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Just_Justine's avatar

Where did all the “good” guys go?

Asked by Just_Justine (6511points) February 4th, 2010
41 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Let me state upfront that, I have never had a man “take care” of me. Always paid my own bills, lived alone most of my adult life (by choice), always had a career not a job, fixed my own leaking taps, baked my own cakes, brought a kid up on my own, believed in women’s rights. Now at the age of 47 I ask myself why? What progress did women really make? I have been married and I have been in relationships and mostly of course the bulk of work was left to me ultimately.
I know the 50’s role stereotyping caused a lot of problems in many ways. So I don’t want a huge political answer I know all that, I wrote post feminist assignments at Uni. Plus I spent a while within the gay subculture being a separatist! But suddenly I yearn for those simple role prescriptions Maybe I have taken on too much in life, conquered and won. But am left exhausted and empty.

My question is this; I want a real man like the one they used to make in the old days. Strong, dependable, able to make decisions, can work or earn a living, take the garbage out and kill spiders. I want a man who can protect me.

I am tired of being superwoman. So where is he? Does he still exist? And how do I find him. Most guys I know don’t even know how to put a shelf up. I think he might have lurked around from time to time, but my brass assertiveness chased him away?

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CMaz's avatar

“I want a real man like the one they used to make in the old days.”

Well hello there. :-)

Judi's avatar

They are all on the golf course. A woman who plays golf will never be lonely. I figured this out AFTER I met my husband. I would ride in the cart with him while he played and met some of the nicest, most successful, handsome single guys. I thought, OHHHHH this is where they are all hiding out!

Snarp's avatar

Well I work and earn a living, I kill pests, I take out the garbage, scoop the litter box, do minor plumbing and electrical repairs, build shelves and other simple furniture (when I have time), maintain the lawn (when I have time), keep a garden, pay the bills, buy groceries, cook, do dishes, clean, train the dog, and care for the children.

We’re out there, you just have to be picky.

Just_Justine's avatar

@Judi well I never! and here I was thinking of taking up golf for better career networking well! there is a thought, I’ll keep you posted

Just_Justine's avatar

@snarp can I be picky, when men seem to be slim pickings loll

CMaz's avatar

They are all on the golf course?

So a good guy stays away from home and gets drunk all day with his buddies? ;-)

Just_Justine's avatar

@ChazMaz um I think Judi meant single guys chaz!

Judi's avatar

@ChazMaz ; I rarely saw any of them get drunk. If a woman is smart she will embrace her man’s hobbies and go with him;.

Snarp's avatar

@Just_Justine Well, we do have to face that fact that you’ve reached an age where many of the good ones have already been snatched up. I suggest seeking younger men.

Snarp's avatar

Also, I don’t play golf.

Just_Justine's avatar

@Snarp I like your thinking! I have been called a cougar, in the nicest sense of course

CMaz's avatar

@Judi – Ok, I like that. Definitely a good woman answer. :-)

Scooby's avatar

Well I do all them things & I’m still on me tod!! :-/ must be my deodorant!! Lol..

Blackberry's avatar

They’re already taken, or don’t want to drain their accounts on a woman just yet.

Just_Justine's avatar

@Blackberry sheesh now there’s a remark! what has that to do with killing spiders? and protecting a woman

Just_Justine's avatar

@Scooby on me tod?

shilolo's avatar

To me, it seems that the movement towards parity which extended from work to home life has destroyed the essence of the type of relationship you seek. If women have advocated for equality across the board, that also means equality of chores and relationship management. For instance, there needs to be sharing of cooking, cleaning, housework, finances, decision making, etc. That can be taxing. I know, because I’m a man in such a relationship, and there certainly are days that I yearn for a simpler life where I can come home from work to a prepared dinner. In stead, we both come home from work, harried, have two toddlers in tow, rush through dinner and nightime chores and are pooped by 10. Repeat, daily. No time for fatigue, though I bet a year’s hiatus might allow me to recover.

Blackberry's avatar

Aye, sorry I didn’t have the time for the long answer. But this isn’t the Bronze age, what would a man have to defend a woman from nowadays anyways? Anyone can kill a spider and you can learn how to put a shelf up on youtube or those men were part of the past generations, so they’re all old and married now for the most part lol. But these men do exist that are younger as well, but you have to realize that they all aren’t perfect, even if you found one of these men, there would still be something you didn’t like about him.

Scooby's avatar


Ahhh, so sorry!! “ On me tod” is slang for being on my own…. ;-) Lol… still!!

mowens's avatar

The feminist movement took away the old man. You wanted equality. You got it.

mowens's avatar

Oh and I do all of the above. I kill spiders so fast you don’t even know they are there!

the_state_of_wisconsin's avatar

“good” is a point of view. Not that your expectations are unrealistic, but you have to take into consideration that we live in a different time than the 50’s, and that expectations have changed.

keep in mind, the feminist movement liberated men as well, and without the rigid expectations, you get far more deviation from the norm you seem interested in…

If you want the type of guy who is going to leap out of some black and white Henry Fonda movie, i think you are going to be dissapointed…

that said, there are plenty of good guys out there…

shilolo's avatar

@mowens Personally, I’m a fan of catch and release. Karma (plus spiders kill more annoying bugs, so, I tend to like them).

Snarp's avatar

Well, there are plenty of women who didn’t get equality. Many women got men who still think they just have to go to work and come home to a home cooked meal and some of those women are working and providing that meal. I’m often stunned when I hear from other couples how little the husband contributes to household chores and child care, in spite of both parents working.

Sophief's avatar

I think they do exist but they are very very rare. My ex killed the spiders and took out the rubbish, but he followed me, was always behind me, I was the man in that reationship and I hated it. I like men to men, to take control and show me they are men.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Just persue your interests,you’ll run into them.Good guys aren’t some rare breed….neither aren jackasses ;)

Just_Justine's avatar

—@shilolo yep totally relate and agree, sad really

Just_Justine's avatar

@Blackberry I know, a lot of them cant even work for a living these days, like perfume, follow fashion, think that a woman wants to commit her entire life to him, what has he to offer really?

Just_Justine's avatar

@Scooby your place or mine loll

Just_Justine's avatar

@mowens I know, that is what I wrote in that post did you read it? so why say it back to me? that was the point of the post y’know

Just_Justine's avatar

@snarp here here!

Berserker's avatar

Eh, I’m glad there aren’t gender roles anymore, at least in modern society, because back when there were, it was based on the idea that women are inferior. And I couldn’t hack that, personally. I think I woulda been so miserable.

That day and age is gone, and hopefully for ever, and what we then defined as strong able men could have easily been translated as possessive and manipulative. I think it’s an error to yearn for times in which we’ve not personally experienced, because we really don’t know what it was like outside of the initial presentation, which usually doesn’t mean a whole lot in the end. Of course, in that respect, I could be wrong myself.

However, I wouldn’t trade my independence and freedom for being “taken care” of.
As well, a lot of those relationships were irrefutable once established; even if the couple didn’t love each other anymore, they stayed together until death. Sure those are the vows of marriage, but I personally find it asinine to make promises to God rather than your lover.

In my head couples take care of each other, it’s not a one way thing. I think couples should agree on things together, and in a society which applies to personal skill and aptitudes more than ever, I don’t see why we should dismiss the opportunity for something that worked back in the thirties where times were very different.

Of course, if you find a man who’s willing to take care of you this way, that’s awesome for you, but if you can’t, I wouldn’t go as far as saying that there are no more good and strong men. That idea is simply not true, as society is fast paced and ever changing, and people adapt, including the strengths needed to survive in it, together or on your own. Being an independent woman yourself, I’m not sure I needed to even say any of this.

john65pennington's avatar

Justine…..........i am here, but i am taken. not tooting my own horn, honestly, but i have been a responsible man, since the day i was born. 44 years at one job, loyal, dependable, do my share of the chores, pay the bills and i protect my wife to the fullest. you are correct about the men of the 50s. we know how to raise a family and worship God. we respect our wives and raise our families like The Cleavers. see, that was not such a bad show after all. i do not understand how a woman can do what you have done, without a mans help. i know a lot of women today are playing the man and woman role and i respect that. i hope you find the real man you are looking for. and, i have killed a lot of spiders. john

mowens's avatar

@Just_Justine Apparently I’m blind… I totally didn’t read that at all.

Don’t blame me I ride the short bus.

Nullo's avatar

My guess (as one who meets the posted criteria for “good guy”) is that good guys aren’t interested in young radicals, and are likely settled down by their forties.

Just_Justine's avatar

@mowens the last sentence dear loll.

SeventhSense's avatar

Welcome to the Brave New World. Men bought into a world where they were supposed to learn to have a more dynamic communication with women. Only problem is many abandoned the very essence of what made them attractive in the first place. It’s gotten ridiculous when men are crying at “Terms of Endearment” and wondering why their relating to other men is even hampered. Some of us have never abandoned our core but are still hesitant to put ‘em on the chopping block. A man’s essence is one of action amidst duress, protecting and nurturing those he loves and even this is sometimes denied him.

Women’s rights are wonderful but there are and always will be distinct differences among the sexes. Woman changed to womyn as if man is a dirty word. My baby nephew doesn’t need to be taught to play with trucks. He just does. Should he feel shame? Women make excellent lawyers judges and teachers. Men make good firemen. Of course there are exceptions. Women and men don’t need to fear each others power only respect it in each other and honor its difference. I don’t want to be a midwife and I don’t need a woman to change my oil.
Recently I saw Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. Rude, politically incorrect and jaded but poignant in that it reflected a wounded man who could not abandon his essence but yet was relegated to a back burner by the society which used him up and apparently had no further utility for him…until it did. And that is where the men are. They are waiting on their call to action. And they do, whether it be a burning skyscraper or the funeral of a friend or the defense of their daughter.
And that is the beauty of a man. There’s still some of us around.

wundayatta's avatar

I kill mice. Not spiders.

Can we talk? [Joan RIvers, anyone?]

When my daughter was young, she thought dead mice and mousetraps were no big deal. She’s 13 now, and she just got home from school and asked me if there were any mice in the kitchen. She wasn’t going to go in the kitchen, if there were.

She gets this from her mother, and there are a lot of things that annoy me about my wife, but this is the one that gets me most agitated. I just get furious thinking about it, and not the least of it is about feminism.

Women and men are supposed to be equal, these days, except for physical differences. I’m sorry, but there is not enough physical difference to justify making mouse-catching a man’s job (assuming you don’t have a cat).

Anything else—I don’t have a problem who does whatever. So long as the sex roles work in bed, I’m cool. We both earn a living (she earns more money, I have better benefits). We both do housework. I cook and shop; she does the laundry and the dishes. With respect to the children, she spends more time with them, especially with their homework. I think she pansies them. I think they could learn to work on their own if we expected it of them. Anyway, she does more because she thinks more needs to be done. I do the music lessons and story reading and some homework duty.

I guess the thing that annoys her the most is organizing birthdays and holidays. Again, this is the kind of thing where if you want it, you do it. I would be just fine without Christmas and birthdays. Thanksgiving is my holiday, and I do it all except for the table setting.

Real men? I’m a real man. I’m not macho, but I know what to do, and I do it. Decisions? Everyone is all about decisions. I don’t get it. You do what you need to. If you need to make a choice, you analyze the options and make a choice. If it isn’t worth analyzing, then you flip a coin and go forward.

But in my book, real men are secure enough to display their weaknesses. They aren’t afraid of what people will think. They are who they are, good and bad. I’m damn good at displaying what’s wrong with me, that’s for sure!

Assertiveness doesn’t bother me at all. In fact, I practically require it. Sometimes I get a bit much of it from my wife, but, you pays your money and you takes your chances. I need a woman who knows what she wants and what she thinks. She needs to be able to give me a run for my money. Either really creative, or incredibly smart. Preferably both.

And shelves? You want to see shelves? I made the shelves that line the walls in my library. My brother made one, but I did all the rest. You want to see the saws and drills in my basement? You want to see the tools in the toolshed? You want to see my bulbs in the garden? Or the doilies I make in…... no, not really. I’m not into doilies.

I make music. I dance. I’ve performed at both things. I write. I tell stories (and performed at that, too). I cook. I bicycle. I kick ass in bed (in a nice way, but definitely naughty, too).

Of course, I’m crazy, too. I must be a twee bit up or I’d never let myself say this stuff. Although it feels damn good to say it, after holding it in all these years. I’m fucking special, and I think a lot of people know it.

But aside from this outburst, I’m a real man in another way. I’m quiet. I let people figure stuff out for themselves. And there’s a lot more, too, but this has gone far enough.

Just_Justine's avatar

—@wundayatta and at everyone – It is a hard question to ask and a harder one to answer. Because to ask invites all sorts of political repercussions, plus sociological role subscriptions that lead people to either embrace roles and be called idiots or to debunk them. I was so glad no one got politically correct but was just honest. Because in this we are all on different pages, much like any growth spurts whether in society or in ourselves. But any thesis involved an antithesis. In plainer language we need the jiggered hills and dips that sometimes comprise knowledge to get to the water streams of calm. For me and maybe for other women the journey was exciting it was about finding out about “us” our strengths our abilities and yes I will mention it briefly (?) that subjugation and domestic violence was often a result of those old fashioned guys with old fashioned ideas. But like all things there are the good the bad and the ugly. More so for me because I lived my life the hard way. I was married and he left me at 20. From then on I changed and didn’t believe any men could kill spiders or fix anything. So began my journey. Being left at 20 totally alone with a boy child and working has a funny way of making a woman grow “balls”. Gone was the shy girl seeking protection and in her place a dynamo whereupon she rescued everyone, not only her own child but also elderly hopeless parents. So my own antithesis began when I realised that not only did I have to kill spiders but also tackle dragons. All of this took energy. Two elderly parents with Alzheimer’s and no money and a son with ADHD have a funny way of making you tougher and more alienated. This is a complex subject and I thank you for keeping it simple. I think the answer is not so much that “we made men this way” but we were forced to, because men no longer stuck around. Loads of families are one parents families headed by females. Why they went is another diabolical topic. I search now for nostalgia. I do know that if a man loves perfume, likes fashion, can chat girl chat, cant get a decent job, expects everything to be 50/50 financially then it leads me to ask “Is my freedom to much to throw away and really for what?” so I know too that to find my man I need to be his kind of women and that I will have to learn from scratch.

SeventhSense's avatar

We all reinvent ourselves countless times and we are all more complex than a page could ever give us credit for. and sometimes too painfully serious here on Fluther
But we’ll all get there together. We’re building a new world. Best of luck on your search.

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