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Rememberme's avatar

What kind of cat is this?

Asked by Rememberme (661points) January 5th, 2010
18 responses
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I got this cat as a kitten at the pound. When I got him i didn’t realize how hyperactive he would become. What the video of him playing FETCH! and look at his markings. He isn’t a normal tabby cat. He has a fluffy tail and likes water (or at least will stick his paws in water or go outside during light rain)

I am trying to figure out what kind of “breed” he is. or some possible genetic background.

Here is a video of Benvolio.

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Dog's avatar

I do not know my cat breeds that well but I painted one similar to yours that was a Main Coon Cat. (By the way- very cool cat!)

Here are some champions to compare yours to. Note the cat Euphrates for markings.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
syz's avatar

I don’t think he’s any particular breed, but if I’m not mistaken, his coat pattern is known as a spotted tabby – very striking.

Cat breeds do not exhibit the diversity that dog breeds do (think Great Dane vs chihuahua), so it’s a much more subtle division. The tendency is to lump any cat with certain characteristics (large fluffy tail = Maine coon, no tail = manx, spots = ocicat, etc). In almost every case, if the shelter did not mention that the animal came from a breeder, it’s just a cat (the best kind).

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (4points)
sjmc1989's avatar

I’m just amazed your cat will play fetch with you. LUCKY! Sorry I am not any help with the breed, but very cute video! :)

smashbox's avatar

Looks like she may have some Ocicat in her, that is the name of the breed, I am thinking of. Regardless, Penny sure is adorable.

Snarp's avatar

Felis Catus. The domestic house cat.

LeotCol's avatar

There was another question on here I saw asking about a very similar looking cat. I believe they concluded that it was a Main Coon.

Its funny how for every “am I pregnant?” question on yahoo answers there is a question about cats on fluther

smashbox's avatar


Here is a link of the Ocicat, it looks very similar, because of the spots.

Snarp's avatar

I like to imagine my cat is a Maine Coon, but she’s probably not, even if she has some in her. Maine Coons are about more than just long fluffy tails. They also don’t meow (check, in my case) and are huge (not check in my case). But the cat in the video doesn’t look nearly furry enough to be a Maine Coon.

Irishmar's avatar

That is one cool kitty. I think he’s got beautiful markings. Obviously, very intelligent and does not look hyper to me at all. Keep him and love that far out cat.

LeotCol's avatar

Could be a European Short hair. I’m not into cat breeds really but looking up stuff makes me think that this is what he looks like.


Rememberme's avatar

Benny isnt a maine coon. I am sure of that. His tail is thick like a maine coon but the rest of his fur is long but not fluffy.

The Ocicat is very similar, perhaps he has some of that in him.

SeventhSense's avatar

Just your average pussy.

Cupcake's avatar

He’s beautiful!
This video made me think of my cats playing with their laser pointer Christmas present

SarasWhimsy's avatar

Based on the tail and the markings, it looks like you have a cross between a maine coon and an ocicat. But based on the long ear hair and leg markings I think there’s another breed in there somewhere.

As a side note, kittens that have been in the pound awhile typically learn to do things they think their humans want. All of my cats came from the pound and they all play fetch and like their bellies rubbed.

Snarp's avatar

I’ve heard there are services that will determine your dog’s breed genetically, I wonder if such services exist for cats? I’m inclined to think cat DNA is a little more muddled among breeds, but I could be wrong.

Snarp's avatar

Well, this website doesn’t list feline breed testing among its options.

Buttonstc's avatar

From your description of his hyper behavior and his coat markings, there is obviously occicat in his heritage. These are bred to be closer to cats in the wild.

The other types of cats with the more hyper personalities are cats of Eastern heritage such as Abyssinians, Siamese, etc. But they typically are smaller in size and slimmer in body structure.

The other part of his heritage is what’s known as “cobby” type of cats. They typically have larger bodies, thicker fur, but far more placid dispositions. Examples would be Norwegian Forest Cats, Maine Coons and others associated with Northern climes (as opposed to the slimmer Asian and African type cats like the Occicat and Siamese types)

So it looks like he’s a pretty good balance between the two basic types. In other words, a very hardy and healthy mutt with gorgeous coat markings.

The only thing you may want to watch out for, medically speaking, is a higher incidence of HCM among Maine Coons and Weegies. This is linked to a dominant gene so potentially hereditary.

I had a gorgeous Callie who had the size, coat type and personality suggestive of this heritage and died at only 11 yrs old from a stroke. Very shocking and unexpected to me.

In subsequent research, I found out more about the genertic connection. An ultrasound can detect the early signs of the enlarged right chamber of the heart if your vet deems it wise. But, hopefully with your guy, the Eastern part of his heritage prevails and he lives a long happy 20+ year life.

I certainly dont intend to alarm you needlessly but, it’s just something to be aware of. He is such a gorgeous boy.

SeventhSense's avatar

Nice coat but I still prefer a shaved pussy.

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