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Cotton101's avatar

Would you make a good Walmart greeter?

Asked by Cotton101 (3439points) January 6th, 2010
29 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

A person would have to deal with all kinds of people all day long. You meet nice people, funny people, mean-spirited people, and mad people. Also a greeter must stand on his feet all day! Amazing to see the older people that take this job. Know it must be hard standing on their feet all day. Plus, if it is real cold day, they have to deal with that door opening all day and getting that cold blast of air! Especially, this winter.

Would you have the personality, perserverance, and patience to deal with this job on a daily bases?

Here is a good example of the “stuff” Walmart greeter have to deal with everyday.

A very loud, unattractive, mean woman walked intoWal-Mart with her two kids yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. The Wal-Mart Greeter says “Good morning, and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?“The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say,“Hell no, they ain’t twins. The oldest one’s 9 and the other one’s 6. Why the Hell would you think they are twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?”“I’m neither blind nor stupid”, replied the Greeter.“I just couldn’t believe you got laid twice.”

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sakura's avatar

I reckon I’d be good I can smile and be polite :) We just don’t have Wal Mart here in the UK we have asda, which I think is like Wal Mart!

eenerweiner's avatar

No, I am not a people person in any way and I have learned from the 4 years that I worked retail in college that I never ever want to do that again. I am much much happier tucked away at a desk in the back of the building working on a computer all day with limited public interaction.

belakyre's avatar

I can smile. I can talk. I can be kind. However, if you ask me to stand for like, 10 hours a day, don’t count on me to stay on my feet for more than 20 seconds

Cotton101's avatar

hey, did you guys read the last paragraph? that before posting the question and thought it was hilarious!

sakura's avatar

It’s an oldie but a goddie, I got that through on my text some time early last year!

eenerweiner's avatar

Yes it was very funny.

Cotton101's avatar

Glad you got a good laugh out the question. Laughing makes the day a “little more bearable!”

HTDC's avatar

No way. Smiling at everyone who walks into the store seems too forced and superficial. Not my style.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

No I could not. Firstly, I am not a people-oriented person and “small-talk” is almost impossible for me. Secondly, I could never work for a company like Wal-Mart that has policies and corporate behavior that I find repulsive. I’d rather starve. +GQ

SarasWhimsy's avatar

I couldn’t possibly do it! Because Wal-Mart is the only store around here other than grocery stores, I had to go there yesterday. Imagine my surprise that the doors weren’t working. They turned them off because the wind was so strong. So not only do these older folks have to stand, now they have to haul those doors open and close them. I don’t know how they do it!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

(G’mornin’, Cotton :-)

Personality wise, yes I could. I love people & would do my best to make them feel good. I noticed the other day when I was in WM, a couple people just started talking to me. Guess I have an open, friendly look on my face. I love to have fun & talk. Now, as far as standing on my feet all day & being close to the door in winter, no. That wouldn’t be something I could do. And from some of the WM people emails I’m getting, I’m afraid that I’d laugh at people quite often.

Cotton101's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Good morning my friend…yes, you have to love people to do this doubt. I’m sure you would be a good one!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Cotton101 Aww…thanks. :D

Cotton101's avatar

@jbfletcherfan and you are very welcome my friend!

janbb's avatar

Hell no – although parts of my job as a reference librarian are similar to being a WalMart greeter! I would be bored to tears, have flat feet and hate the cold; also, I have a philosophical aversion to WM.

Cotton101's avatar

@janbb loll understood!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I think part of my thoughts on this is how I approach my job at the library. When I see someone come in the door, I’m smiling & greeting them right away. (unless it’s someone with a hoard of snotty-nosed kids, LOL)

SuperMouse's avatar

I’ll admit it, I would be the ultimate Wal Mart greeter.

ultimatestar's avatar

no. because i’m not a very friendly person.

janbb's avatar

@jbfletcherfan We library workers are actually ex-WalMart greeters who came in from the cold, aren’t we?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@janbb LOLLLLLL…very well could be. And we don’t have to push cold carts.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@SarasWhimsy That is because Wal-Mart cares more about their precious doors than their disposable employees, typical behavior of that outfit. I’ll go to any length to avoid shopping there.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Not really.. because when everyone came in I would probably say “word” ... which.. I’m sure isn’t Walmart protocol.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I worked at Walmart several years ago. Certainly not my favorite job, but it was a good one to have while still in high school. I worked in various departments all over the store, and even as a cart pusher. @Cotton101, in regards to “Also a greeter must stand on his feet all day! Amazing to see the older people that take this job. Know it must be hard standing on their feet all day.” It was harder on some of of the older people who were door greeters, so the managers would let them take an extra 10–15 break every few hours to grab a drink, warm up in cold months, and get off their feet for a few minutes (Some where even allowed chairs while working). When I was a cart-pusher, we covered the front door when the greeters took their breaks. In my experience, the greeting was relatively simple, and very few customers ever stopped to make small talk, and the ones who did where of a pleasant disposition. For the most part all that was required was a smile, and to help some people with carts if they needed it. Interactions like the last paragraph you posted (which made me chuckle) were very rare, and are not characteristic of door greeter’s daily experience.

Cotton101's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities hey, we all had our jobs that we did not like…mine, when i was very young, was a manager trainee for Shoney’s…oh my gosh, hate it…lasted about a month.

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

Hell no. I’d probably be like Walter. “Welcome to WalMart. Get your shit and get out!”

shego's avatar

@Rufus_T_Firefly you beat me to that.

I’m sure I could, but would I? NO!

warribbons's avatar

LOL! i’d chill with that greeter.

i’d be an amazing greeter,

“yo bitch, buy something or ill pop a cap in ur ass”

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