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Barbs's avatar

Does the internet give us a more enlightened perspective of the world around us?

Asked by Barbs (117points) February 2nd, 2010
19 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I beileve that the internet is an amazing vessel for storing information and communicating with other people. Unfortunately with one hand it gives and with the other it takes away. We may be able to have discussions with people over the other side of the wolrd but we are distancing ourselves from the sensentions of now and the things that colour our lives because they are the very things that define us as human beings. The sun setting, the moon lapping the tides. Nature unfolding its loving arms to everyone. We are part of it and yet we compartmentalize our existance. The ability to experience something first hand instead of viewing it through a screen is what gives our lives substance. It is driven by the spirit and it is part of the spirit. We should not forget that.

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Your_Majesty's avatar

Only if we use it in wise way.

Barbs's avatar

I think people rely too much on technology to think for them. It is true that the internet is now an essential part of our society but it should not rule the way we think.

Spinel's avatar

The internet hides more from us then anything. In real life, deception is harder to pull off. On the internet, one can be anyone or anything they chose, no matter how false. On the internet, anyone can publish what they desire, no matter how untrue.

And while Internet takes up a gravely large portion of our lives, I doubt it (with the exception of Second Life addicts) rules.

Barbs's avatar

Exactly! We are reinventing our personalities probably as we speak. I say we are distansing ourselves from a true understanding of who we are! We need to get out more!

Your_Majesty's avatar

Another fact,internet seems make our life a lot easier. but we couldn’t let ourselves being consumed in it.

Barbs's avatar

We are being consumed by it now arent we? We could be doing something far more creative and constructive!

Your_Majesty's avatar

I agree. But don’t forget that in these modernization and globalization era internet is a necessity.

DominicX's avatar

That’s all well and good and fluffy and cute, but just because someone is on the internet doesn’t mean they’re “not experiencing life”. The internet is a part of life. It’s not meant to replace anything, it’s simply added on.

Also, reality check: you’re on the internet too.

Barbs's avatar

Good point DominicX. I was wandering when someone was going to tell me I was talking crap!

Barbs's avatar

In a way the internet is just another window from which the house of humanity is built.

jonsblond's avatar

@Doctor_D is right. If you use it wisely it does.

I have been a stay at home mom for the past 10 years, and I have learned more about myself the past year thanks to the internet. I am a very ‘outdoorsy’ person that shunned the internet for as long as I could. Much thanks to Fluther for giving me the opportunity to have discussions with people in Antarctica, Canada, Scotland, Russia, Japan…..

then I take a walk in the woods near my house, make dinner for my family, read a book to my daughter, watch Lost with my sons, Fluther and then go to bed.

Barbs's avatar

Good for you jonsblond. I didnt say it was a bad thing I just think some people dont know how to create a balance and you clearly do.

jonsblond's avatar

@Barbs Believe me, I know where you are coming from. :)

Army0f0n3's avatar

I don’t feel that exotic porn and memes are the road to enlightenment.

but that’s just this soldiers opinion.

zookeeny's avatar

On the similar thread today I saw a guy I know and as we both had a bit of time to use up before our buses would be there we decided to sit at a coffee shop instead of standing at bus stop for 30 mins or so. For the whole time he texted and yet also tried to maintain a conversation with me. It was very odd – well rude, but odd to. It was like he was used to that sort of interaction. When I look around at teens in their groups they seem to do the same – text and talk. Maybe its normal behaviour now for them but what is so urgent that the person on the other end of the text cant be left waiting?!!! They have a real live human there infront of them and yet they are staring at a screen engaging in text speak instead of human to human interaction then and there!!

I got some books out of the library the other day for some information I was reading up on and I actually found that I was struggling with the layout and the depth I had to go into to get the information I needed!!! I am so used to finding things out via google that I actually believe I am getting lazier and less patient when it comes to research through books!! :(

Factotum's avatar

If you read the entire internet every day from beginning to end you will have a pretty good perspective on the world as it appears to those who have internet connections.

Steve_A's avatar

Spell check and youtube.

mattbrowne's avatar

Not if people watch celebrity videos on Youtube all day. Or when Facebook users waste their time finding celebrity look alikes.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Some people don’t ‘do nature’ whether or not they’re addicted to the internet. Some people aren’t addicted to the internet, they’re social beings expanding their wing span and reaching more people, faster, better. A multi-faceted individual will find the positives and negatives in all mediums and utilize what they need to have a richer life. We value different things, remember that. Not everyone needs to reject or embrace technology but one can not fail to realize what an amazing tool the Internet is.

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