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mademoiselle's avatar

Clear up a Bad Reputation?

Asked by mademoiselle (4points) January 15th, 2010
19 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Okay so no judging. What do I do when I’ve created a bad reputation for myself, I realize its my own fault I know this. But I wanna change and I want it all to go away. Just forget the rep I have and get to know me for who I really am. Has any bad reputations happened to any of you’s, that was your fault or not that you beat and/or overcame. It would probably help if I meantioned the rep I’ve given myself, and im not proud of it either. I’ve kinda got the slut reputation.. but those who know about stuff only know 2 sexual incidence that I have had, yet I’m still labelled the slut. What would you guys do in my shoes? Has this exact rep happened to you?

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Val123's avatar

Graduate from HS and leave.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

1) learn to quit talking about yourself and your sex life. It’s no one’s business.
2) don’t dress suggestively.
3) recognize that it will take time. Reputations die hard.
4) date guys that aren’t player wannabes.

lonelydragon's avatar

First, it’s good that you have the self-awareness to make changes. I would suggest not being as sexual in your conversations, and demonstrate that you have other, non-sexual interests. Also, just be kind to others in general, so they’ll see that you’re a good person.

I will warn you that even once you have changed, other people might not be receptive to the changes. As you know, first impressions tend to stick, and some people are just negative Nancys who like to dwell on others’ faults. Try not to let them get you down. If you worry too much about what others think, then the changes won’t stick, because change has to be self-motivated in order to work. Make improvements for yourself, first and foremost.

mademoiselle's avatar

@Val123 I know about the whole once I leave highschool new start, new biginning, learn from past mistakes knowing not to do them again kinda thing. Which is what Im currently waiting for! thank you though.

@PandoraBoxx And yes I know I should be less private about my personal life, but stuff kinda gets side tracked when you tell these things to people who are supposed to be good friends turns out they arent..

@lonelydragon thanks a lot that was actually really helpful!

daemonelson's avatar

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d be complimented by such a reputation.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Don’t make a big deal about what they say. Showing them that you care what they think is only going to prolong the drama, which is what they want because it makes them feel important. They’re saying these things becuase they know you’re going to feel hurt. If someone hisses “SLUT!” at you in the hallway, you just whisper back, “I know! Aren’t I terrible?” and flash a wicked grin. I’m dead serious.

But you will have to behave differently – for yourself and to help you figure out what your sexual (and other) values are. More importantly, you have to think differently.

As for your behavior with the boys you had sex with, figure out why you did it if you feel guilty about it now. I hope you don’t. What’s done is done anyway, so you might as well ditch the guilt and move on. If it was just to have the experience or to have fun, well, there it is. If it was to fulfill other needs that you aren’t getting fulfilled elsewhere, like someone caring about you, then I would try to talk to a good counselor about how you can meet those needs without having to sleep with guys who have a good line and then gossip later in the locker room. Either way, I hope you protected yourself.

As for telling your friends your business, well, I suppose you’ve learned who aren’t your friends now. In high school, kids are gossips and very judgmental. We adults can see how hypocritical that is; after all, many teens are just barely developing their own values, so some kid talking smack about who’s slept with whom and handing out reputations really have some nerve. You don’t have to take what they say seriously. I know it doesn’t feel that way because high school is like a hermetically-sealed greenhouse where all sorts of creepiness spreads like tree rot, but you honestly don’t have to take what any of those kids say about you seriously. They’re bored/scared people trying to turn their mundane lives into a soap opera. Really.

So as long as you’re still in high school, you’ll just have to keep your business to yourself. Most high schoolers are too immature to be able to deal with talking about their sex lives the way most adults are able to do. As we grow, who someone else is sleeping with (if it’s not our bf/gf or spouse) really isn’t a big deal or anyone’s business.

As for salvaging your rep, here’s the other deal. People who talk that crap are either jealous that you behaved the way they’d like to, but are too scared to, or they feel small in some other way that they can put off and ignore by talking about you. So in the end, whatever they’re saying about you is really not about you at all, but them and their insecurities. Again, feel free to ignore them, especially if you’re otherwise just being your kind and lovely self.

Continue being the cool person that you are, go on about your business and ignore those haters. If it gets to a point where you can’t do your schoolwork or they’re treating you like the girls in the Judy Blume book Blubber treated Fat Linda, then you tell someone and get some help. Good luck. Stay safe. And ignore the haters. Hold your head up.

Val123's avatar

@daemonelson ? Why? It causes people to treat you with contempt….

PandoraBoxx's avatar

If you are in high school, you need to keep in mind that most of the people you consider “friends” are really classmates, and will become just people you know. Most of these people will disappear after the second year out of high school.

You have to operate on the assumption that anything you say to someone your own age will be spread. Anything another person knows is not a secret.

CMaz's avatar

@PandoraBoxx – Is very wise! :-)

borderline_blonde's avatar

@aprilsimnel GA!

You should definitely only change if you feel guilty about what you’ve done. The “slut” label gets thrown around a lot these days (especially in high school) – it’s an easy way to make a girl feel bad when others are immature, jealous, or just plain trying to be cruel. What I’m trying to say is that I hope you don’t feel bad about yourself because other people think you should.

daemonelson's avatar

@Val123 “You’re a slut.” translates, to me, as “You get laid more than I do, kudos.”.

Val123's avatar

@daemonelson Uh…it’s not hard to get laid.

daemonelson's avatar

@Val123 I am aware of this.

Val123's avatar

@daemonelson So…I’m confused! If it’s not a difficult thing, why would you give someone kudos for it? It’d be like giving someone kudos for standing up a whole bunch of times!

daemonelson's avatar

@Val123 Because it’s a whole lot of fun?

Val123's avatar

@daemonelson It may be a whole lot of fun, but not worth getting treated like crap and being looked down on with contempt and disgust by the all the hundreds of guys you sleep with every month, as well as everyone else who knows of you.

daemonelson's avatar

@Val123 Perhaps I should clarify at this point: I’m male. In other news, hundreds every month? Wow. Not to mention, most people I know would congratulate me for such a feat.

Val123's avatar

@daemonelson Yes, while they were visiting you in the hospital, which is where you’d be due to massive STD’s!

daemonelson's avatar

@Val123 STDs or not. What a ride.

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