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Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

To the female jellies: How do you cope with being with a man smaller than what youre used to? (Nsfw)

Asked by Shield_of_Achilles (1906points) January 18th, 2010
55 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

As a man, most of us at some point have questions and worries about size. So, for the ladies here, when you start having sex with a man who is a fair bit smaller than your last man, what’s the thought process during the act about it, and how can we smaller guys make up for the lack there of?

I do apologize if this question is seen as inappropriate.

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faye's avatar

It’s not the size but the wiggle in the worm that gets the fish.

Silhouette's avatar

@faye hehehehe

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I’ll admit, I used to be disappointed but over time I’ve discovered that size (unless he’s abnormally tiny) has little to do with how good the sex will be. The larger men I’ve been with were sucky lovers. Go figure.

sjmc1989's avatar

@faye has it right! I have been with very well endowed men and they were not nearly as good as some of the smaller men I have been with. Truthfully when I see a huge guy, I get a little hesitant because 1.) I have a very bad bladder because I have UTI and bladder infections all the time and when I’m with a larger guy it makes painful and 2.) What I have experienced with the bigger guys is they think that they can just get by on size alone and doesn’t work as hard with everything else (probably not the case with all well endowed guys, but with the ones I have been with this seemed reccuring).

avvooooooo's avatar

Learn how to do what you do well and add to your repertoire and you’ll never disappoint. Oral and digital stimulation are good things to have that somewhat make up for a lack of inches if you feel it would be an issue. A lot of smaller men, however, try harder and end up doing better than their larger counterparts

Trillian's avatar

Ok, I’ll be perfectly honest with you @Shield_of_Achilles. In return, when I get the nerve to ask my question I hope for the same from you.
My last S/O was a lot smaller than what I was used to and after my initial surprise, I must say that I liked it a lot better. Sex can be painful with a big ol’ pole ramming against the cervix.
I wondered if he might be thinking that I was maybe too large for him to be able to feel anything. Apparently not.
It isn’t so much the wiggle in the worm for me as the friction, which I get on the outside. That requires no penetration at all, but he and I were an internal accommodation that I fear will never come my way again. It was actually close to perfection.
I personally don’t want “big”. It hurts. I just thought that was how it had to be. Until I got with him. It’s a shame he was a pill head/addict. I’d still be with him, getting laid very well even as I write instead of sitting in front of my computer all sad and lonely. Not that you all aren’t great. Where was I headed with this?
Oh, make up for it by getting into her and letting her get into you. Stay with her for a couple years or longer. The longer you stay together, the better the sex gets.

Violet's avatar

I don’t cope. I do have a minimum requirement. (I don’t want to argue about this, this is my personal opinion)
And what do you consider small?

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@Trillian Ill do my best. Just ask away.

Trillian's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles . I’ll hold you to that when I get up the…right words, nerve, whatever it takes. I really do want to know, I just….thanks. I’ll let you know when I do..

casheroo's avatar

One thing you should know….most women don’t expect every penis to be the same size. We know they come in all different sizes, so it’s no shock when one is smaller or bigger than the next. There’s nothing to “cope” about, unless the guy is completely awful in bed. Size doesn’t matter when it comes to being good or not. Motion of the ocean

Naked_Homer's avatar

@Violet – Nothing wrong with personal preference. Doesn’t make me less of a man. The way I see it it is no different than if I was not the right height or my sense of humor didn’t jive. But man guys can be touchy about it. It is nice when a girl can be sensitive to it though.

avvooooooo's avatar

Hey, as long as its bigger than the world’s smallest penis… which measured in at 1 cm… you’re good.

casheroo's avatar

Actually, I take some of my post back. Seeing a monster penis would probably freak me out, and I’d have to “cope” with the thought of it coming anywhere near me. Usually what a guy thinks is small is probably average…

nayeight's avatar

I have a harder time getting used to when its larger than when its smaller. I start to worry when he pulls out the XL Magnums. Sheesh! :-/

Violet's avatar

@Naked_Homer honestly, what most women consider small, isn’t really that small.
Guys, you are not as small as you think. I can not be with a guy with an 8–9in penis. It hurts.

faye's avatar

It’s only the first 11/2 or so of the vagina that has feeling. you need to be long enough to go in and out and thick enough to stretch us a little. Why do you think John Holmes did porn? Most woman were scared of it, and wanted paid!

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Would it be outside of bounds to post an approx. measure and see the responses?

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

by a little more than 4ish

Violet's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles I have been with a man who was less than 4 inches. It was about the size of my pinky finger (I am NOT exaggerating). I didn’t know penises could be that small.

casheroo's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles Wait, it is 7ish or 4ish. Not sure what your post means.

avvooooooo's avatar

@casheroo I met a footlong penis one time. Told it that it wasn’t getting anywhere near me, I liked my kidneys as they were.

faye's avatar

@casheroo 4ish around!

Trillian's avatar

I googled “the worlds smallest penis” for my job at kgb_. there were a bunch of links and one video in particular of a guy at some event where people wore wizard robes. @avvooooooo , are you talking about that poor guy? He TOTALLY wouldn’t put his robe on. Poor dope.
@Shield_of_Achilles, seven inches long, four inches around? May I quote Terri Garr from Young Frankenstein? “Woof!”

casheroo's avatar

@avvooooooo bahahah, I would have said the same thing! You wouldn’t be peeing right for a while. lol

faye's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles I think if you look it all up you’re a little bigger than the average. Was your ex being a castrating bitch?

Facade's avatar

I’m actually turned off by the look of a penis that isn’t large. I wouldn’t even be able to get aroused because of my own hang-ups. So I guess it wouldn’t work out between me and this hypothetical guy.

Violet's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles the average (American) penis size is about 5–6 inches

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@Trillian I don’t know what you mean by that….... Thanks for the answers though everyone, It helped.

@faye I appreciate the comment, but if you ever call my ex a bitch again, we will have issues.

faye's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles You will please note that I ASKED if she was being one.

Violet's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles faye didn’t call your ex a bitch, she just asked if she was a bitch.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@faye I noticed. And I’m not trying to be openly hostile. I’m just saying….
I have far too much respect for all of my ex’s to let people put them down is all.

faye's avatar

I did not put anyone down, but I may start.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Ok, I jumped the gun a little on that one. My apologies. But the point remains. No she’s not begin mean. It’s just a thought I’ve had for a while and am not asking about.

germanmannn's avatar

size is relative,maybe her vagina is to big?

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@germanmannn There wasn’t normally an issue. It was just something I had pondered many times.

Sophief's avatar

My ex was very small. Soft, he looked like a mushroom! We were limited to a few positions. I’m sure the sex would of been better if I at least was attracted to him, but I really wasn’t.

wunday's avatar

violet, when you said “what most women consider small, isn’t really that small,” what did you mean? Does that mean that small for women is medium for men?

CMaz's avatar

Mine is perfect. :-)

In length and girth.

Sophief's avatar

@ChazMaz How did I know you would say that?

CMaz's avatar

@Dibley – ;-)

Violet's avatar

@wundayatta It seems like the women here (and back on Answerbag) don’t care much about penis size, so when I say women, I mean the women I know I would say small is 4–5, average is 5, and big is 6+
This is just my person opinion from personal experience, and conversation with friends.

Sophief's avatar

@Violet 6+ is big?, wow I’m a lucky girl then, for once!

wunday's avatar

@Violet Oh. I completely misunderstood you. I thought you were saying exactly the opposite. That puts a completely different hang on the matter.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@wundayatta Giggity for using the word “hung”.

wunday's avatar


wunday's avatar

Facade, ta, love.

Violet's avatar

@Dibley I don’t know what would be the opposite of what I said.. Could you explain?
@Dibley I’ve been lucky too ; )

Sophief's avatar

@Violet I’m lucky now. For the first time ever, in the past I’ve some very small ones.

Violet's avatar

I have only been with 2–3 super small guys, the rest were large

Violet's avatar

@Dibley oops! ” I don’t know what would be the opposite of what I said.. Could you explain?” was meant for @wundayatta

wunday's avatar

@Violet “what most women consider small, isn’t really that small,”

What this sentence appears to say is the what a woman thinks is small, really isn’t. In fact it’s medium or larger, when compared to all penises. So women over-estimate the size of the average penis.

But what you meant, when you trotted out your numbers, was something fairly accurate, at least according to the data I’ve seen. In addition, you said women didn’t care. So this seems to be the opposite of what you said. I.e., I misunderstood you.

It’s not all that important.

Violet's avatar

“what most women consider small, isn’t really that small.”
What my friends this is small, is not small. It’s average, according to the average American man.
and then I said “I would say small is 4–5, average is 5, and big is 6+”
I think I was pretty clear.

wunday's avatar

Oh. I guess I did understand you correctly the first time. Very confusing, Perhaps you are pretty clear to many others, but you are absolutely opaque to me.

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