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philosopher's avatar

Do you dislike the cold and wind? How do you keep warm?

Asked by philosopher (9065points) January 3rd, 2010
22 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I am sitting in my Family Room listening to the wind. I am wondering who else is doing the same? Outside it is freezing cold and very windy.

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OreetCocker's avatar

I love the cold, in fact I was outside earlier in shorts and a t shirt in the snow :-)

montreality's avatar

Find someone to keep you warm ;P

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I hate the cold. People might think since I’m from Minnesota I’d be all hearty and loving the cold weather, but I hate it. Ugg. It can be pretty, and the wind can sound cool, and it can be fun, too, to play in it when it’s warmer, but…Ugg.

Flo_Nightengale's avatar

I am in my nice warm robe with socks. Between doing grading I am Fluthering and that is quite a nice way to spend a Sunday.

To me it is easier to get warm when it is cold, rather than cool off when it is hot and humid.

XOIIO's avatar

I’m almost done converting a pair of USB hand warmers to battery powered for in my gloves when I am working.

dutchbrossis's avatar

I hate the cold. I always wear warm clothes and curl up in a blanket if it is too cold

ucme's avatar

Intensely, bundle up

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

How do I keep warm?—-> Coffee.

Facade's avatar

I hate it, and it causes me pain. I normally just stay inside when it’s unbearably cold, but I won’t be able to do that soon. I may in vest in a onsie puffer coat.

Trillian's avatar

Funny that you should ask that. I’m originally from Detroit. I’ve been to a couple REALLY hot duty stations where the weather just about melted me, and wondered how others stood it. Lots of the people there seemed to just shrug off heat and humidity that laid me low. I guess it’s either what you’re used to or a mental sate. Even now I find myself raising my eyebrows when I hear people griping about how cold it is. I moved to Kentucky a few years ago and I snicker to myself like, “Wow, if you think THIS is cold…”
Then I recall my worst moments in the cold at my childhood home of Alpena, Michigan. I can stand the cold as long as I’m dressed for it. This means layers. Good warm boots, and adequate facial protection.
What made me miserable was being cold AND in pain. Or wet. Neither is a good combination for me. I never could stand snowball fights. A fastball to the face HURTS and being cold on top of it is more than I could stand. The same with snow leaking inside ones clothing. Or falling through ice into a puddle up to one’s waist on the way to school, which I did one time when I was six.
It’s fairly cold outside right now. I have the heat on 70, and a pot of coffee on. I have to go read a text book for a class, and I plan to get under a wubbie while I do it. Color me such a puss.
And yet, I miss the north, and dream of getting back as far north as Chicago. If I do, I’ll deal with it, staying out of snowball fights and puddles. And avoid Michigan Ave in February, where I got the worst earache of my life in 1989!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I would much rather be cold than hot. Wearing socks, and a turtleneck under a sweatshirt pretty much keep me toasty. I make a big pot of soup, and eat that.

tinyfaery's avatar

I live in L.A. Problem solved.

SarasWhimsy's avatar

I love the cold and the wind. I look forward to winter all spring, summer and fall. I love to hear the wind (all though it does make me nervous sometimes.) I stay warm by adding layers. If I’m in a sweatshirt there’s at least a tee shirt under it. I wear fluffy socks. I eat lots of soup and oatmeal. I think it’s just the perfect season. If I get really cold, I’ll turn on the fireplace, but for the most part, I just keep in mind what my Mom’s always told me when I say I’m cold: Put more on ya Moron.

Allie's avatar

I don’t like being cold. As a Californian, I’m not used to it. (No, I don’t live where it snows. Where I live it rarely gets colder than, say, 37F-ish.. and that’s on a winter night.)
I don’t mind the rain, in fact I quite like the rain. Rain + wind is another story all together. I absolutely cannot stand the wind. It makes everything a million times worse.
In the winter I usually layer with longsleeve shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, scarf, and mittens.

john65pennington's avatar

Many people are moving from Detroit, Minnesota and Michigan to Tennessee. is it the cold weather and wind that has finally made them leave their home state for a warmer climate? i think so. humans can only stand so much cold wind and then its time to go. fortunately in Tennessee, we only have a very few days of really cold weather. now, we only have maybe one snow each year and then its springtime all over again. i have lived in Tennessee all my life and i have no plans to move.

Trillian's avatar

I was once in love with a Tennessee man….

faye's avatar

I love listening to wind howling around my house. I like wind usually unless I’m trying to eat outside. Alberta gets some amazing thunderstorms and blizzards. We all have coats,scarfs,mitts- the works, blankets and candles in our cars and keep the gas tank over half.

Grisaille's avatar

I love the cold with all my heart.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I don’t love the extreme cold but I have the wardrobe to protects myself from the harm it can cause.

I hate hot weather – anything above 77 F ( 25 C).
There is only so much clothing you can remove to cool off before it becomes ineffective and makes you eligible for arrest!

I keep the heat up at 64F so I don’t get the chills in the house and cover up with a blanket if the outside winds make it hard to keep maintain the inside temperature.

My house has no air conditioning so hot weather gets unbearable pretty fast.

susanc's avatar

Rick Steves quoted someone on the radio today: There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.
To me the ultimate lifesaver, cold-appropriate-clothing-wise, is silk longjohns, tops and bottoms.

ultimatestar's avatar

actually, i embrace the cold and wind with open arms.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Cold and wind?

I don’t even like being chilly.

My solution?

Stay indoors whenever possible.

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