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kidkosmik's avatar

When was the last time you cried?

Asked by kidkosmik (452points) January 27th, 2010
48 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I’ve gone years without shedding a tear. Every now and then something provokes enough emotion for me to cry. The last time was when my sister spanked my nephew. What about you?

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wilma's avatar

I cried this morning.

kidkosmik's avatar

@wilma How come? If you don’t mind me asking.

DominicX's avatar

I’m not a big crier, either. When I was little, everything made me cry. I was a huge crybaby. That is no longer the case. If I truly cry because of someone or something that happened to me, it’s going to have to be relatively intense.

However, movies, music, etc. make me cry as well. The last time I cried was a few weeks ago while watching that Beslan School hostage crisis documentary. I also was brought to tears (of frustration) when I saw my bike seat had been stolen from me. I tend to react strongly to things like that.

Sometimes I can be a little too emotional, but it doesn’t seem to express itself in true crying. Usually just my eyes getting teary and/or my voice getting shaky. I’ve been known to let things on the internet put me in that state.

Spinel's avatar

The last I cried was when my novel with a 40,000 word count disappeared from my hard drive.

The last time I mourned was when my best friend ended up in a permanent coma from a car accident.

jonsblond's avatar

I was full of tears yesterday. I’m sick and we were within just a few days of losing our house. Too much stress will do it to me anytime.

I also cry at cute baby commercials. go figure

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@jonsblond I’m hugging you, my friend. (((JL)))

Chikipi's avatar

I started a fitness bootcamp this past week and I cried because it kicked my butt. I’m hurting and didn’t know how much I was out of shape. It was a short pity party for myself then I sucked it up and still went back to the class again. If I want results I got to push through the pain

wilma's avatar

@kidkosmik I was watching a video of my son’s middle school band performance.
I was proud and amazed and moved by the performance.

I cry easily. Commercials on TV (you know the “you’re home!” ones, and about babies and animals.)
I cry when I sing a hymn or the Star Spangled Banner. I cry when I’m happy and I cry when I’m sad.
Sometimes it’s embarrassing, I try to save my tears for private times.
Good thing I’m alone a lot.

kidkosmik's avatar

@wilma Tears of joy are always welcome. :-)

@jonsblond Hugs for you as well. Feel better!

jonsblond's avatar

@jbfletcherfan and @kidkosmik Thank you!

@wilma I can’t go to a school performance without crying. I tear up so easily!

Jude's avatar

When I sleep for a long time, I tend to remember my dreams. I’m not sure why that is. Anyhow, last night I got a good 9 hours sleep. I had three separate dreams, all with my Mom in them. (My Mom passed away almost three years ago). In each dream, my Mom came back home. She was still ill (I’m not sure if she was dying). The first dream, I remember her seeing my Dad with his new girlfriend. My Dad said to my Mom that he has no interest in being with my Mom anymore (that would never happen as he tells me that he’s still in love with my Mom). And, that he wants to be with his new lady. I then walk down the hall of childhood home and I see my Mom holding onto my Aunt and my Mom is sobbing. She was upset that my Dad didn’t want to be with her. The next one, I don’t quite remember it. The last one, same thing, my Mom was crying, so, I had enough and I went to my Dad in the kitchen. I was crying while screaming at him, telling him that he’s hurting Mom. He just smiled and said that he was sorry. I was screaming at him. In waking life, I’ve never been that upset. I turned to his girlfriend who had this multicolored, shiny scarf that was wrapped around her head (thing what women wore—think Audrey Hepburn). I was pleading to her to stay away and they’re hurting my Mom and all that she did was laugh at me. The more that I screamed at her, the harder she laughed (that bitch). So, I went to grab the scarf that was on her head, trying to pull it off. Still screaming (crying) my freakin’ head. ...Then I woke up, and I was crying and trying to catch my breath.


My Dad had been a dick and didn’t treat my Mom all that way at times. I’m still pissed at him and blame him for giving my Mom such grief over the years. I’m working on getting over that, though.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

If I tell you,I’ll cry :(

Supacase's avatar

This afternoon right after I punished my daughter for her bad behavior.

kidkosmik's avatar

@jmah Those are some vivid dreams. I cannot possibly fathom what it would be like to lose a loved one. I cannot even think about my mother passing. It does not register. I guess I still think that she will always be there… I hope your relationship with your dad is better than mine.

kidkosmik's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I don’t think those are tears of joy. :-(

@Supacase Disciplining a child must be so very difficult. I’m not sure how I would do.

Jude's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

I have had moments all week long.

Cruiser's avatar

30 minutes ago when Obama started his state of the union address…I’m still sobbing….

@lucillelucillelucille I think you need a hug….(hug)

trailsillustrated's avatar

I hardly ever cry. sometimes i read stuff on my kids fb or my son tells me something and then i’ll cry. I feel so powerless. That, and thinking about missing them, is the only thing that can make me cry

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It must have been last week when I was uber sick and couldn’t believe I had to take off work again – generally when I cry I cry out of frustration.

rangerr's avatar

Argh. I’ve been a disaster recently.
So a few hours ago.

loser's avatar

This morning.

kidkosmik's avatar

Goodness, a lot of crying recently. Maybe I’m broken. :-X

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@kidkosmik -They are not really sad tears :)
@cruiser-I can’t breathe!lol! :)

jackm's avatar

I did shrooms and watched Where the Wild Things Are. I cried very hard at the end. This was about a month ago I guess.

Sarcasm's avatar

Is it bad that I can’t even remember the last time? It’s been years.

bennett's avatar

I got teary-eyed while watching a beautiful autistic child work with his music therapist today. It was pretty special.

zephyr826's avatar


I cried yesterday afternoon on the way home from work. I was talking to my mother about my sister leaving for France (a good thing, but we’re sure going to miss her), and about them canceling electives at the middle school I attended, where my mother teaches now. They were mixed tears, of frustration with in my opinion clueless administrators who care more about the bottom line than meaningful educational experiences, and of joy for my little sister.

efritz's avatar

I cry when I’m embarrassed, which is embarrassing, which makes me cry harder. Mostly when I’m watching bad movies or something, rarely in actual life situations. Last time was when I saw Avatar a few weeks ago.

kidkosmik's avatar

@efritz Movies have that effect on me too. I get choked up every time I watch the end of Pan’s Labyrinth.

jonsblond's avatar

Group hug everyone….you too @Sarcasm


mcbealer's avatar

Last week… had a heart to heart with a friend… somehow, the past never gets any easier to talk about.
which is why I rarely go there

Pseudonym's avatar

@Spinel Did you ever get it back?

Spinel's avatar

@Pseudonym Nope. Data backup never sinks in until one’s virtual Titanic goes down…

Bugabear's avatar

When I cut onions. When I got teeth pulled out. The dentist didn’t put the pain killers in the right spot.

Violet's avatar

I think it was when I watched 102 Minutes that Changed America about 9/11 a month ago

jonsblond's avatar

@Violet That was so difficult to watch. I cried too.

Nullo's avatar

I get the something-in-my-eye kind of tears from moving dialog in movies and books.

Historically, I only really cry when I get fired for no good reason. Lost a good bookstore job to a misunderstanding about my class schedule freshman year; by the time it was cleared up – call it three hours – my position had been given to somebody else. And I cried a couple of times in the aftermath of losing my first job-with-a-career-path to a stupidly spiteful woman who didn’t think that I was working fast enough and was miffed at my lack of bowing and scraping.

Violet's avatar

@jonsblond It was hard to watch. It was so moving.

borderline_blonde's avatar

A few weeks ago when I broke up with my boyfriend… the nostalgia bug bit me on the ass. However, that was the first time I’ve cried in months, and I hope I go several more without doing it again.

YARNLADY's avatar

Tears pop out of my eyes at odd times, like when I am talking to someone or reading something sad or cutting onions, so I don’t know if you call that crying, or what it is.

sjmc1989's avatar

I cried just about two hours ago.

amybush's avatar

last month and this month

montreality's avatar

Today. The recent plane crash off the coast of Lebanon has really shaken me. It’s been on my mind all week. ;____;

Sophief's avatar

I cried last night, and I probably will sometime today as well.

reacting_acid's avatar

4–5 month ago. I just kind of broke down and cried for like an hour straight.

Kokoro's avatar

Last night. The pain of trying to move on.

disenchanted_poisongirl's avatar

Yesterday I almost cried, because..nothing.. Anyway.
The last time I really cried was some days ago, because I had a big fight with someone I love.

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