Social Question

JJJones's avatar

What person had more influence on your life than any other person?

Asked by JJJones (72points) January 7th, 2010
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

We all traveling down the road of life with it’s bumps and detours, and usually, there is a person who changed your course.

Whom would that person be and why?

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erichw1504's avatar


marinelife's avatar

Many people have been strong influences on my life.

First, are my parents. They helped form the core of my ethics and moral code.

Then, I had several bosses who were strong influences on my working style.

Lastly, there is my husband, who is my life partner.

dutchbrossis's avatar

I would have to say my dad, and now my husband has a lot of influence on me

Snarp's avatar

Gosh that’s hard. The easy answer is my father, since he shaped so much of who I am. But when you add the “changed your course” part, then it was the person who became my best friend when I was in college. She was a lesbian who I worked with, and she started me on a ten year career. She also caused me to change my attitude towards homosexuals, which began a complete change in the way I viewed the world in general and politics and religion in particular.

Another was a friend of mine who died of Leukemia at 16. We weren’t all that close, but his death made me question my religion, and was another key point in changing the way I viewed religion.

Next would be my son, whose birth completely changed my life in ways I had not foreseen and got me in touch with my emotions. He also teaches me patience every day.

And of course my wife, but her influence is more subtle, and she hasn’t precipitated any major changes in who I am in a person, just in my life’s trajectory.

erichw1504's avatar

@JJJones While others can have an influence on your life, you are the ultimate decision maker.

Austinlad's avatar

Great question, JJJones. I can think of a number of people who changed the course of my life in various ways, but two people who immediately come to mind are my friend Barry and my mother. Barry, who had recently moved to NY with his parents, invited me leave college in Tyler, TX and move to Manhattan to share his apartment at Columbiaa and work for a newspaper. I agreed, then chickened out (I had never been outside of Texas), but my mother encouraged me to make the move, even offered to drive me there. Had it not been for those two people, I doubt I would have gotten such a good and early foothold in journalism, a larger view of the world, and the training and experience to go on to a lifelong advertising and marketing career.

JJJones's avatar

@erichw1504 yep, that would be correct!

john65pennington's avatar

When i was eight years old, this city police officer, name unknown, made a difference. he was such a mentor to me that i decided i wanted to be exactly like him. and, it happened. i took the oath and loved my career as a police officer.

jessicamarie's avatar

Dalton Long lol
idk how or why he came into my life but he is the smartest person i know…his mind not his actions :(
Then he got into weed and…yeah “WE” went downhill,,,but he taught me alot

tiffyandthewall's avatar

my psychology teacher is the one person i know in real life who has had the most influence on me.
but for the most part, musicians have a greater impact on me.

gymnastchick729's avatar

my mother

filmfann's avatar

My father, both by his example, and by his early death.
Impossible to live up to, yet someone I very much wish I could be like.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Mother, brother, dance teacher, research mentors, college best friend, my husband and my two children.

YARNLADY's avatar

#l My Dad
#2 Me

mattbrowne's avatar

Besides my parents and my uncle, my piano teacher and my physics teacher in 11th and 12th grade.

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