@dpworkin – All right, sorry for the misconception. I have checked Pubmed, PsychInfo, Medscape, and a lot of other of Ebsco’s databases, there is not very much on genetics when it comes to Anxiety, they usually focus on other aspects of anxiety.
@Supacase – It’s my best understanding that you don’t understand how these search engines work. I have checked @dpworkin ‘s suggestions long before I asked this question. These journals are very expensive believe it or not and my school only subscribes to a certain amount, I only have a limited view of what is actually out there, I’m coming on here to see if anybody had access to any other knowledge outside of these already listed.
@DrMC – I do already know how to use Pubmed and thanks for the links but my school doesn’t subscribe to those journals and I cannot view them.
I posted this question hoping to get answers which differ completely from what I am getting as I believe this will continue I am abandoning this question.