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Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Have you ever forgiven yourself?

Asked by Shield_of_Achilles (1906points) January 26th, 2010
25 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I can’t say that I very well care how other people make me feel, they can say what they want and it doesn’t really phase me. I treat myself a lot worse than anyone else ever could, makes it a lot easier to forgive people for what they do in comparison. I’m tired of being angry with myself and taking things out on myself. How do you forgive YOU? How do you truly let the past be the past?

For those who may be worried I’m not a cutter, or a burner, or anything like that. I am very against suicide, and I would never give it a second thought. My only physical actions against myself are working out entirely too much and punching walls and such. The latter of which I have already vowed to stop doing.

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bennett's avatar

For me and the things I’ve found I’m most hardest on myself for, it’s just taken a lot of time and personal growth to forgive myself (or mostly forgive). Usually many, many years. We all make mistakes. hugs

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Mistake is a bit light a term for the things I’ve done.

trailsillustrated's avatar

i ruined my children’s lives. I dissapointed my parents. you just have to make the future better than the past, it’s the only way to forgiving yourself.

mcbealer's avatar

Perspective. Whether that be through volunteering, finding a higher power, or even starting over completely from scratch. Get a new one… in the grand scheme of things, individually we are minute in comparison to the size of this universe… I try to remember that when I get caught up with all the sh*t in my head. Coldplay has a song sort of about this. By the way, Lost in Translation is a phenomenal film if you haven’t seen it yet.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes I have
but I hold a grudge against my penis and he must be beaten every day.

bennett's avatar

@SeventhSense ok, I had to laugh at that one. ;)

Polly_Math's avatar

Yes, but I absolutely would not accept it.

MagsRags's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles have you tried making amends to those you have wronged? “My Name Is Earl” has shown the humor to be found in trying to reform yourself, but I think there’s something to be said for some of those 12 steps outside of AA. Maybe if you do what you can to set things right, you can let go of some of what is weighing you down.

CupcakesandTea's avatar

Sometimes it’s hard to forgive yourself for mistakes (I would know since I’ve yet to forgive myself for some things I’ve done). We all really do need to learn to be a little more forgiving, especially for ourselves. The past is the past and you really can’t change things that took place.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes but I refuse to join a support group although I hear it’s an epidemic among men
What’s up with the name change.
That’s seems like an entire gender re identification? I was kind of fond of the beach girl.

filmfann's avatar

I can forgive others easily, but not myself.

Blondesjon's avatar

Nope. I’ve accepted that I’ve done some things that I am not proud of but I will probably never forgive myself for them.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar


Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Here. 1337 or leet

SeventhSense's avatar

nerd :)

john65pennington's avatar

I will say that sometimes i have felt bad about myself, like, should i have written that sob a ticket, instead of just giving him a warning. but, i have never punched a hole in a wall, just to justify a good or bad decision. bottomline, we all make mistakes in our lives, its just human nature. using the wall as a punching ball is not the answer. sooner or later, a bell is going to ring in your brain and you are going to tell yourself: “if i continue to have self-pity on myself, its going to an effect my health. its time for a change and i am the only person on earth that can make this move for me”. i have answered many calls with the same situation as you. so, you are not alone. most of these people sought psychological help for their problem. this may be your answer. knocking holes in walls is not normal.

sjmc1989's avatar

@filmfann Took the words right out of my mouth. You have to live with you for a long time so treat yourself well. Easier said than done I know

john65pennington's avatar

sjmc1989 everything okay?

sjmc1989's avatar

@john65pennington Yes I am okay just trying to work on myself the best I can right now.

sjmc1989's avatar

@john65pennington Thank you for your concern thought it means a lot :)

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@MagsRags The people I’ve wronged want nothing to do with me anymore.

@SeventhSense You love it.

@john65pennington Ive moved on from drywall, and you can’t punch holes in concrete or brick. Trust me, I’ve been trying.
As far as a therapist, I had one. Last week he told me I was too much for him to handle. I get a new one Thursday….

@sjmc1989 I’m the kinda guy that really only does what’s expected of my. In fact, the last thing I did that wasn’t what I was expected to do turned out to be the best and the worst thing I’ve ever done, where as the rest of it has just kinda been OK. So, I will if you will. Deal?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

To grow as a person, you must apologize and do all you can to make amends for things you have done that have hurt others, especially those you care about.
Whether they forgive you or not is their business.
Whether you forgive yourself is your business.

If you refuse to forgive others for things they have done to you, you get stuck in the past and you cannot move forward. The same things happens when you refuse to forgive yourself.

By all means do not forget your past failings, you need to remember them so you can continue to learn and improve.

Acting out with violent behaviour against yourself or inanimate objects is irrational, self-destructive and inappropriate.

It teaches you nothing about your past failings and serves no positive purpose.

fathippo's avatar

I know this seems pointless and like what you don’t want to do, but I could not forgive myself and I was so angry and hated myself so much for so long, and couldn’t think of my face without wanting to go back and beat myself with a heavy metal object (i know there would be some issues with time travel paradoxes etcetc =/). But in the end, after time, it was like I detached myself from the past and it is now just kind of hazy, I can’t remember feelings so much, and although I can still see things in my head, it’s like I’ve been detached emotionally, like watching something from very far away and very small. So maybe, we just have to wait (?) because even if subconsciously, we will work things out or detach ourselves in the end (?). But I don’t know… =)

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