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nayeight's avatar

I know I shouldn't expect a lot from Pat Robertson but this really disturbs me. Any thoughts? Concerns?

Asked by nayeight (3353points) January 13th, 2010
57 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

What an asshole

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dpworkin's avatar

Not much you can do about senile dementia.

MagsRags's avatar

He said similarly outrageous things after 9/11

Darwin's avatar

Oh, my. Perhaps he should have taken up writing fiction.

Well, he certainly is looking old. Maybe he will die soon.

Blackberry's avatar

Evangelists make me sick in general, this guy should just die like Falwell.

TexasDude's avatar

Pat Robertson is a senile old fart that has never been relevant… ever. Every Christian I know hates him too.

he can go climb a wall of dicks as far as I’m concerned

nayeight's avatar

“Deal with the DEVIL? It’s a TRUE STORY!? IT’S TRUE STORY!? It’s a true story?”

It just get’s me everytime….

jrpowell's avatar

The stupid is strong with this one.

lynfromnm's avatar

It’s just more proof that people can and will interpret events and actions to fit their personal agendas. Nice little money-making attention scheme for the always opportunistic Mr. Robertson.

Finding someone to point the finger at after a tragic enemt is childish and serves no purpose. Rather than wasting time on such things, how about helping the struggling people of Haiti to get back on their feet?

Strauss's avatar

@lynfromnm “Nice little money-making attention scheme for the always opportunistic Mr. Robertson.” I couldn’t agree more.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

It really disturbs me too. Makes me want to barf.

RocketSquid's avatar

What really makes me sad is that every time there’s a story like this, be it politics or religion, it simply comes down to us waiting for the old and the ignorant to die.

PoorRichard's avatar

Sadly, I can’t say I’m surprised by his bizzare comments any longer. What I was more disturbed by was that vapid idiot sitting next to him, nodding as if what he was saying made any sense whatsoever.

faye's avatar

Yes!! Why doesn’t somebody challenge the old prick? Is he protected somehow?

Fernspider's avatar

* shudder * I have never heard of this guy but after watching clips and reading the quotes, I am just shocked that someone like him could actually have the ability to spout off this incredible bullshit. That people actually listen to him and support his cause!? WTF!?

Darwin's avatar

@Rachienz – In 1988 Pat Robertson ran for President in the Republican Primaries and beat sitting Vice President George Bush Sr. in the Iowa Republican caucuses. His book, The New World Order, has many fans, unfortunately. Robertson is a global businessman with media holdings in Asia, the United Kingdom, and Africa, and a net worth of estimated between $200 million and $1 billion. This is actually a pretty good summary of him and his doings.

People have been listening to him and supporting him for many, many years.

jaketheripper's avatar

He says some dumb shit no doubt and that curse crap was just one example but don’t judge him too harshly. He has given a lot to help Haiti which is more than many of us can say. and i know this post will draw some flak so lemme have it

Fernspider's avatar

@johnpowell – I had a wee look at your link. She is an idiot. It really really saddens me to be reminded that people like this exist. Very sad.

@Darwin – Ditto above RE: Pat Robertson. If there was a God, he certainly wouldn’t support Paterson’s views in my opinion. Horrible.

nayeight's avatar

“They have sent a shipment of millions of dollars worth of medications that is now in Haiti”...

Somehow, I find that very hard to believe.

faye's avatar

@jaketheripper That kind of looks like it might be his personal newspaper.

Factotum's avatar

@jaketheripper Thanks. Credit where credit is due.

He’s a fool and he has perhaps thousands of followers. The thing to keep in mind is that he doesn’t represent Christians as a whole who are even now sending money and aid from their own pockets. Most churches don’t assume that Haiti’s earthquake was God’s punishment – that’s a very OT kind of outlook and it flies in the face of modern experience where natural disasters happen all over. Particularly to people who live on fault lines or suchlike.

jrpowell's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard :: “he can go climb a wall of dicks as far as I’m concerned” I’m stealing that line.

TexasDude's avatar

permission granted, @johnpowell ;-)

VohuManah's avatar

Fun Fact: Pat Robertson has had several surgeries on his brain due to his exponentially expanding ego and must take special pills to prevent logic, or his big head will come crashing down with his own ignorance and lack of cognitive thought.

gemiwing's avatar

This is what I said earlier today about it-
Dear Robertson,
Stop being a jackass and giving us fellow Christians a bad rap.

jrpowell's avatar

@gemiwing :: He isn’t a Christian. He is a businessman that plays one on TV for personal gain.

gemiwing's avatar

@johnpowell Scary part is he believes he is- and is ‘showing people the light’. Makes me want to shove my head through a wall.

judochop's avatar

This man is the devil.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

He is a prime example of people that should go to hell. If there was a hell. Religious superstition is bad enough without someone who is supposed to be a good christian spreading BS like he does. Seems to me if there was a god, it would have stopped the earth quake. Or feed the starving, etc., etc., etc…..

Nullo's avatar

I cannot account for Robinson’s words; the man has apparently decided that there is no time when things just happen.
That said, I don’t think there’s any reason for us to be insulting, or to wish for his untimely demise.

Aw, we’re not that bad. You’re generalizing too much.

faye's avatar

@Nullo He’s not generalizing too much for me.

Nullo's avatar

Robertson calls himself an Evangelical, and I suppose that he may be. I also call myself an Evangelical. Yet he thinks that the quake is an act of God, and I do not.
We are the same. And we are very different. Blackberry was generalizing too much.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Another fine example of…

“You can’t make sense out of nonsense.”

rottenit's avatar

I think he is the reson that I dont believe in organized religion anymore.

Ron_C's avatar

This is another of the ridiculous preacher/lawyer’s blame comments. He blamed the 9–11 disaster, not on ultra-religious suicide murders, on homosexuals and people leaving the church. Now this:
I understand that Rush Limbaugh said something equally stupid but refrained from listening to his painful rhetoric.

The real problem is these people claim to speak for the religious and the conservatives in this country. I used to be a conservative but they stopped speaking for me during Regan’s campaign. I would hope that the truly religious and conservatives soundly condemn them for their self-serving lies.

dpworkin's avatar

Limbaugh, Robertson, and the rest of the gang are only interested in how their audiences respond to their diatribes. Outrage does not upset them, rather they hope for outrage, because that energizes the base, and makes it more cohesive. The way to win is to ignore them, and let their remarks sink into a sea of indifference, but it is not likely that we will ever employ that strategy.

Ron_C's avatar

@pdworkin you are right, of course, but I hate to stand by and let these creeps have their say without consequences.

Limbaugh had a heart attack in Hawaii. The surprise isn’t that the overweight druggie had an attack, it was that he still had a heart. I thought it was removed in the ‘80’s

HTDC's avatar

This reminds me of Ted Haggard, another pathetic excuse for a human being. All I can do is laugh at them. People like that aren’t even worthy of discussion.

Ron_C's avatar

@HTDC and Jerry Falwell, may he rest in peace in the hell he created) and almost every preacher that has a “megachurch” or television program flashing 800 numbers where donations can be sent.

Mixing religion and money is ALWAYS a bad idea. How is it that god can save you but he just can’t seem to handle money?

HTDC's avatar

@Ron_C exactly. I doubt these people actually believe in their own religious preachings anyway. Nah they couldn’t care less about loving one another and “praising the lord.” It’s all about the money, always has been and always will be. What they’re doing is taking advantage of the poor and gullible. Why “money preaching” like this isn’t a crime punishable by law, I don’t know.

Ron_C's avatar

@HTDC you would, at least, think that churches would be taxed like regular commercial property. I really resent paying higher property taxes when churches, even in our small town, sit on many millions of dollars of prime property.

HTDC's avatar

@Ron_C Yep, it’s just another one of those examples of religion constantly receiving special treatment. They demand more respect and more rights than what they deserve and sure as hell they get it.

nayeight's avatar

Thank you Keith Olbermann. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Ron_C's avatar

@nayeight Thanks for the great video. I noticed that there were comments actually condemning Olbermann for his comments. I guess even idiots can use youtube.

Strauss's avatar

@Ron_C Limbaugh’s position on these types of things is painfully obvious from the disdain in his voice when he says the word “compassion”. It’s as if not only has he no compassion, but he can not believe that anyone else can act with compassion.

Nullo's avatar

I was going to post this as an individual thread, but I seem to have exceeded a daily post limit.
Danny Glover thinks that the Haitian earthquake is caused… by global warming. The Copenhagen climate summit failed, and Haiti was the result, according to him. True fact. Here’s the interview You want the bit right around 2:00.

Ron_C's avatar

@Nullo Danny Glover is a nice guy and his heart is in the right place but he obviously doesn’t know about plate tectonics.

He does have a small point in that water pressure can act as a lubricant to help the plates slip over each other. It can also increase the size of fissures to exacerbate the effects of an earth quake. This fault line, however existed long before climate change was an issue.

The trouble with celebrity talking about technical things is that they only know one side of the issue. If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems look like nails.

Darwin's avatar

Why do we persist in thinking that people who are good at pretending to be someone else for the camera are also knowledgeable about scientific, economic or political arenas?

Ron_C's avatar

@Darwin excellent point yet they persist in making sports figures and actors spokes persons. Hell, we even elected one as president and he wasn’t a particularly good actor either.

Darwin's avatar

@Ron_C – At least he was photogenic and got along well with chimpanzees.

Nullo's avatar

I was discussing the Robertson thing with some friends, and someone pointed out that, as far as he could tell, the man had said that the earthquake was caused by Satan, a sort of collecting his pay, rather than divine punishment. Seems perfectly in line with what Satan might do, so there should be no reason to be very upset with Robertson.
Lol at global warming hammers!

Ron_C's avatar

Good one @Darwin what was the chimp’s name; I think it was Bozo or something like that. Little did Reagen know that he would be Bozo would also become president.

@Nullo I have always thought that the truth about any argument lies in the middle between extremes. I expect that part of the problem is caused by humans and part by sun cycles. The proper reaction to this is to act in a way so that the problem is not exacerbated. We should be decreasing CO2 emissions, and we should insist that developing countries follow along. China and India are tremendous contributors to the problem but exempt. That makes no sense at all to me. I’ve been to both places and they can only benefit from cleaning up their countries.

Nullo's avatar

I often wonder if there’s anything to global warming at all. The Climategate thing pretty much answered the AGW question for me.

Ron_C's avatar

@Nullo the “climate gate” was email blown way out of proportion. It was a free exchange of scientists bouncing ideal off each other. The vast majority of real scientist believe that climate change is a fact. We cannot keep dumping carbon into the atmospher without paying an environmental price.

Frankly, I don’t believe anything that comes out of the right. The least we can do is reduce carbon emission and get away from the oil economy.

Nullo's avatar

Pics, or it didn’t happen.
I watched the fallout from all that, and saw a shoddy attempt at spin, that business about dumping all the old data, etc. You can tell me about the four out of five dentists, but I’m going to need some proof before I believe it.
And you’re going to have to find whatever moron was carping about the disappearing ice caps and deal with him, too: a temperature fluctuation of a few measly degrees isn’t going to knock the things out.

Frankly, I don’t believe but half of what comes from the left. The least we can do is stop messing around with systems that we don’t understand on orders from questionable Science™. I agree that it would be good to get away from fossil fuels, but only because they are going to run out one day and we’ll be out of power.

Ron_C's avatar

@Nullo it only takes a couple degrees, on average, to cause profound changes in weather patterns. Why not do things to keep the atmosphere as stable as possible.

I spend a lot of time in China where they use coal for heat, power, and even cooking. The air is cloudy, the smell is like living in a chimney. What they do there eventually affects all of us. We only have one planet. I don’t see why we have to screw it up.

Nullo's avatar

I was talking about ice caps, I believe. Not weather patterns.
Because we don’t need to keep the atmosphere stable. It’s a big boy, it can look after itself.
And it’s “Climategate,” a single word, derived from “Watergate” and journalism’s inability to come up with clever, original names for high-level criminal activity.
I read some of the published bits of the e-mails, and they looked awfully suspicious.

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