Meta Question

judochop's avatar

Have you noticed that the mods have been getting more and more trigger happy these days?

Asked by judochop (16119points) February 16th, 2010
88 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’ve noticed that I am seeing more and more questions pulled down for editing and more and more answers being modded. Are we living in a Fluther Police State? Is it time to start hording the ammo boxes and build a bunker? Mods, please feel free to answer as to why so many of you have started to carry longer, stronger billy clubs.

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rangerr's avatar

No. People are asking more stupid questions. and responding with stupid answers.
The mods are fine.

Sampson's avatar

This question gets modded in:

3… 2… 1…

SeventhSense's avatar

The mission statement is to make money. Whatever accomplishes that and keeps the people coming back.

kevbo's avatar

The world has too many cute, defenseless puppies anyway.

filmfann's avatar

Trigger happy mods? Are you saying the Compassionate Heretic was shot dead?

YARNLADY's avatar

No, you can always tell when there has been either an advertising campaign, or school is out for another holiday. That leads to the excess work for the poor, dear mods, I love ‘em.

Cruiser's avatar

I have a noticed a huge reduction in modded questions all because I stopped asking them!! lol!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

This quip has been silenced by the Mod Squad.

Actually, I think that they are doing a great job (as always). <3 ya, Mods.

dpworkin's avatar

This question comes up once in a while, more or less randomly, which leads me to believe that any changes in actual moderation are also merely random. I haven’t noticed it. In fact, I just whined to the mods that a personal attack against me wasn’t taken down. It’s still up.

Dr_C's avatar

I’d have to agree with @rangerr on this one. It has more to do with the recent decline in the quality of questions being posted (mine included) than the actual intent behind moderation or the augmented activity of the mods.

marinelife's avatar

I have not seen a flurry of action by the moderators.

Methinks you are paranoid.

filmfann's avatar

<—betting this gets put into the Meta section.

judochop's avatar

So this was a shitty attempt at being funny. Right after rangerr answered the question I took it to the editing screen and erased it. I guess that does not work. So what is really funny is that I will have to ask a mod to take it down.
Honestly I could care less, most of the mods are my friends and I enjoy the little tid bits of drama. Le sigh…Mods? Can you please take down this question now? (face palm)

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] I hesitate to remove this question, as it will only solidify the feeling that we mods are evil… “Look! They remove anything critical of the mods!”, they think.

Even though you were joking, judo, I’d rather answer the question for others and let it stay, if that’s ok with you. What do you say?

SeventhSense's avatar

You know you’re evil~

judochop's avatar

You are such a MOD augustlan. All you guys care about is yourselves! just joking again

casheroo's avatar

The only thing I’ve noticed is that quite a few people who used to post often, do not post as often or at all. I’ve noticed a decline in the questions, and the quality of the responses :(

Dr_C's avatar

I blame @casheroo. Not sure why… but I just think she is an evil mastermind bent on doing something or other…

Bluefreedom's avatar

No, I haven’t noticed this. I haven’t been looking that closely either. I’m sure that whatever is amiss is probably erroneous.

rangerr's avatar

@Dr_C It’s because her baby doesn’t have a name.

Dr_C's avatar

@rangerr yes it does. It’s “Paco the Jelly Bean”

shilolo's avatar

[mod says] I would add that, humor or not, there have been a couple of (seemingly coordinated) troll attacks (troll-rolls?) over the past few days which have seen a number of quips moderated. Our crack intelligence unit is on the case.

augustlan's avatar

So, there have been some policy changes that people may not be aware of, and that probably accounts for the increase in removed answers. I assume that once you’ve been a member for a while, you don’t go back and read the guidelines all that often. :)

1) Easily googleable questions are allowed these days (they weren’t for a long time). That means that we expect people to honestly answer those questions rather than telling the asker to “google it” or using the ‘Let Me Google That For You” link. So, those answers get removed.

2) While joke answers are still allowed, we now expect people to wait on making jokes until after a question has a legitimate answer or two. Joke responses as the first or second quip tend to derail the thread into a joke fest, so we remove them.

As far as questions go, I think it’s just a matter of the size of our membership. With an increase in membership, you get an increase of questions… both the good and the not so good.

And… I blame Shilolo. ~

augustlan's avatar

And the trolls. I forgot about the trolls!

Dr_C's avatar

@augustlan: @shilolo and Paco are in it together

casheroo's avatar

I think I’ll just name him Paco. That won’t affect him in life at all.

SuperMouse's avatar

Coming from @judochop I had a feeling this might be a jokingly asked question. So, in answering in the spirit in which the question was asked I say…

Hording the ammo boxes and hiding in the bunker is a good start, but I would only consider it a start. Buy yourself some duct tape and seal off those windows, install bullet proof glass in all of your cars, buy as much water and canned food as you can get a hold of, and prepare to hunker down. It is going to be a loooonnnng siege.

Dr_C's avatar

@casheroo PACO FTW!!!

judochop's avatar

This question is currently being edited.
It will be back online once the user has made it appropriate for Fluther.
Until then, go back home and browse around.

Dr_C's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

@Dr_C I think @judochop just did.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

I have noticed this too. Also another thing, my friend got kicked today when in a fight with another user. My friend ( I promise you there is no bias ) said nothing in comparison to the other long time user and my friend was the one who got the boot, the other user is still alive and posting. It’s sad to see a disregard to the rules and a fascist state on fluther. The rules don’t apply to those who are favoured, I learned that today.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Hydrogenbond I strenuously disagree with your statement that the “rules don’t apply to those who are favoured.” The rules apply to everyone. That simple.

judochop's avatar

@SuperMouse Not really….

Hydrogenbond's avatar

@SuperMouse – No, they do not. The mods have favourites, depending on how long you are here. You will get the boot if you are not favoured against another user.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

*crossing fingers I don’t get kicked for speaking my mind

augustlan's avatar

@Hydrogenbond I have been moderated, too, and I’m the Community Manager! Also, I’ve moderated Andrew, a co-founder of the site… more than once.

Dr_C's avatar

@Hydrogenbond I will be celebrating my “Fluther-versary” on the 24th and can tell you I’ve been modded more than once. The rules apply to EVERYONE.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

@augustlan – You actually kicked and have been kicked? (by that I mean suspension)

SuperMouse's avatar

@judochop Shhh, it is not for broadcast that the rules don’t apply to you and me.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

@Dr_C – you as well have been suspended?

SuperMouse's avatar

@Hydrogenbond are speaking of an interaction in a specific thread?

breedmitch's avatar

fuckin mods

Dr_C's avatar

@Hydrogenbond no.. I’ve never given anyone reason to suspend me. I have been modded. But that’s about it. No one is suspended without valid reason and believe me that is not a decision taken lightly.

judochop's avatar

Everyone get’s it Hydro….You should PM a Mod to ask for the suspension to be lifted.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

Yeah, but I can no longer find it as she has been suspended. I think she told insert long time username to basically “Shut up” after being told to “Fuck off -insert more and more profanity”. My friend is gone, the other stays and is still happily posting.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

@judochop – Has a mods decision ever been reversed?

Hydrogenbond's avatar

@Dr_C – Well, what is a valid reason? I’ve seen my friend abused by the same user multiple times with terrible insults, most of the words were the F-bomb. I told her to report it to the mods and she did on all occasions, all that happened was her post was removed.

augustlan's avatar

@Hydrogenbond Please check you PMs, right now.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

If I am no longer here in a couple minutes, this will support my use of the word fascist and all of the other statements I made. I am now being questioned.

Hydrogenbond's avatar

@augustlan – Alright, I guess my finger crossing didn’t work. Goodbye everybody.

augustlan's avatar

For the record, the PM has nothing to do with banning or suspending you.

*Edit: At least, not for anything you said in this thread.

judochop's avatar

@Hydrogenbond just ask @augustlan to review it via PM. The mods really are rad. Just talk to them.

augustlan's avatar

@Hydrogenbond I responded, and you haven’t yet. Please check your PMs again. Thanks.

syz's avatar

@augustlan The mods (and the site) have just been the victim of a set up. Don’t you think that the false pretenses should be made public?

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
SeventhSense's avatar

Yes please do tell.
I can’t believe people waste time trying to fool websites or their administrators.
I have enough of my own issues

judochop's avatar

What is everyone talking about? I asked for this question to be taken down about 20 lines up. I also asked in the chat room. The mods did not want to take it down. No one was set up. It actually helped shed light I think. Just so happens someone needed this question to work through some stuff….Yeah syz, please feel free to make the false pretenses public. And anyone else for that matter, please take this question down. Some days Fluther is so rad, other days…...sigh.

dpworkin's avatar

I don’t get it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

well this certainly is a waste of space

SuperMouse's avatar

@judochop I assumed the set-up @syz was referring to was orchestrated by @Hydrogenbond. @syz, say it ain’t so, say you weren’t referring to this question itself as the set up. It was a joke, the whole thread was a joke. @judochop has a good enough reputation and track record here for us all to trust him when he says so.

rangerr's avatar

Is it party time yet?

judochop's avatar

Here is the thing…. Yes I do think there is favoritism that runs around Fluther and I do believe that most see it from time to time but don’t bring it up or really care about it enough to bring it up. I honestly could care either way but I thought it would be fun to get all of the mods in one place here on Fluther. Obviously that did not work. I know about the guidelines and I am aware that so and so has modded so and so and I don’t care. I asked for this question to be taken down a long time ago and the mods told me no. Thanks Simone for chiming in though, your comment on the subject is so enlightening.
@Hydrogenbond had some questions today and some thoughts about this topic and after being tossed out of the chat room upon “hello” his question was then modded and put away. So all in all this has ended up as I guess a good question seeing as how someone actually used it to learn how to interact with the mods and PM.

Adagio's avatar

? wtf? this is totally over my head, kind of glad about that, have fun people.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I feel like I, (and probably others) don’t have a feel for what exactly is going on here. I’d love to have more details.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Adagio @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities geez, srssly, I don’t wanna know what’s going on

KatawaGrey's avatar

I’ve been following this thread since the beginning and I don’t even know what’s going on.

breedmitch's avatar

‘sall Greek to me.

wundayatta's avatar

You know, with all that target shooting practice they’ve had, they all think they’re John Wayne!

Boy did this turn into a creepy question.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] OK, guys… here’s what happened. @Hydrogenbond was actually another user that had just been suspended for rampant racism (the one ‘he’ claimed was suspended unfairly). S/he was using the @Hydrogenbond account to get around the suspension. (That’s the setup @syz was referring to, not the question itself). It took a while to determine that that’s what was going on. Both accounts (the original one and Hydrogenbond) have now been terminated. Sorry this got so messy. I was off-line for a while.

I’ll probably leave this up for a bit, so everyone has a chance to read the explanation, and then we’ll go ahead and remove the question.

SuperMouse's avatar

@augustlan thank you for the clarification. Phew! It is really good to know @syz wasn’t talking about this question. It is also good to know @Hydrogenbond and their mistreated phantom friend have seen the last of this site.

YARNLADY's avatar

Why am I not surprised?

breedmitch's avatar

We should just shut down for a week and regroup.

faye's avatar

I was modded for bitchin at oxymoron- please is this about that?!!

judochop's avatar

I am laughing so hard right now. I am also eating my own foot. Ha. Tasty.

augustlan's avatar

@judochop You’re one of my favorites. I’d still mod you in a hearbeat. :P

judochop's avatar

awww shucks

rangerr's avatar

@judochop I’m her favorite though.

Dr_C's avatar

@rangerr you wish

rangerr's avatar

@Dr_C You hush, west coaster.

wundayatta's avatar

Has there been a rash of aggressive behavior lately? I feel like I’m seeing removed comments a lot more often.

gemiwing's avatar

@wundayatta You’re not alone in noticing this. I’ve seen a lot more aggressive comments lately. Maybe schools had a holiday or snow days? I hope it’s either children or people are just not familiar with Fluther culture.

shilolo's avatar

As I said above, there have been a few new trolls that were given a longer rope than usual with which to hang themselves. Also, it does seem like people are a bit more edgy. Maybe it’s just a bit of cabin fever. Unless, of course, you live on the West Coast :-)

marinelife's avatar

@shilolo Oh, so mean! Even Vancouver looked beautiful during the Olympics telecast yesterday. My sister in Seattle keeps writing me and listing what is starting to bloom. Meanwhile, we still have towering mountains of snow everywhere. When we went out to dinner Monday night, I had to climb over a giant pile of snow to get to the sidewalk.

SeventhSense's avatar

So the mods are doing a difficult job well and allowing the site to function smoothly. I’d flip y’all a fiver if you had a tip cup. Since that’s not possible a tip o’ the hat and a hearty gracias to the folks behind the scenes.
...and of course to augustlan who will bravely venture into my cave with a timely PM sometimes while I’m still gnawing on a bone :)

augustlan's avatar

@SeventhSense Thank you, darlin’. :)

SeventhSense's avatar

Your welcome.
Of course I’ll continue to rail against the evil mods…
I have to keep up my street cred.

judochop's avatar

street cred ftw.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I haven’t noticed anything different. But I do smell brownies. I’ll give you a warm brownie, mods, if you don’t remove this quip!

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