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Your_Majesty's avatar

What should I do with these puppies?

Asked by Your_Majesty (8235points) January 28th, 2010
28 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

My granny’s female dog is pregnant,the matter is that it’s done by her own brother(from the same litter). I know we should separate them or at least neuter him,but it’s just too late. I know her offspring will inherit some genetic problems but we don’t want to do abortion (that’s too cruel!),and I also heard that gene therapy will cure this problem. Is there anything we could do to solve this problem?,What will you do if you’re in this situation?.

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rooeytoo's avatar

Have the bitch spayed as quickly as possible. That will eliminate bringing a new batch of puppies into the world and avoid having the same problem occur next time she comes into season. Also castrate the male so he can’t go around impregnating other bitches. It is not cruel to eliminate the pups.

SeventhSense's avatar

I cross my legs and cringe at the term…besides you know that bitch was just horny

stump's avatar

I have heard of puppies born of sibling parents without health problems. In fact, that is often how breeders isolate so-called desirable traits. So unless you have had them checked by a vet already, there may not be a problem with them, genetically. I agree with rooeytoo about having them, parents and puppies, spayed and neutered. Take the puppies to a vet when they are born and have them checked. When they are old enough (usually about 8 weeks) you can sell them. It is better to sell them than give them away, even if you only charge a little. People don’t appreciate things they get for free, but if you charge something, they will consider it valuable and take better care of it.

njnyjobs's avatar

What breed is it? I’ll take one . . .

syz's avatar

How long ago was the breeding? If it’s recent, get her spayed immediately. If not, find homes for the puppies when they wean and then get her spayed immediately.

Don’t worry about the inbreeding, breeders do much more severe intentional inbreeding than that when establishing a new breed.

The male can be neutered immediately – there’s no reason to wait.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (4points)
SeventhSense's avatar

This ain’t the Outback, How do you propose he/she eliminate the pups drowning or shotgun?

syz's avatar

@SeventhSense I believe rooeytoo is talking about spaying the dog during the pregnancy rather than eliminating the puppies post parturition. Early pregnancy makes for a slightly riskier surgery since there is more blood flow to the uterus and it takes longer to tie off all of the potential bleeders. Many dogs are spayed while pregnant because the owners are ignorant of the condition of their dogs.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (4points)
SeventhSense's avatar

Well it seems like she’s saying both actually. Eliminate does not imply prevention..maybe abortion

Your_Majesty's avatar

@njnyjobs It’s Miniature Pinscher. Beside,I live far far away….
@syz It’s her last stadium of pregnancy(48 days). We’re planning to let her to give birth at home without veterinarian’s help (I know it won’t be wise,but it’s their decision).

syz's avatar

Actually, the preferred method is to let the bitch whelp on her own with minimum interference. A veterinarian is not necessary unless she has difficulties.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (5points)
fireinthepriory's avatar

Biologist here to tell you the pups will likely be fine. Just find them homes, don’t even mention they came from a sibling pairing. Do make sure to spay and neuter all of the pups and both parents as soon as possible.

chyna's avatar

@SeventhSense Sure, blame the female.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well they come sniffin’ around actin’ all innocent..and the next thing you know it’s “honey I don’t know why we have rotweiller pups..sure you’re a boxer and I’m a poodle..but uh.. awkward”..

chyna's avatar

@SeventhSense Oh sure, the male is standing there, hunching her leg, getting her all hot and bothered, as males are likely to do…

Scooby's avatar

Sorry!! bucket of water!! :-/

JJOUTLAW96's avatar

how many do you have and what breed are they?

Your_Majesty's avatar

@SeventhSense She’s just an animal. You can’t tell her that “you can’t have sex with your own brother”.

Your_Majesty's avatar

@Scooby What does it means!?.

@JJOUTLAW96 I don’t know (maybe 3 or 4),they’re still in her tummy. And it’s Miniature pinscher (I’ve mention that before if you read all those previous answer above).

YARNLADY's avatar

Ask your veterinarian for advice. They will be the best authority.

Scooby's avatar

It means drown them at birth in a bucket of water, the shepherd on the farm I worked on did this when his dogs had sibling litters… :-/

rooeytoo's avatar

@SeventhSense – The phrase I used was “That will eliminate bringing a new batch of puppies into the world” and as @syz explained to you nicely, the pups can be aborted so to speak when the bitch is spayed. It may sound cruel but it is difficult to find acceptable homes for pups of any breed, so rather than having to worry whether they are being properly cared for later in life, I would simply not allow them to be born. Here in the outback bitches breed every time they come into season, there is no need to abort or drown, the pups either starve, get eaten, or die of anemia brought about by having 3 million ticks. Lepto is also prevalent.

I wouldn’t worry about the inbreeding, I am sure my Town Dog is pretty deeply inbred but she is beautiful and going on 3 she is in excellent health and condition.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Sell them to a Vietnamese restaurant. lol Just kidding.

chyna's avatar

@Self_Consuming_Cannibal—You just got put on my “list”. ~

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

What list would that be and is it a good list or a bad list?

chyna's avatar

<—-Notice my avatar? Bad list for eating dogs. :)

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

Did you not notice the ending where I said I was just kidding? I have two dogs myself. A three pound chihuahua and a 17 pound shih-tzu and I love those guys to pieces. I have a weird sense of humor but I wouldn’t hurt them or any other animals.

chyna's avatar

@Self_Consuming_Cannibal I am teasing too. Notice smiley face at end of my sentence.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

We’re cool chyna. Sorry if I seemed a bit defensive. I just though you were pissed and I didn’t understand where all this anger was coming from. :-P

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