@johnpowell Oh, well, if we are talking about peeing outside that is an entirely different story ;) Okay, not really. In fact, It is almost mandatory to be able to stop the stream when peeing outside, it helps keep the feet out of danger.
Not difficult. If a woman has entered menopause, her PC muscles could lose their tone unless they do Kegel exercises as pointed out by @laureth . These are important after childbirth too for the same reason.
@asmonet – I admire your appreciation of catchy Christmas tunes.
Yes, it’s mostly easy unless you’ve been drinking lots to have the full bladder they told you to have for a renal ultrasound and then they make you wait and wait. I had to go a little or burst. That stream did not want to stop! And then when I was free to go, it didn’t want to start!
You need to strengthen your PC muscles as well. Men have them also. One should be able to stop and start urination at will. Makes your erections harder and firmer as well and helps you control when you come. And it makes your orgasm more intense.
@casheroo: Yeah, exactly. I guess because the vast majority of my sneezes happen when I’m not in the bathroom, I have a habit of tightening my muscles so I don’t accidentally pee my pants while sneezing. I never think about it, except when I am peeing.
And this isn’t the first time I wondered this as well because it’s not the first time you mentioned it. Any reason why all of your bathroom habits seem to be outside?