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troubleinharlem's avatar

Do different races have sex differently?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) February 1st, 2010
38 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

I’m not sure how to explain this question. I thought it was straightforward…

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Spinel's avatar

Each race has the same constitution. So, the basic procedure is the same for each race.

What are you really trying to ask here?

charliecompany34's avatar

sure would love to experiment

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No matter what race we are, Part A fits in Slot B…....

RAWRxRandy's avatar

o.o I dont think so….

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Spinel ; I mean, different styles. Is one race more… gentle than another?

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Likeradar ; well, thank you, I suppose..

Spinel's avatar

Race is a category far to general. It really depends on the customs of a specific area, and the individuals within that area.

HTDC's avatar

I can see this discussion heading south already.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@HTDC ; same… I don’t want it to be a huge fight.

charliecompany34's avatar

i think i could “mate” like in the movie “avatar.” the scene was so subliminally, ethereal, other-worldly like HOT.

ava's avatar

What a great question. Well, we all have heard the stereotypes…some may be there for a reason. Some Jews mate through a hole in a sheet. That’s different. I’m Jewish…never tried this…perhaps I’ll give it a shot and report back ;)

laureth's avatar

This seems to be a more personal attribute that cannot be extrapolated to race (such as it is). I mean, people of my own melanin level have vastly different variety in this department, and I cannot imagine the same is not true for others.

And when I’ve been there and done that, it was just fine, thanks.

DominicX's avatar

Wouldn’t this be more cultural/regional as opposed to racial?

Either way, I don’t know. I do know that once you go black, you’re not gonna go back.

Trillian's avatar

@ava a shot? Was that a pun? If so, very nice.

abrooke's avatar

A human is a human.
We produce babies the same way.
Ones style may be different from one others.
But the over all “flow” is similiar.

nicobanks's avatar

Different races? No. Different cultures, perhaps.

Race is about genetics, not about behaviour. Two people of completely different races could easily be raised in the same culture.

faye's avatar

Men all ‘do’ sex different from another man. If you would like gentle tell them. A couple of the men in my background went kind of berserky when cumming. Most men can be gentle as you want and rough as you want.

daemonelson's avatar

@charliecompany34 I thought it was pretty good too.

Arisztid's avatar

Well, I am of a small ethnic minority in America and I like having sex in a chicken suit. Ok, that is just because I am strange and has nothing to do with my ethnicity.

It is also a lie… I have sex in a latex french maid’s outfit

As @nicobanks said, it is not a matter of ethnicity, which is just genetics… it is a matter of culture. Some cultures have different taboos and allowances than others.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I think people have stereotypes of what certain races would be like sexually – historically this was all about people of color being exotisized and fetishized and linked to a kind of ‘animality’ for the purposes of colonialism, slavery, etc. Notions of the ‘wild black woman’ and the ‘sizzling latina’ and the ‘submissive Asian’ are all fantasies, incorrect ones. However, people of all races internalize these ideas and perpetuate these sometimes as well like in the case of ‘once you go black you never go back’...because this is a seemingly positive statement, some black people do use it.

liminal's avatar

I take @Simone_De_Beauvoir ‘s answer.

absalom's avatar

They certainly make porn differently.

bigboss's avatar

american= missionary, doggystyle, 69,


‘nuff said

Mava's avatar

I had the same question!! And my question was based on culture but I do think
It is racial.. I don’t see how culture or religion teaches u HOW to
Have sex when it comes to the positions anyway… It depends on what the guy likes.
My question was based more on aggressiveness, and I think race has alot to do with that since I believe, every man is
Wired differently depending on their genetics
For example middle eastern and African american men have higher levels
Of testosterone than do Asian or white males, this makes them highly sexually active and
Is responsible for aggressiveness in bed. It is deffinately a generalization, some Asian and white males may have high testosterone levels depending on different factors
I haven’t experienced it myself with Asian men but I can only make an educated guess that they are not nearly as aggressive as African American and middle eastern men!

faye's avatar

@Mava link or source?

Mava's avatar

No link or source in specific just a hunch through education and experience with middle Eastern men! I’m sure you can find something similar to my ideas if you do some more research!

nicobanks's avatar

@Mava “middle eastern and African american men have higher levels of testosterone than do Asian or white males.”

This is a really wild thing to say without any scientific research to back it up, even with your qualifier about it being a generalization. I suspect it’s untrue, and I know that many people would find it offensive (including myself). This is a “hunch through education and experience”? What education, exactly? Please be specific.

And I think you’re over-estimating the worth of personal experience (not yours, specifically; anyone’s). How many Middle Eastern men have you known well enough to estimate their testosterone levels? 10? 20? 100? 1,000? 10,000? And how many Middle Eastern men are there in the world, do you think? (Including those of Middle Eastern descent who consider themselves part of a different culture – people you might not even recognize as Middle Eastern.) Do you see what I mean? It’s like polling 100 teenagers from Portland about their opinions on classical music and coming to a conclusion about classical music and people aged 13–18 everywhere.

I think you should be more careful with what you think about others.

Mava's avatar

@ nicobanks…
wow you must know NOTHING about testosterone if you’re going to be offended!!
if you must know i have my bachelors in biomedical physiology and am pursuing naturopathic medicine at the canadian college of naturopathic medicine in toronto!
im not saying ive slept with all the middle eastern and non middle eastern men in the world to know who has high testosterone and who doesnt. Nor do i need to prove anything.. simple SIMPLE research in articles, books ANYWHERE will tell you that middle easterns do have high levels of testosterone… simple ways to tell include:
1) more body hair- specially in pubic regions
2) strong body odours
3)high sexual drive
4) sometimes aggresiveness
about the “mixed” individuals who you cant always tell if they are or are not middle eastern, it doesnt matter their genetics wont ever fail to show at least the above 4 points i mentioned.. clearly with time the population is mixing within itself to produce less pure breeds of specific races….
again as i believe i stated earlier… due to abnormal, unhealthy individuals (since NO ONE IS PERFECT) some middle easterners may have low testosterone levels, and some non middle easterners may have high… in some cases even women have abnormally high testosterone levels and this can be fixed with birth control pills which increase estrogen and decrease testosterone.
This whole “idea of mine” is not an over or under estimation its literally a fact that is mostly true for specific pure bred cases.
Final note im not saying non middle easterners have no testosterone at all or alarmingly low levels they, in most cases, have normal levels.
frankly i think having between low to medium levels of testosterone is the best.
thanks for the constructive criticism though.. a topic like this for a science student is an obvious common sense… i should have been more clear and precise and elaborate when stating something biological i presume on a site like this…
thx and cheers!

nicobanks's avatar

If such simple, widespread research will back you up, if it’s such common scientific knowledge, please provide sources. That’s what I’ve been asking for and that’s what @faye asked for, too. Considering you are a science student, this should be easy for you. I don’t think it’s too much to ask.

nicobanks's avatar

Thank you. Let’s have some more.

Mava's avatar

are you kidding me??? are you just putting up a fight for the fun of it?
get a life!! why is it so hard to educate you dumbasses. go get your own education
get a real life rather than trying to “prove” a point that clearly you’re losing at!
its a scholarly article best one at that! theres many more that highlight the main issues, no ones gonna go and try and write loads of articles on this topic cuz productive people out there are trying to find cures for cancer! i suggest you get a more productive life as well ! i joined this site to get insight and discuss topics maturely with people but thank you, youve just shown me how immature you and everyone else on this website reallly is!

laureth's avatar

@Mava – Welcome to Fluther. I don’t deny that there are better things to spend time on. However, I noticed that for some of your very first experience here on Fluther, you have found a question from nine months ago, instead of choosing some readily available questions on the front page. This suggests to me that you either used the search function to find questions about subjects like this, or, possible but less likely, are an experienced Flutherer under a new guise, wanting to make a point.

Either way, surely you can perceive that it might be silly to search for, and zero in on, questions you think are not worthwhile, and judge all of Fluther and all people who use Fluther based on this one thing. If you want to “get insight and discuss topics maturely with people,” there are plenty of options that are much easier to find than this would have been.

Edited to add: Ah, never mind, I see this person has left the building. All for the better, perhaps, as it would probably have been difficult to “get insight and discuss topics maturely with” someone like this.

faye's avatar

I couldn’t read the link, couldn’t make it bigger.

nicobanks's avatar

Any advanced student of science should know that a single source supports exactly nothing.

SuzieQ1974's avatar

Just have to say that the belief that African American men are more aggressive in bed is complete crap. I have been with caucasian men and they have a tendency to be pretty rough in bed if you ask them to be and they are willing. I have only been with 1 man who was mixed caucasian and African American (his father is caucasian) and he was the most gentle lover I have ever had. He was very attentive to my needs in bed. He has a very manly demeanor and air about himself outside of the bedroom because that is just his personality. But I can vouch for the fact that with my experience that testosterone and sexual behavior has nothing to do with aggressiveness in bed, it has everything to do with the urge to release the sexual desire. But I can guarantee you this, the next time I have an opportunity to research him further, I will make sure I take notes and enjoy it at the same time.

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