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mizkendall3939's avatar

Do I have a chance with this guy?

Asked by mizkendall3939 (151points) January 5th, 2010
23 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I am a Freshman in high school, and he is a senior. He is the hottest guy in the school and he is in one of my classes. I know I probably don’t have a chance with him, but how do I get him to at least talk to me a little bit? The class is only about 11 kids, and he sits near me. I’m the only Freshman in the class as well. Should I just not even try because he is a Senior? Please help! Thanks!

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Ah, high school – if the only reason you want to be with him is because ‘he’s the hottest guy in school, omg’, I suggest you relax and back off – find someone with who you really connect.

gailcalled's avatar

Show him the kind of brain you have, since you are the only freshman in the class. That certainly makes you special. What’s the class?

And don’t obsess over him. Those guys, at their 10th reunion, will surprise you.

rangerr's avatar


avvooooooo's avatar

No. And for good reason. If he’s interested in a freshman, its because he’s a creep.

mizkendall3939's avatar

The class is Shakespear/Drama. Also- I don’t really wanna be with him, i just really want him to notice me.

Chikipi's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir – I agree. You have to remember that he is searching for colleges (hopefully) so the probability of the relationship becoming something is slim to none. The guys I was gaga over turned out to have no substance at all and I wish my focus was more on my education instead.

Grisaille's avatar

Stop trying to get his attention. If he hasn’t noticed you by now, chances are he doesn’t like you.

chyna's avatar

Unfortunately, @Grisaille‘s answer is very true. Guys will usually let you know right off the bat if they are interested. Don’t sink any more attention into him.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Put shoe on head

mizkendall3939's avatar

The thing is… I don’t do anything. I just sit in class and don’t even look at him. This is the first time we’ve been in a same class so i’m not sure…

gailcalled's avatar

@mizkendall3939: You will benefit from the course much more than by attention from the cute guy; congrats, by the way, for taking it.

In Shakespeare, the course of true love rarely runs smoothly.

absalom's avatar

The hottest and most popular guys I knew in high school were, like, totally gay. Just sayin’.

Will you be reading Romeo & Juliet? Try to be like Juliet. (Except don’t kill yourself over a guy who’s probably immature.) Like @gailcalled says, pay attention to the material. :]

warribbons's avatar

don’t go for him.

he’s a senior in a freshman’s class?

or are you a freshman in a senior class… if so then go ;p

talk to him a little more, know a bit more then go from there.

don’t cry if he shuts you down though

Trillian's avatar

Great. You’re interested in the hottest guy in school. What else does he have? Anything? Why do you have the attitude that you need a “chance with him”? What, besides the way he looks, is great about him? You should reassess. Stop thinking how lucky you’d be to be “noticed” by him. You’re the prize. Remember it. Repeat after me, “I’m the prize, not him. I’m the prize, not him. I’m the prize, not him.”
Alternately, you could just forget about guys altogether for a couple years, focus on school, get a degree and become self supporting, then look around you and choose someone with whom you want to build a life.
Just, you know, a suggestion.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh @gailcalled! She’s thirteen. You expect her to be able to get her mind off the high status boy sitting next to her to concentrate solely on the class?

She just wants to talk to him. This is not about a relationship. This is about learning how to socialize and how to talk to people that intimidate you. These are important lessons to learn, and I would argue that she can learn both Shakespearean Drama and social skills at the same time. Indeed, it’s not just an issue of “can,” but that she has to. That’s what high school is mostly about. The education stuff is mere window dressing. (That last is a joke)

So how do you get over your inhibitions to talk to him? First, realize that he’s actually a boy. He might be stuck up on himself, or he might not. In any case, he should be polite, and if he isn’t, you don’t want to talk to him, anyway.

He may be popular, but in order to be popular, you have to be nice to people. So he should be a nice guy, unless everyone just likes him from afar.

I suggest you talk to him about something you are learning in class (see, socializing and school do go together). You might make a comment about something he said. “I thought your comment about Hamlet was really interesting. For me, it meant something different, blah blah blah.” Or “The teacher seemed especially nice (or mean) today, don’t you think?”

All you want is a conversation. You want it to be interesting (I hope). All this relationship stuff (other than friendship) is nonsense and fear on the part of other people here. Focus on getting to know him. If anything else happens later, that’s for then. Right now, remember that he is an ordinary person underneath his glamor, and he probably just wants real people to talk to (not girls who fawn all over him).

In any case, your only goal, for the moment, is to get up the gumption to talk to him. If you manage to do that, then you can think about another goal. Ok? You’re young. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll be mortified, but try to think that this is just one guy on one day and you have a gazillion days ahead of you. Or you could be like my 13 yr-old daughter and just not be all that worried about how quickly you start to get into the dating scene.
Just remember you don’t have to do anything. You can wait. Just do what you are comfortable with, ok?

timothykinney's avatar

I recommend the following:

1) If you are interested in talking to someone, just talk to them. Don’t worry about whether they will like you or not. In the end, if they like you you can be friends. If they don’t, you can move on. You lose nothing.

2) Guys are just as insecure as girls in high school. If you think he is cute, just tell him you think so. If he’s cool, he’ll take it as a compliment and you can go from there. If he’s not cool he might try to play it off. If so, just ignore him. As far as your reputation goes, you will be seen as the girl who’s not afraid to talk to a guy- no matter what he does.

3) Don’t spend your entire high school career thinking about one person. I did this and it was a big mistake. Having fun in high school means meeting as many people as possible and trying to understand where they are coming from. Learn to move across cliques and not to get stuck in one group of friends. Hang out with the athletes for a week and then with the emo kids. You’ll soon discover one group is not better than another.

4) Don’t give up having a social life just to pay attention in class, but don’t give up doing your homework to hang out with friends. Being social is probably the most important thing you’ll learn in high school (for finding success in life), but you need to go to college to get a worthwhile job and that means getting at least a B average.

5) Don’t make everything about you. This is a time for finding out who you are and shaping your identity and seeing what you think about the world, but it’s also a chance to meet a lot of different kind of people and to understand them. The more you understand others, the happier you’ll be in the long run.

Good luck and have fun!

Haleth's avatar

Is there anything else you like about this guy other than his status and his hotness? Something about the way you’ve described him seems cold, like either you have a really strong sense of restraint or you don’t have strong feelings for him. It sounds like you care more about how popular he is than who he is. If you are interested in him, just act normal towards him and talk to him about as much as you would to your other classmates, so you can learn what he’s like as a person.

john65pennington's avatar

Take it slow with this guy. if he is as hot as you say he is, he probably has several girlfriennds. he can pick and chose as he pleases. i would not stumble just get his attention. stumble means being too forward. how does he treat his other girlfriends? if he treats them like dirt, he will do the same to you. let him make the first move, not you. if you do, he will think you are an easy mark to use you and dump you. if you think this person is hot and he thinks he is hot, someone is going to get burned, you can count on it. i was a senior in high school and dated a freshman. but, that was a completely different time in history. in can happen, but tread slowly and be on the defensive. you do not want to be one of his hit and run girlfriends.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

The likelihood of you looking like an idiot by visibly crushing on this guy is pretty high.

Colen's avatar

If he’s the hotest boy from your high school, he probably won’t notice you, cause he knows that there are many other girls inloved with him and he doesn’t make friends except the ones which are like him. So, you need to get his attention with something new, you should try with arguing with him in your class about Shakespear or something about your class…

gailcalled's avatar

Ask him what he thinks about the heroine in “The Taming of the Shrew” or Beatrice in “Much Ado about Nothing.”

cornbird's avatar

Try to talk to him. I dont see why you shouldnt. If you like something bad enough..go for it. He just may be a cool guy and likes you too and waiting for you to make the first move….Go for it kiddo! I think he will be interested in you.

moon2006's avatar

one more rule to guys they either like you or not! be confident about yourself and don’t try to hard,dont even try guys are supposed to pursue you not the opposite

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