at Disney World with my family. We’d been in the parks all day, but by 11pm it was getting pretty crazy and way too crowded to really be fun, so we headed back to our hotel. We got there just before midnight, and from the various porches and windows of our hotel room, we could see three different fireworks shows in different parts of Disney World, all at the same time. It was pretty amazing – and definitely way better than standing squished in a huge crowd of people!

Gossamer's avatar

I was up all nite breaking the law but have since grown up enough to live responsibly…and have children but it was fun then…I just woundnt party like that nowadays

Cruiser's avatar

I do remember standing near a computer to see if the millennium bug was the threat so many thought it would be. Nope it wasn’t went back to partying!

MissAusten's avatar

I remember it well, because it was one of the two best New Year’s of my life. Our daughter was 9 months old, and my husband and I left her with his parents overnight for the first time. We went out to dinner with some really good friends of ours, then spent the night at one friend’s lake cabin. We drank too much, played cards, and just hung out until midnight. Just before midnight, we walked down to the beach at the lake where someone had set up a big fireworks show. It was cold, but a very clear and beautiful night. None of us were particularly worried about the world ending. We just had a great time. :)

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

I had to go to church with my mother and family in VA Beach, i slept through the millennium. I always tell her she owes me 10 free new years.

janbb's avatar

Probably kissing my husband; that’s where I usually am at 12:01 on New Year’s Eve.

daemonelson's avatar

I was 7. I found it rather boring.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I was on a train headed to my first military installation. The train didn’t stop or crash… none of the laptops or cell phones on board died. All in all it was an uneventful moment.

NUNYA's avatar

@Jeruba I know the feeling now but didn’t get it when I was a kid. Sleepless nights are in my near future too. I have a teenager, 13.
@Chocstar Very nice to see you!!! Glad you are joining us! Happy New Year!
To everyone who answered HAPPY NEW YEAR! in advance

AnnieB's avatar

I was dating a man very much younger than myself, at the time….I guess, that’s the only thing I did different from my normal celebrating…

Confuscious's avatar

I was house sitting for a friend. Was in bed just after 12.

ubersiren's avatar

I was newly 18 and had run away with my boyfriend to Baltimore to see the fireworks at the Inner Harbor, only we didn’t make it- we didn’t leave the hotel room. At the exact stroke of midnight, I was receiving oral sex from him. Ahhh, the memories.

beancrisp's avatar

I was at home thinking of all the stupid fools celebrating the new millennium a year too early.

ubersiren's avatar

@beancrisp : I know, right? How did that even come to be? But, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and throw a huge, world-wide party.

Zen_Again's avatar

I did, and that was pretty much the last NY party I’ve celebrated.

drClaw's avatar

I was watching the Space Needle from across the lake in anticipation of it being blown up, listening to Prince’s song ‘1999’ and kissing a girl that was damn near as tall as me (I’m 6’3”)...

We partied like it was 1999 and it turned out that the party was only so-so.

NUNYA's avatar

@drClaw wowza! You are a tall man and I bet it was/is hard for you to find a female that tall. Buying clothes is probably tough too hu?

Val123's avatar

Probably at home…but I do remember feeling a leetle disappointed that nothing happened at all!

Val123's avatar

@drClaw You mean from Puget Sound?

tedibear's avatar

@eponymoushipster – that’s what I was doing! Funny, I missed seeing you there.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

At home and only 14 years old. Or 15. Or something.

Daisygirl's avatar

My hubs and I were sitting on a roof in Hudson FL waiting for the world to end (lol) instead we almost got hit by a stray bullet and quickly got off the roof and flipped thru all the tv stations to see of anyone got zapped from not being ready

Val123's avatar

@Daisygirl A bullet??

drClaw's avatar

@NUNYA It is hard finding a woman that tall, luckily for me I like the shorties.

@Val123 No, Lake Washington.

Daisygirl's avatar

@Val123 yeah it was crazy, there was guns going off for miles (along with bottles being broke, people screaming and animals howling. We lived “way out in the country”, a whole 2 miles away from what was known as civilization.

drClaw's avatar

@Daisygirl That sounds horrible, I would be hiding in an upside down bathtub or something if people were blasting all around me like that.

Val123's avatar

@Daisygirl sounds like Beyond the Thunder Dome, or something!

NUNYA's avatar

@drClaw and a good thing some women are looking for taller men. I’d prefer a man to be a bit taller then me too. More so then a man that is shorter then me. I’m an average 5’8” female. The [hugs] are better from a taller man in my opinion. And slow dancin’ with a taller man is better too. Thanks!
@Daisygirl I guess that is one New Years Eve you won’t forget! That is wild!

Daisygirl's avatar

lol, We were part of a hillbilly community and it was really different from where we have lived most of our lives (we moved to Florida on a “whim”) around where we live now the people are more likely to be shooting their guns in a hunt rather than to celebrate New Years and when they do shoot it’s in the middle of a woods rather than in a residential area :) it was a new experience tho and it was exciting up til the riccochet :)

HighShaman's avatar

It was my first new year in my new home…. my son and I had a few friends over and we drank mimosa and watched horror movies….

DrBill's avatar

Midnight patrols, everyone was scared of the great computer meltdown so we had to patrol all the stores since the owners were scared their security systems would shut down at midnight.

pearls's avatar

I was sound asleep at that time. Tried to stay awake, but didn’t make it.

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