Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Dress like a slut or behave like a slut, which would you lean to more?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) January 10th, 2010
52 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

If you knew a girl would you feel better about her if she dressed racy, minis, tube tops, skinny jeans, very low necklines, no bra, etc, but was a near straight ‘A’ student, rather shy, seldom dated and did not fool around, or would you feel better about her if she wore frumpy sweat tops, over-sized t-shirts, baggy jeans, always in a bra etc, was a decent ‘C’ student but got around a lot (sexed up just about any breathing boy in front of her), and was as far from being a virgin as the Pope is to being a hit man?

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Pazza's avatar

I think its all a matter of personal preference for the person window shopping, and a matter of self respect or lack thereof for the girl depending on how she dresses.

ucme's avatar

Big up for the sisters. Nice attitude toward the female race.

scotsbloke's avatar

Both scenarios you portray have quite negative sides to them.

I’d prefer she dressed appropriately and got on with her school / college / university and stopped putting me off my own work! Theres plenty of time for all that once the career plan is sorted out.
Hypothetically, if I was a teenager again, and these were my options, I think I’d stay in Uni till I was in my twenties, meet a nice girl and then Bob’s your Uncle!
(Although I might accidently LOOK at the sexy dresser a few times, purely in the name of science you understand)

Response moderated
HTDC's avatar

Excuse me but I do believe there are more than two types of women in the world. Even if you are being hypothetical I don’t think it’s the most appropriate question to ask. It’s rather offensive, what if I asked someone that but replaced ‘girl’ with ‘boy’ how would that make you feel?

I hope this question gets moderated.

And don’t tell me, “well if you don’t like the question don’t answer it”, because this type of question shouldn’t even be asked at all.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@HTDC There is not time or space to place every combination of females here, and maybe the next one will be about guys not like I never asked them you just have not seen it. But there are girls like that; some who look like they are sleeping with everyone but not and those who look like they never get touched are in everyway just about all the time. If the choice of the straight ‘A’ student that dressed like a lawyer or corporate head hunter that would be a no brainer wouldn’t it?

dpworkin's avatar

@HTDC Doesn’t like to think about sex. We have seen this before in a thread about cunnilingus.

iphigeneia's avatar

The first one actually describes me pretty well. Well, I don’t have the chest to pull off low-cut tops, but I feel much more comfortable in short skirts and dresses. I do very well academically and have never had a boyfriend.

I would definitely admire the second type of girl you describe, because she’d probably have to be quite charismatic and naturally sexy to attract men in the first place.

sndfreQ's avatar

I would feel better if no women were referred to or described as “sluts.”

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I don’t think you’re entitled to have an opinion on any woman based solely on her appearance, academic resume, and or rumored sexual history. You need to go on what you personally know about the people, and not rely on stereotypes.

The first person could be a self-serving heinous bitch and a bunny-boiler. The second person could be a victim depression brought about people spreading false rumors about her sexual activity, which affects her self-image, hence the lack of attention to appearance and mediocre grade point average.

jamielynn2328's avatar

I think women who dress with some skin showing are not “sluts”, they are confident.

I think women who sleep around with multiple men either just really like sex, which is not slutty, or they have low self esteem. Also not slutty.

A slut is a dirty unkempt woman or a prostitute. It is demeaning to refer to the female gender in such a way.

dpworkin's avatar

Humans are all really rather similar. I don’t think there are real sexual categories, just feelings that different people have about different sexual behaviors. I say it’s all good until someone innocent and unconsenting gets hurt. Other than that, who really gives a shit? (Other than @HTDC)

sndfreQ's avatar

@pdworkin I just get annoyed when people are reduced to labels, especially when they are particularly demeaning and mean-spirited. The world would be a better place if more people did give a shit…but that’s just my opinion.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh, I agree. I guess I didn’t make myself clear. The labels are nonsense.

sndfreQ's avatar

@pdworkin okay…I guess the last statement in your previous post can be interpreted a different way…gotta love the written word ;)

dpworkin's avatar

I meant why would anyone be so self-important as to wish to label someone else, when everyone can be labeled in some fashion.

sweethottaco's avatar

It’s ok to dress up sexy for your husband. Which is what I rather do. Save the sexy clothes for him and the frumpy clothes for them.

Response moderated
Allie's avatar

[mod says:] Please don’t re-post censored answers.

syzygy2600's avatar

LOL @ some of the people in this topic. Female is a gender, not a race, and if a woman acts and behaves like a slut, theres nothing wrong with telling it like it is. I’m sure none of you would hesitate to call a man who uses women a scumbag, so lets call a spade a spade shall we.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

what @sndfreQ said
the exact same thing came to my mind
your premises are too simple

gailcalled's avatar

I loved that I was modded. I can remember nothing of what I wrote.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@syzygy2600 in our society people are too used to spew ‘slut’ out at whoever they think is behaving ‘inappropriately’ – what you’d call a spade, I wouldn’t.

ucme's avatar

@syzygy2600 Ok you’re a spade a pretty cheap one at that!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@ucme Rather harse on @Simone_De_Beauvoir (won’t hold it against you though) he has valid points and I love when he brings them up, at least some one bold enough to make an educated stab. Society will always pidgeon hole certain people or certain actions. There were other words that would universally coney the ideal but they would have been far worse. The question is narrowed to whould you it be better to dress over sexy but not, or dress very unsexy but engage in tons of gratuitous sex? Sure there are gals who do differently but it would be like putting ice cream up against brussles prouts,it would be a no brainer.

ucme's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central My comment was quie clearly aimed @syzygy2600 . Come on keep up.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@ucme You are right, my apoligies, one should not Flither at 3:30am when one hasn’t been to bed. I guess it was @Simone_De_Beauvoir who addressed @syzygy2600 but still lets us be civil and not too harsh, then maybe the message will stick. ;-)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I have been called a slut and a saint – this is all subjective…what I would rather do depends on the situation – given my own understanding, I do not usually dress in a sexy way or the way it is expected for a sexy woman to dress…that is because it is a waste of my time – in terms of my sexual practices, no matter how many partners I have, no one has a right to call me a slut.

ucme's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I was perfectly civil. Harsh, moi never~

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir No one should have the right to call anyone out of their name, but this IS America and it happens. Because they do not know how or what to say of people in certain activities or actions they find a word which is not what the person themselve would be called nerd, dweeb, troll, slacker, blood sucking lawyer etc. They may not have the right to determine who you are but if you have sex with many people just for the pleasure and fun of it, people will. Just as if you had the love of basketball and rather spend your time playing then working away in the office you would be called a slacker by many, maybe.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central yes but you can also NOT use those words in your question – no one’s forcing you to use a term just because others use it.

sndfreQ's avatar


”@Simone_De_Beauvoir No one should have the right to call anyone out of their name, but this IS America and it happens.”

Sounds like some pretty circular logic, bud. You can’t postulate one value system (“No one should have the right to call…” then in the same discussion, pose a question that asks the respondent to go against the value you claim to espouse, on account of being “in America.” I know many, many reasonable Americans who would also not buy into that logic.

I guess @Simone_De_Beauvoir said the same thing, just more succinctly.

ucme's avatar

@sndfreQ Only in America~ We hear that all the time in England. Fairly derogatory term but it’s meant with affection….I think.

Violet's avatar

Why is a girl in school dressing like a slut in the first place?! And young sluts can’t be trusted. Both are terrible choices, and grades don’t matter..

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@sndfreQ Terms and there usage may not be the most correct but it is what we have and what most understand right off the bat. Many people know right away when “slut” is mentioned the same as “gigolo”, “thug”, “nerd” and “stud”. Instead of stud what would you choose to say, and overly sexual man of maybe good looks that engages in sex with many women for the sole purpose of sex? Most people I believe will come back with “oh, you mean a stud?” It is pretty much a generic term to shorted the definition of a given action etc.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet what does ‘young sluts can’t be trusted’ even mean?

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir (from personal experience), a teenage slut, often betrays her friends. She will often sleep with her friends’ crushes, will sleep with her friends’ boyfriends, etc etc.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet and an ‘adult slut’ doesn’t?

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I wouldn’t know

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t associate myself with adult sluts.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet but you associate yourself with ‘teenage sluts’? I’m sorry, it might seem like I’m asking a lot of pointless qs but I find it all intriguing.

gailcalled's avatar

sluts anagrams to lusts.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@gailcalled well, that’s just

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir no no no, when I was a teen, I hing out with teenage sluts. It would be creepy if I had teenage friends (especially if they were sluts!)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet so you’re not a teenager? and you’re a woman? I just want to know why it’s okay to call other women sluts

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Yes, I am a female! Doesn’t my avatar and name give that away?
I’m in my late 20’s

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet Avatars can be deceiving and I don’t randomly assume people’s gender identities.

Violet's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir what about the name Violet?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet when I think of Violent, I think of the overgrown furry mascot the Violet of my NYU’s sports teams…so it’s really non gendered to me

Violet's avatar

Violent and Violet? You said both

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Violet I meant violet, sorry.

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