Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Why do women who will take their clothes off for money perceived as damaged goods?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) December 30th, 2009
34 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Who made up the ideal that those who would take off their clothes for money had to have been “felt up by the creepy uncle or bone jumped by the soft ball coach? Back about 5 years ago when I worked around 98.5% women some of my clients (college students) did stripping in San Fran part time to earn extra money to pay for credits and books etc. They did it one and off because it paid them for 3 days work as much as it would me ore some other person working fast food or the sales floor for 5 days at nearly 8 hours each of the days. These were not “trailer trash” hoochies, sexually abused, or gals with no self-esteem. They just seen the potential to maximize their money to hour ratio and they did it. When they got what they wanted (and sometimes it was pleasurable things like new rims on the ride, ski trips etc) they quit (most of the clubs the girls were independent contractors. Can’t they just be smart enough to see the time leverage and used it to their advantage

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ucme's avatar

The bare facts are, face up to the naked truth. An attractive nude woman cannot ever be described as damaged. Better beautiful, sexy & most importantly alive. By that I mean vibrant exciting & full of life. Good luck to them.

TheJoker's avatar

The obviouse answer is ‘men’... That being said I think you do have to question the psychology of a person who weighs up the pros & cons of stripping for the sexual gratification of strangers, & decides to do it rather than get a regular job.

cornbird's avatar

Society would view them as trashy because of most peoples moral values. The reality of it is that we should not judge anyone without knowing the concrete facts about the person. That is our mistake with people througout life….the habit of judging one another.

Kelly_Obrien's avatar

This is no longer accepted as a truism.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Economic necessity.

SABOTEUR's avatar

You can’t make sense out of nonsense.

YARNLADY's avatar

Women are no longer viewed as ‘goods’ of any kind. The kind of thinking shown by your question is so far out of date as to be laughable.

TheJoker's avatar

The other thing to take into account is that a high percentage of women who end up in thr sex trade are victims of one sort or another. & just so you know I’m not just perpetuating a stereotype I worked in the local drug & alcohol service in the town I live & a large proportion of the towns ‘working girls’ were our patients.

scotsbloke's avatar

I dont see these girls as Damaged goods. I think it’s a different kettle of fishy bits when they sell thier bodies for money – I.E. Prostitiution, but again, that’s only my opinion.
Controversial issue too.
To strip, or do sexy dancing, or pose for pics is as good a way to earn money as selling burgers, working in a store or whatever. We tend to judge it morally because of our upbringings and personal attitudes to the industry. But if it’s a way to earn cash – why not? Especially if you are a young girl with no real ties or attachments as that can get complicated I’d imagine. The main down side to it though would be the “seedy, Sleezy” guys who prey on these girls and drag them into prostitution.
If a girl is strong minded, confident and World-aware, well why not Dance, strip, have fun, it’ll be something to tell the grand-kids in the future. Just be safe.

After saying all that, and heres the real crunch! I wouldnt want my daughter doing it, or my sister, or wife, so some good old fashioned Two-Faced views in the mix too.
Are we all hypocrytical in these matters?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@TheJoker I would not dispute that, but these girls were not selling sex, they were not boinking anyone. They sure did not touch any of the men and any man who’d touch them other than an inadvertent finger brushing their tush or thigh while sliding in that $5, $10, or $20 got toss out the club on whatever money he did not spend. They just danced and stipped to a G-string and such (I asked). About half had B/Fs. I know 2 that quit early (before they hit their cash goal) because they could not take it, they did not like the rude and crude comments the guys were yelling or being oogled by men old enough to be their grandfathers. But they were not taking men to some back room blowing them off or boinking them.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@scotsbloke Kudos for you to at least admit the obvious, as a man it is easier and fun to leer and oogle some other blokes siter, mother, etc but not have them do it to our own. But actually having the moxie to say it, if I was on the old AB I would give you 5+ LOL LOL

Ron_C's avatar

I like women that take off their clothes professionally or for free. I would consider that trait as an asset, not a liability. If they do it well, they certainly not damaged.

Brian1946's avatar

Brian1446 si crafting a responsible. :p

bunnygrl's avatar

Folk are too quick to judge I think. My Friend’s mum owns a take away shop in town and there is a pole dancing club a few doors along. Some of the girls come in for sandwiches etc and I can promise you that they are far from damaged. Some have children, some are, as you rightly said, students with books etc to pay for, all of them seem to be, thank god, level headed girls. There are guys in the club to protect them from any “sleezy” element, and mimmy told me that when she was talking to the manager of the club when he was in, that he said they get groups of women, usually hen nights lol, but he said they usually have a great time but want to be shown how to pole dance lol. All I know is that if I didn’t have rickety arthritic bones I’d be looking for lessons myself lol <sighs> maybe in my next lfe, if I come back with a body like these girls have… well look out :-) hugs all xx

randomness's avatar

I don’t see women who strip as damaged goods, and they certainly are not exploited. If anyone is being exploited, it’s the men involved!! I mean really, all someone has to do is take her clothes off, and the men will throw large amounts of their hard earned money at her. Who is really being exploited here? :P

TheJoker's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central….. the sex trade is a huge industry employing many, many women. Perhaps the girls you knew were ‘lucky’ enough to be in the situations you describe, but there is a whole other world of women not so fortunate. & this is a poisonous world that has destroyed the lives of countless young women & will continue to do so. Girls like the ones you know, who have skirted this world & remained unharme, do no favours to the others by describing it as you have, perpetuating the myth of harmlessness.

daemonelson's avatar

I rather agree. Especially since I’ve known, quite intelligent, females of whom have been in ‘the business’.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

they did not like the rude and crude comments the guys were yelling or being oogled by men old enough to be their grandfathers.

You answered your own question. Why would a woman engage in an activity that made them an object for guys to yell rude remarks or be ogled by men old enough to be their grandfathers? Does it say something about the person that would choose do that for “easy” money? What’s the long term implications of choosing to lose your personhood to become an object that’s yelled at by guys and ogled at by their grandfathers?

CaRbOnPrOdUcTwo's avatar

Maybe cause the person who see’s it that way is jealous cause they aren’t getting paid for anything at all….unless they AGREE to KEEP their cloths on…;+

SirGoofy's avatar

How about people who pose nude part-time for university level life-drawing classes? They make pretty good money, too and aren’t labeled or stripped of their dignity. I know a few people who do this regularly and they’ve not been exposed to ogglers, sex addicts, or the deviant-minded. They’re just regular people who don’t mind exposing themselves for pure artistic appreciation.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@SirGoofy, that’s a different thing. Artists generally don’t have a drink in their hand, and just stare, yell rude comments at the model. You could be extremely overweight, and be a nude artist’s model. There’s no “appreciation” involved in modeling for life-drawing.

SirGoofy's avatar

@PandoraBoxx Yes there is…artistic appreciation of the human form.

LostInParadise's avatar

How much pride can these young women take in their work? Can they say that they find satisfaction in playing into the sexual fantasies of old geezers? There are a scarce few who go to these places to study the human form (physicist Richard Feynman claimed to be one of them).

If you work at a fast food place, you can at least say that you have provided somebody with a meal. This may not be edifying but it is not demeaning. For women who are artists models, they can find satisfaction in knowing that they are serving some higher aesthetic purpose.

CaRbOnPrOdUcTwo's avatar

How much money are we talking about here?

Ron_C's avatar

@LostInParadise I wish I had to body to dance at women’s strip clubs. I would certainly be proud of the money I made. I don’t see anything wrong with naked women running around a club. I think they should be working at McDonald’s too.

Axemusica's avatar

I don’t go to strip clubs for specific reasons. If I’m dragged there by friends I refuse to pay for anything. Of course I don’t mind seeing the hot naked bodies, but I’m not paying to be teased. Therefore I don’t agree with the idea of it and I could certainly never date a dancer.

Although, I’ve been told I could be a male dancer and I just laughed. I really did like the idea of the money, but not the idea of being naked in front of horny old ladies and dudes. So I don’t blame them for liking the money, shit, it’s pays pretty damn well, but I don’t like it and I have my suspicions about how they could do such things without ill side effects to the psyche.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

She’s not. Some people think she is. To me, they’re damaged goods.

LeopardGecko's avatar

I see them as hoe’s not damaged goods. There’s nothing good about them.

Ron_C's avatar

@LeopardGecko that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?

LeopardGecko's avatar

No, I don’t believe so. They’re selling their bodies for money. How much lower can you get? To completely give yourself up for cash? Although they are not giving sex, they are still prostitutes.

bunnygrl's avatar

@LeopardGecko They are NOT prostitutes! How terribly judgemental. For good ness sake these girls are dancing for a living, what about here in the UK we had Pans People on Top of the Pops years ago (oh no I just showed my age lol) dancing around a tv studio doing cheesy routines to pop songs. What these girls do is no different to that. As I said my friend Mim has gotten to know some of the girls who work in the club near where she works and they are very well protected. If anyone tries to touch them (there is a no touching rule) they get bounced out of the club. Honestly, I do mean no offence but people judging the lives of others drives me nuts. If people would just mind their own business and stop comparing others to how they choose to live their lives, or to their own values and deciding they are better than anyone who “falls short”. Well, it would just be a better world is all. As I said it drives me nuts and comments like yours well, I’m off to have a cup of tea and try not to think about it.

As an old Trekker, seriously IDIC is a really good philosophy, never judging anyone else is good too. sorry for ranting,
hugs all xx

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@CaRbOnPrOdUcTwo In this down economy I don’t know what they pay is like, but 6 years ago they told me on a slow night depending on the club and the day they would get $250 a night +/-, and on a good night they could make between $800 to $1,100; om 3 to 4 days tops they made better than I had working 6 days a week.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@LeopardGecko this is just your opinion – it matters little when you consider how many other opinions are out there…they’re not ‘the lowest you can get’...

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@LeopardGecko Just wondering, those girls who just have sex with just abut any man breathing but don’t get paid or anything from it, you seem them as ho’s too? What about sugar babies, would you call them prostitutes?

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