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Sophief's avatar

What would you do if you couldn't say I love you.

Asked by Sophief (6681points) January 5th, 2010
47 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

If you can’t or don’t say I love you, what do you do to show your s/o that you love them? What are the signs, without the words?

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marinelife's avatar

If your SO is a female nothing equals the words. Men often show love through action. But women want to hear the words, as well as appreciating the action.

Austinlad's avatar

Hand-written cards are nice.

Sophief's avatar

I’m wanting to know how men show love that are in love.

Sophief's avatar

@Austinlad Yes, they are.

Sebulba's avatar

kissing with passion

Sophief's avatar

@Sebulba Mmmm that’s good one.

CMaz's avatar

A good orgasm.

Sophief's avatar

@ChazMaz That’s good too, but doesn’t mean you love the person.

Likeradar's avatar

Nothing beats the words. If you love someone, get over yourself and say it.

Grisaille's avatar

I also said NOT to take my advice, @Dibley. :P

CMaz's avatar

@Dibley – It is a good start.

ucme's avatar

She has almost exclusive, unlimited access to my wallet. If that doesn’t show love for someone then oil beef hooked~

john65pennington's avatar

Some people just cannot open their mouths and let the words, i love you, come out. i know several that fit this category. instead, they show their love for a person in other ways. like, a small gift every once in a while, a text message, opening a door, just the little things in life. my neighbor is like this. he grew up in a family that never said i love you to each other or anyone else. its like they lived in the caveman era. but, they are still married after many years, so i assume they communicate in some other way. some people are just this way. if you have such a person, look for the little signs of affection. if this person did not receive an “i love you” as a child, this is the way he believes thats normal in life. he may not say much, but when he does…......listen and read between the lines.

Sophief's avatar

@Grisaille Yes I know, I’m only asking! :-)

@john65pennington Thank you so much. You have brought tears to my eyes, that was really nice, thank you.

Sophief's avatar

@ucme Money can’t buy love?

OpryLeigh's avatar

Before my man was able to tell me that he loved me I knew because of the little things he did/does for me. He calls me and says “I just wanted to hear your voice”, the way he looks at me, buying me my favourite chocolate bar when he was at a petrol station paying for fuel etc (my list could go on) We have been together for quite a few years now and I only heard the words “I love you” for the first time a few weeks ago and yet I never doubted it.

ucme's avatar

@Dibley Agree wholeheartedly.Try telling her that~ Funny how extra loving someone becomes when they want something new. I love it though. She’s worth it!

Sophief's avatar

@Leanne1986 I bet that felt so good when he said it, that is such a sweet answer. He does things like that for me, he’s such a wonderful man, I don’t know 100%, sometimes I think he does, sometimes I don’t.

@ucme Your sweet. Hope you tell her she is worth it.

ucme's avatar

@Leanne1986 Like the Lo’real girl says, because you’re worth it.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Dibley Go with your gut instinct but don’t over-analyse it. If you have reason to think he loves you because of things he says or does then trust that. Until he gives you a reason to think he doesn’t love you then try not to worry about it. As others have said, saying those words is harder for some than it is for others. If he didn’t love you, why would he still be with you?

@ucme Haha…I like to think so!

ucme's avatar

@Leanne1986 Err awkward moment. Clumsy me meant that reply toward @Dibley. I’m sure you are worth it though….oh dear ahem moving on!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@ucme D’oh! I’m still worth it though!

Sophief's avatar

@Leanne1986 That’s what my mum said. I have issues with a lot of things.

ucme's avatar

@Leanne1986 a vintage year for fine mature tastes.

NUNYA's avatar

You Rock My World!!!!!

casheroo's avatar

I have trouble saying those words. I don’t know why, since I love my husband very much. He knows of my issues and still tells me he loves me multiple times a day.

I show it by doing small things, and by being physically and emotionally affectionate.

cornbird's avatar

The genuine care you see within the person..little things the person does would indicate that to you.

mass_pike4's avatar

I have been with my girlfriend for a year and a half and we have never told one another we love each other. We know we do, so we show each other by doing things for one another. Doing favors and the simple things that we would not normally do for someone else like making breakfast for each other in the morning or going out of our way to visit each other. @cornbird: has it right on doing the little things. It shows that you are thinking of them. That always means a lot to someone

Sophief's avatar

@casheroo Without being too rude, what are your issues? if I am prying just don’t answer.

casheroo's avatar

@Dibley I’m not exactly sure, to be honest. I just have issues with saying it. I am capable of it and have said it to him though.

Sophief's avatar

@casheroo Oh, as you have probably gathered by now, my boyfriend hasn’t said it to me, I was just looking for advice and what could possibly be the problem.

sjmc1989's avatar

Saying I look beautiful in the morning with no make-up and my hair a mess. When we are in a crowded place guiding me through the crowd with their hand on the small of my back, opening doors for me, pretending to love my singing, and on some nights just wanting to hold me and play with my hair without needing to have sex. All of those say I Love you to me.

casheroo's avatar

@Dibley How long have you been together? Maybe he’s just not ready. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t care deeply for you.

phil196662's avatar

@dibley ; She comes home from work, I remove clothes and lead her to her warm bath, wash back and other areas, dry off, give glass of wine, then feed home made dinner, do dishes then sit on couch and rub her feet and feed her brownies. Carry to bed but don’t let her go to sleep right away! repeat in am before she goes to work!

Repeat Often or as needed…

Sophief's avatar

@sjmc1989 That is sooo sweet, you have a good man there.

@casheroo 2 and a half years, living together for 1 and a half.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

There was only one person in my life to whom I could say that. As others have said, men demonstrate by actions. In my case, I demonstrated my love by physical acts of care (not necessarily sexual) and by gifts of things that I knew she truly loved (jewelry, books, new car, custom-made target guns). We also did so many things together; hiking, cross-country skiing, target shooting, ballroom dancing… +GQ Dibley!

Sophief's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land Thank you for your answer. We do things together and only in the last 6 months has he started buying me gifts, but gifts like you say you bought.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@sjmc1989 All of that and so much more! @Dibley: As a variation on @ChazMaz answer, one of my demonstrations of love was learning what she liked most and giving her multiple orgasms without regard to my own “pleasures”.

Sophief's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land That is how it should be.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Dibley :He’s showing good signs then.

ultimatestar's avatar

i wouldn’t mind. i don’t say it anyway.

sjmc1989's avatar

@Dibley Thanks, but I am single and I will continue to be single until I find a man that will do all of those things. :) I don’t want to settle.

Sophief's avatar

@sjmc1989 You talking from experience then?

sjmc1989's avatar

@Dibley Yes. All of my boyfriends did at least one of those things, but I want a guy that does all of them.

phil196662's avatar

Omg- @sjmc1989 – How could it happen…You Ravishing! How is it your not being pampered by some lucky guy??? Good to be patient and you will know it when you meet him! (((hug)))...XOXOXXO

sjmc1989's avatar

@phil196662 Well thank you..(blushes)

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