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dogcatman's avatar

Is it illegal to look at naked photos of yourself as a child?

Asked by dogcatman (53points) January 19th, 2010
49 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Or take a video of yourself a 13 doing something sexual then watching it again when you’re 19?

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rangerr's avatar

Um. No?
I don’t even..

jerv's avatar

The former, no. That is perfectly legal

The second is illegal, even if fully clothed

Nudity is not always sexual in nature and that is the dividing line between “art” and “pornography”.

markyy's avatar

Yes, that’s why jail is full of mommies and everyone who they showed that album to.

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t think it’s illegal.

simplicity's avatar

No it’s not, however I doubt the excuse “I thought they were pictures of myself” would hold up in court.

Sarcasm's avatar

And not only that, the FBI has a sensor for that. As soon as you pick up that photograph, the choppers will be on their way, to haul you off to Federal Pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

Likeradar's avatar

This isn’t a completely ridiculous question as some of you are making it sound. People under the age of consent have been prosecuted for distributing pictures of themselves, so, this situation isn’t so insane.

tinyfaery's avatar

Someone please provide proof that is indeed illegal.

Val123's avatar

I’d be wondering who took the naked photos of you as a child.

rangerr's avatar

The question said nothing about anyone else looking at the pictures/videos.

markyy's avatar

@Likeradar I agree, but how do you distribute a picture of yourself to yourself?

tinyfaery's avatar

You can look at pictures of yourself all you want.

arnbev959's avatar

This story concerns a 14 year old girl who was being charged for producing child porn after taking pictures of herself and posting them on myspace.

Likeradar's avatar

@rangerr I know

@pete It’s a weird new territory. Teensgers are being labeled sex offenders by the courts for showing their partners naked pictures of themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if the scenario in this question comes up in the courts sooner than later.

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Val123's avatar

@petethepothead That makes sense, actually.

timothykinney's avatar

On a side note, I think it’s ridiculous to expect teenagers not to have or explore sexuality. There are proper contexts and necessary discussions/education, but if we pretend teenagers are asexual we are idiots.

Val123's avatar

@timothykinney Well….that’s off the subject. But since you brought it up, as you said yourself, “proper contexts” are important, and what some of the kids today are doing are so far out of “proper context” there should be a completely different, new word for it. That is way outside the realm of “normal” sexual exploration and curiosity.

eponymoushipster's avatar

im not sure, but if i ever have kids, im gonna blindfold them when they take a bath so they don’t end up in prison.~

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It shouldn’t be, if it is. There are plenty of pics of me as a kid w/o clothes on…I have plenty of pictures where my kids are naked…they’re kids, get over it…if you, as an adult, are looking at your kid naked pics and are aroused, you should look into that…seek some sort of help.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Sounds like it has already happened. Might be a little late to ask the question.

CMaz's avatar

Do you masturbate to the picture of yourself as a child?

mrentropy's avatar

If memory serves there was also something about a couple who were arrested for having pictures of their kid taking a bath developed at Wal*Mart.

The law is getting out of control.

HGl3ee's avatar

My parents had a heluva time keeping clothes on my little sister and me, it’s not uncommon for us to be runnin around in just undies in old home videos. But it’s nothing sexual at all, we’d be playing barbies or “Grocery Store” dress up, whatever contained our attention at that time. Looking back now my Mum laughs a lot wondering why the heck she didn’t duct-tape the pants to our waist and shirts to our arms. We we’re little innocent strippers, hahahhaha I’m gonna go home and watch some home videos now!! Great memories!

HGl3ee's avatar

@ChazMaz : GA, Sir!! ^.^

Val123's avatar

@mrentropy Are you serious? OMG! I must destroy the evidence of when my daughter was 2 and had a glitter butterfly stuck on her nekid butt and I took a picture of it!!

mrentropy's avatar

@Val123 Sorry, they weren’t arrested but it was a really big mess.

Read about it here.

Val123's avatar

@mrentropy I think the Walmart employee(s) who viewed the pics as sexual in nature, and turned them in, are the ones who should have been arrested.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

At the moment yes, it is illegal to post or have pictures/video of anyone under the age of 18, even if its yourself. There are multiple cases pending of children being prosecuted for having done this. You literally could be registered as a sex offender for the rest of your life, for having had nude pictures of yourself at 17.

However, this likely will be amended in new laws within a few years. It simply has never been a problem until the emergence of easy photos/videos/the internet.

Val123's avatar

(When I read this question, I assumed we were talking about children-children. The little ones, under 5, who run around half naked all the time.)

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

@Val123 Technically, that is also illegal. ANY photos of children under 18 are against the law. You just don’t really see it enforced on photos such as that, because like you said, children are naked half the time running around and whatnot.

HGl3ee's avatar

@Val123 : Hahahaha! Glitter butterfly? That’s so cute!!

Val123's avatar

@ElleBee :) I miss my babies….. :( They’re all grown up.

daemonelson's avatar

Not to my knowledge. I’ve always wondered about little circumstances such as this.

casheroo's avatar

Well, for the case of the 14 year old..I think she would be the one in trouble..she took the pictures and put them online.

LethalCupcake's avatar

I really don’t see how it can be illegal if your looking atpictures of YOURSELF. If for some reason you were to show someone else the sexual pictures – then that im sure IS illegal. Just don’t go throwin those around man…... For everyone’s sake

Val123's avatar

@LethalCupcake Like I said, I assumed he really meant children-children. If we’re talking about 13+, though,and we’re talking about deliberate sex pictures, I would think it would be VERY weird to take sexual pictures of yourself for only yourself to look at!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. Being it is you looking at a video you took of yourself it would actually not be illegal BUT, we are in the US are you? Here people have a great chance to be uncomfortable with that even though we use sex to sell everything from gum to eye glasses so SOMEHOW some DA will try to make it illegal and maybe toss your a** in jail.

DrBill's avatar

Taking, having, distributing, and looking at nude children is within the law, as long as they are NOT sexual in any way.

Violet's avatar

A sexual video of yourself when you were 13? It was a felony for you to make it in the first place.

tinyfaery's avatar

It wasn’t illegal to take a video of myself when I was 13.

I have still yet to see proof that this is illegal, only claims.

HGl3ee's avatar

@Val123 : It’s a transition as the years pass, and things will change and they will grow up; but they will always be your babies <3 (With glitter butterflies on their bums! Hehe)

Val123's avatar

@ElleBee Makes me wanna cry. My “baby” is 22, 6’3”. He used to be so sweet and warm and cuddly…..

HGl3ee's avatar

@Val123 : Oh! No no, don’t cry! {{{HUGS}}} Be ever so proud that you have raised him to be the man he is today, that he is alive and well. Who will give you adorable little grand-babies that you will get to spoil and love. Growing up is inevitable, but it opens up so many new experiences you can share together. He might not be warm and sweet right now, but a lot of that has to do with his age. Not many 22 year old guys I know are, but as he grows up he will love nothing more then going home to the familiar house, his Mom’s cooking and the comfort of her friendship. I consider you a very lucky lady ^.^

rangerr's avatar

@Val123 Don’t worry. Your baby grew up to be really cute.

tinyfaery's avatar

Don’t get in a snit because I asked you to back your claim with facts. I’m so unreasonable.

Violet's avatar

Snit? ah ha ha ha!!!
You were “snitting” way before I even commented.
“Someone please provide proof that is indeed illegal.”
And I asked you a question: Can’t you do your own research?

Allie's avatar

[mod says:] Just a friendly reminder to not start a fire … or fan any existent flames.

Edit: Hey! That first part kind of rhymed! =D

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