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RocketSquid's avatar

What is your opinion on "Powerful Sleep - Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock"?

Asked by RocketSquid (3483points) February 3rd, 2010
6 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Digging around my bookshelf I found a copy of “Powerful Sleep – Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock” by Kacper M. Postawski. I’m about halfway through it so far, and he’s made some claims that mostly consist of allowing yourself to sleep for 4–5 hours a day with more energy.

I have a problem with a couple of things in his book. Although he’s making claims that seem sound, he doesn’t really cite his sources very well or provide more evidence to back up his claims.

If you’ve read this book, what are your thoughts? Has it worked for you, or is this a fraud? Is there anything one should look for when trying to adjust a sleep schedule?

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njnyjobs's avatar

I have not read the book but from my own experience, I probably have averaged 4–5 hours of sleep in the last 20 years. This is not by choice, but by circumstances. I have read other findings relating to power sleeps and try to apply them myself. I also believe in 15-min power naps are far beneficial than 2–3 hour long naps.

Nullo's avatar

Anytime somebody puts “secrets” on a package, be wary.
Can you provide some examples of his claims?

RocketSquid's avatar

@Nullo Most of them seem fairly standard, like get on a schedule, give up caffeine, get enough sunlight, things like that.

The one that concerns me is he claims you don’t need 7–8 hours of sleep, more around 4–5. He states that much of it is based around your body temperature, and the more you can get it to rise and fall, the more energy you’ll have and deeper sleep you’ll get.

Nullo's avatar

Sounds like BS to me. It’s my experience that you can make do with 4–5 hours of sleep, but you’ll be happier with 7–8.

Poking around Google found some other gems, like “How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, and Create Unstoppable Energy in Your Life”, and “The 30 Second Secret To Blasting Your Energy Levels Through The Roof In The Morning”

He’s really into that temperature regulation business. But he claims that one’s body temperature can fluctuate 6 degrees C, which I’ve never heard before and which would make taking your temperature an act of futility.

I’d bet good money that this guy is a quack.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

He sounds like a snake-oil peddlar. Different people have different sleep neds at different times of their lives. I sleep 8–12 hours, but it’s because I am deeply depressed and the medication I have to take makes me sleepy. Before this time, I could function on 3–4 hours if necessary, but needed 6–8 hours to function optimally.

If this author is not citing peer-reviewed sources, his book is unlikely to be worth reading.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

The optimal amount of sleep varies with age, health status, and life stress level. In addition, individual constitution plays a big role.

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