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nailpolishfanatic's avatar

What do you guys think of porn?

Asked by nailpolishfanatic (6637points) January 19th, 2010
40 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Do you think its bad for teens or what?

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CMaz's avatar


There is a season and a time for everything.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

why do you thin k so chazmaz?

sleepdoc's avatar

This question has a slippery slope. If you ask around people can and do get addicted to this. So although it may be viewed as a healthy investigation, it can be bad.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Well teens can be a broad range of age. I think I was a teen when I first started viewing porn. To this day, I use it in the same fashion – for quick arousal > masturbation> quickie orgasm. I can analyze the meaning of porn with the best of them, though and I do understand that by viewing mainstream porn (even as rarely as I do) I am perpetuating the demand for it.

AstroChuck's avatar

Porn Porn Porn! Hurray!

I’m already on my twelve pornograph stylus.

poisonedantidote's avatar

i cant say i see anything wrong with it really. depends on who watches it i guess. but i was about only 9 or 10 years old when me and my friends started stealing “magazines” off older kids. i watched hours of the stuff over my teens, and i think i turned out ok. i dont have any hang ups about sex, i dont objectify women, i dont abuse anyone and would never rape someone or anything like that. but as i say, it probably depends on the person.

mrentropy's avatar

I think it depends on the teen. I was sneaking peeks at Playboy and stuff before I was a teen and I don’t think it’s done anything harmful to me. I have a healthy respect for women.

On the other hand, there’s a lot of guys who turned out differently.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Yeah…wow thxs everyone for your answers:) I guess its true that it depends on the teen….

Snarp's avatar

I think a lot of it sucks, and lately it seems to be getting more and more violent and misogynistic, but it also serves a purpose and serves it well. I would rather a teenager look at porn and masturbate than go out and have unsafe sex. Frankly, I also think it’s generally a good thing for a curious teenager to get a real look at naked body parts of the opposite sex and how they properly fit together. If only porn wasn’t chock full of unrealistic expectations, and degrading acts I would have no problem with it at all.

nisse's avatar

Meh. It’s just porn, don’t overdramatize it. How could seing pictures of naked people or people having sex be damaging. We’ve had sex and been naked for as long as there have been people.

sleepdoc's avatar

@Thesexier… why sorry?

CMaz's avatar

Why? Been a teen.
Something I would have preferred to cross paths with later in life.

First it is illegal under the age of 18 to posses porn. Like beer.
I think it is a good law.

The young mind and body should be focusing on other things.
There is plenty of time in their life to get to experience such things.

“I guess its true that it depends on the teen”
That is a cop-out and an “easy” way out of making a responsible decision.
Responsible decisions are not always easy to make.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Well @ChazMaz , I think I started 13–14 years…just watching because I didn’t know what masterbation wasxD. In the summer of 14 years-15 tthats when I knew and started doing it…

TheJoker's avatar

Personally I’m not a fan of anything that helps people see other human beings as objects rather than as complete people. After all, you can do pretty much anything you like to an object…. & in relation to teens, they hardly need any assistance getting the wrong idea about people.

mowens's avatar

Mmmmmm porn

Steve_A's avatar

I guess the police would be coming after me now even though I am 19 I found out about porn when I was a wee-little chap around maybe 12 if I remember right. by accident too. Its too easy to find porn on the internet it just is.

but anyways for ME I have not had any harmful side effects, I have total respect for women, if anything I find porn to be a nice release (no pun intended) I mean when I get horny I could go out and do something but ya know you don’t always have to.

but more oddly enough when I am really attracted, like, or pursuing a girl I do not think of porn or maybe thats not odd?

So for me personally porn is not a big deal at all, its just not.

I think the real question is who sees the porn and at what age…...some kids/teens may find it not to be a big deal others could have serious effects. Hard question you have here though! Great question I think.

TheJoker's avatar

The first time I ever viewed hard-core porn I was about 7yrs old. We were staying over in a hotel (some big business do of my dads) & I was flicking through the channels on TV. Watched about 3mins of it & threw-up.

life_after_2012's avatar

porn is not good for teens – teens cannot filter out the the potentally harmful messages,nither can some adults for that matter. there’s too many pornstars that die from aids or self inflicted wounds not mention suicide. just google it it will change how you think of porn.. there thousands of pornstars that have died from aids..its a very ygly truth.. so next time you a porn movie you could be watching to people killing eachother

Steve_A's avatar

@Snarp I agree with you there, people or especially teens and younger people might assume that this is how sex really plays out, and it does seem to be only getting more “hardcore and dirtier” some of the stuff I looked at was more for shock value then to be aroused.

MissAusten's avatar

There are many factors that affect a person’s sexual attitudes. Personally, I don’t think porn by itself would cause a person of any age to objectify women, become a rapist, or start to run around degrading people through sexual acts. We learn from our parents, our peers, books we read, and examples in real life. Like just about anything else, porn can be misused, overused, or whatever you want to call it. A teenager who mainly has better examples to draw from won’t be ruined by watching porn. It’s a natural thing to be curious about. I would worry more about a teen who watches porn but has no other experience to compare it to, or no one to talk to about it and might not realize how unrealistic those scenarios are.

Now, just for fun, check out some PG Porn on YouTube!

TheJoker's avatar

@MissAusten…. Yeh, I agree, it isn’t a 1 issue thing, I just always feel sad when I think about porn stars & how they got to be what they are, so my views are bound to be skewed by this.

Steve_A's avatar

@MissAusten LOL that was great the PG porn and the ending what a twist! haha :D

tsk,tsk he couldn’t control his power tool. ;)

MissAusten's avatar

@TheJoker Wouldn’t it be great if every parent would have discussions with their children about all aspects of porn?

@Steve_A Glad you enjoyed it! My cousin sent me a link to that one day, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

sleepdoc's avatar

@MissAusten….it can set up unhealthy connections in the brain. Some people are just wired differently. Think of the alcoholic. For most people alcohol is .. fun. For some it is life threatening. Just putting that out there to raise awareness!

MissAusten's avatar

@sleepdoc You’re right, and I mean to qualify that in my answer. I guess I should have said “most people” instead of “a person” but there really is no way to know if it’s a nature or nurture issue.

TheJoker's avatar

@MissAusten…. on a serious note, I think most teens would benefit from a frank discussion about porn, putting it into context, understanding that you don’t treat women like that etc…. & on a silly note, that PG Porn clip was fantastic, Nathan Fillion, what a dude :)

nisse's avatar

Interesting read on this topic: Scientists say all men watch porn

“on average, they first watched pornography when they were 10 years old.”

On average.. your teen may be well ahead of you. Im sure this is neither a conclusive nor comprehensive study, still funny though.

Snarp's avatar

@nisse Worst. Headline. Ever. Mainly because what they found was that all the male college students at their university that they interviewed had “consumed” some kind of pornography at some point in their lives, not that “all men watch porn”. We don’t know that they actually “watch porn”, which implies some sort of video rather than still images. They may just look at the Victoria’s Secret catalog or the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. They may have had a peak at uncle Joe’s playboy when they were twelve and never consumed porn since.

I just hate when the media use sensationalist headlines to blow scientific research out of all proportion.

sleepdoc's avatar

@MissAusten ... For some it is a nature issue. Their brains relase chemicals differently than others in response to some things.

TheJoker's avatar

Not really related but in the film Tropic Thunder one of the chracters stated that porn basically decides what new format of film will be successful, VHS over Betamax, Blueray over HDDVD…. does anyone know if this is true?

nisse's avatar

It is said that VHS won the battle versus Betamax because of having porn. Im sure there were many factors involved in this, porn being one of them.

Snarp's avatar

@TheJoker I’ve heard that before, and it frankly wouldn’t surprise me a bit. It is the one kind of “film” that you can’t get on T.V. or in a theater (for the most part).

kheredia's avatar

I think it’s gross and a very distorted view of reality. I’ve seen it and I’m not a fan.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@kheredia , ok…thats ur opinion

CMaz's avatar

VHS won over Betamax because VHS stayed more mainstream when it came to supply and demand. Beta 1 hour. VHS 2 hours.
Sony held on to the rights of the Betamax system. And yes, would not release porn on beta.
Anyone could manufacture a VHS deck.

Beta produced a better video signal. But, supply and demand won out.

HTDC's avatar

@kheredia That’s my opinion too.

jeanna_'s avatar

I was around 5 or 6 when I first started looking at porn. I found my father’s magazines and videos. I would mostly masturbate to the ideas of being with the women, though also fantasizing about being with myself…about what I would be/look like when I would become older. I see nothing wrong with teens looking at porn, though I believe it needs to be something parents are open about discussing with their kids. I will discuss sex and masturbation early on with my kids. I want them to feel comfortable with the subject, to be able to ask me questions and tell me how they feel/think.

TheJoker's avatar

@ChazMaz… thanks for that, I was always curious about why Beta failed.

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