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trYing2understand's avatar

Is he really over him ?

Asked by trYing2understand (4points) January 14th, 2010
2 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I have been with my boyfriend for a little over three months now. The relationship has taken a serious turn when we moved in together after three months. Now seeing how this is not normal for me to let these things happen so soon, I would be hesitant but this relationship has been the most intense and one that I actually care about more then the rest. I understand that communication between two of his ex’s is still there including his most recent, I do feel he loves me entirely but last night a belated Christmas gift came with a few things from his ex, to a house we both live in….. Which means he’s giving out our address to them , allowing the opportunity for me to feel hurt. Now i feel perhaps I am being overly considerate trying to make sure he doesnt experience and of the risidual shit from my past, but its when i asked about the gift all the lies started to happen. I asked who it was from , got a lie, after opening the gift infront of me he proceeded to wear the hat that was sent around the house in front of me. When we went out for a smoke I asked if that was the hat he sent , he said no , another lie, and then all this led to the question ; Does your ex even know about me ?. The responses was yes, survey says….LIE…..... I feel very defeated and almost as if i am battling with someone who doesn’t even want me to win….. He says he wanted to spare my feelings , but lies hurt way more then honesty ever could cause now I am questioning things….... We live together , hes not from here I am under alot of pressure to have to figure out things in short amounts of time and am feeling very scared with regards to what the possible outcome could be of this…...any advice ?

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thewelshman's avatar

Well firstly I give you evil eyes because you let the relationship moved way too fast. Basically, in your haste to move in, you allowed yourself to become more and more open to this person, believing that you are ready to handle a step like this. And because of that, you two are not close enough to even feel the connection between a close couple.
Do I think you two are in love? No. Harsh I know. But love is not just gushed up emotions. Its a state where you are willing to do anything, even sacrifice your own happiness to make sure the other is happy. From what I see, I dont see this. I might not know enough granted. But he doesn’t have the courage to give you the frank discussion about his ex? And Im pretty sure he knows that lies do not lead anywhere good.
And what about you? If you love him, why aren’t you able to look past this and start afresh? If you love him, then why does something that seems quite trivial to the multitude of problems you can actually commit make you so afraid of the possible outcome? A strong loving relationship can withstand a storm like this.

My advice. Understand where you made your relationship go too fast and tackle that.

wonderingwhy's avatar

It’s one thing to lie to spare someone’s feelings, it’s quite another to get caught and continue lying. I’ve always been a honesty is the best policy kind of guy in relationships, particularly since some of my ex’s are still and will foreseeably be very close and dear friends.

In your case I would definitely be concerned, but honesty goes both way, you need to make sure you tell him exactly how you feel and why. Do it in a calm and very reasonable manner not in anyway aggressive or confrontational. Make sure he understands how important what you’re saying is and once you’ve explained, get his side, from start to finish, even if you’ve covered some of it before. Whatever happens after, at least you’ll both be on the same page and know where the other stands and why. He clearly needs to understand your feelings. This is the kind of conversation you should both make time for and sooner rather than later.

One thing to consider, it’s possible he lied to spare your feelings as he said, but also because he didn’t believe you could handle the truth. If that’s the case you need to do a little introspection and reflection on how you’ve handled things as well; it’s still not appropriate for him to be lying, but if it was a reaction to how he views you that’s an important factor.

Regardless, remember be honest, calm, understanding, and accepting of him and he should respect you enough to do likewise. If he doesn’t, it’s time to move on and, better to find out now than later.

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