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titania's avatar

How do you behave when you are in love?

Asked by titania (44points) January 12th, 2010
18 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

In your life, in those moments when you realized you were in love how did you react initially and long term, how did you treat the person? Did you immediately want to tell the person? Did you feel overwhelmingly happy or euphoric? Did you try to fight the feeling, not wanting to give so much of yourself to another person? Have you ever been in love and not realized it right away? In your opinion, did you give too much of yourself to the person? Did the circumstances cause a major upheaval in your life? Did you have unrealistic expectations of them? How did things end up?

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BoBo1946's avatar


wonderingwhy's avatar

How do I behave? Pretty much like a fool… but a happy fool :)

If I love’em they get the A class treatment, I basically put them ahead of myself and enjoy doing so.

I usually don’t tell them until I understand how they feel.

For me the best way to explain how it feels, like walking through a world made from shades of grey only to wake up one day have it filled with color. Absolutely clear and wondrous.

I’ve fought it before but I’ve always given in, it’s too wonderful not to, and too much to worry about losing myself in it.

It’s taken time for me to fall in love, but once it hits, I know it.

I give everything I have every time without reservation.

Upheaval in my life? Not so much, in my outlook on it and experiencing of it, absolutely! But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Love has a way of negating expectations, and “realistic” seems to take on a new definition.

It’s gone well and not so well. But it’s not about how it ends (and it truth, I’ve never been in love with someone for whom that emotion “ended”, guess I’ve been real lucky) for me but rather how much we both enjoy it along the way.

Haleth's avatar

A lot of the euphoric falling in love feeling is chemistry in our brain. When we start falling for a person our brain releases dopamine and seratonin, which make us feel nervous and happy, and oxytocin, which creates feelings of warmth and attachment. A lot of the time we mistake love for infatuation.

When I fell in love I took a long time to sort out what I was really feeling for the person, because I wanted to make sure there was really something different about him and that I wasn’t just infatuated. I told him after about a year and a half of getting to know each other. Of course I couldn’t help acting nervous and goofy around him in the mean time; that was part of the fun.

mass_pike4's avatar

childish and “in the zone.” I don’t care what anyone else says, does, etc. I am just myself and have no worries just pure joy :)

BoBo1946's avatar

my answer, did not mean the poster acted stupid in love…i do! got scars to prove it!

wundayatta's avatar

I love the feeling. I’m addicted to the feeling. The problem is that loves end, and the crash is pretty bad. I’ll give up being interested in anything, and just float through life doing what I have to. Minimally.

But the high when someone loves me? It is so incredible. It’s the only thing that makes me feel worthwhile. So I crave it. Of course, when it goes away, I no longer feel worth anything, and I just feel like dying.

wmspotts's avatar

I think daloon nailed it. Once you’ve felt it there’s no better high. It’s more addictive than oxycontin. You fear losing it. It almost becomes all-consuming sometimes. I personally love the feeling of being in love. I just don’t want to make a jackass of myself in the process.

BoBo1946's avatar

@wmspotts loll..good answer!

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Most of my life I believed myself to be undesirable to the opposite sex, so my experience with love is a little limited. It can be so warm and comforting, exciting, and terrifying at the same time. I get nervous about expressing my feelings initially and often am in denial that there are any feelings at all. But once I find that the love is mutual… There’s the initial infatuation phase, where I just want to spend every minute with that person, and can’t get through a single episode of a TV show without wanting to make out. When that kind of fades I act more or less like I always do, but I tend to be more “cutesy” around my current boyfriend since he likes that side of me. I don’t feel like love changes me all that much, and there are definitely times when I may prefer to be single. I feel love from my friends as well as my SO and appreciate them equally, so I don’t feel I have to cling on to my current boyfriend to survive. For that I am quite thankful.

ucme's avatar


CaptainHarley's avatar

Like some love-struck teenager! LOL! I often embarrass myself. : )

Lorenita's avatar

Crazy, euphoric.. and like there’s nobody else in the world but the loved one, so I would do whatever, just to be with him.

warribbons's avatar

i don’t give a fuck, say whatever’s on the mind

filmfann's avatar

Yup, I’m a total fool.

mass_pike4's avatar

@daloon: All you need is love….da da dadada

icehky06's avatar

Dress like a slob, act like an idiot, eat like a animal, crack random jokes…
Life’s good

bean's avatar

I became crazy in love…. they were perfect untill reality hit me….

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