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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If Gays can compete in the Olympics would they keep a straight person from the Gay Games in Cologne?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) February 25th, 2010
28 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

If Gay athletes can compete in the regular Olympics what would stop a straight person from competing in the Gay games in Cologne? How could they claim foul if the regular Olympics don’t exclude Gays? Would appear as if the Gays wanted to have their cake and eat it too.

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davidbetterman's avatar

Political correctness.

Is that beefcake you are referring to in re: have it and eat it too?

Vunessuh's avatar

Well, because it’s not the Straight Olympics. It’s just the Olympics and anyone is allowed to compete be it black or white, male or female, gay or straight.

There is no sexual preference in front of it. It just says…..olympics.
Besides, I’m sure anyone can compete in the gay games in Cologne. How can they tell who’s gay and who isn’t? Make them butt fuck their best guy friend to prove it?

I find this question to be a tad inappropriate.
But then again, it’s coming from you so I’m not surprised.

FutureMemory's avatar

<insert witty comment about how inconsequential this is>

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Vunessuh Sorry, I give no free passes. If they had called it “Straight Olympic Games” and denied Gays I am sure there would have been lawyers up the Robert Earl involved about the name or who was allowed to compete. Or are yoou saying if they were called “Straight Olympic Games” they would be in their right to exclude it ti just straight people?

rebbel's avatar

Since it is said that 1 in 10 people is gay, you will find that there are gay people competing in the Olympics.

davidbetterman's avatar

Since it is said that 1 in 10 people is gay LOL…citations please!

ucme's avatar

As long as they wear a gorgeous aromatic cologne then yeah, why not.It’s all simply fabulous.Seriously though,they have enough hurdles,haha,to overcome with bigotry & prejudice to even make this an issue.Let the gay games begin!

DominicX's avatar

The Gay Games is open to anyone, regardless of sexual orientation.


From their website: “The mission of the Federation of Gay Games is to promote equality through the organization of the premiere international LGBT and gay-friendly sports and cultural event known as the Gay Games. While particular emphasis is placed on these specific goals, it is a fundamental principle of the Federation of Gay Games that all activities conducted under its auspices shall be inclusive in nature and that no individual shall be excluded from participating on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political belief(s), athletic/artistic ability, physical challenge, age, or health status.”

Vunessuh's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central No, I’m saying that it sounds like you’re making the claim that gays shouldn’t compete in the olympics – the “regular” olympics or whatever you called it.

I do kind of see where you’re coming from now. You’re making the same argument about black history month. If there was a white history month, there would be an uproar. Just like a LGBT club is acceptable in high school, but a straight club would be frowned upon.

But it just sounds like you think that gays shouldn’t be allowed to compete in the actual olympics so I was trying to find the relevance in your argument.

Besides, the Gay Games isn’t hurting anyone. Why react to it like you got punched in the gut? It’s all in good fun and I agree with @ucme. They have enough hurdles to overcome to even make something like this an issue.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Vunessuh Yes, as you pointed out “You’re making the same argument about black history month. If there was a white history month, there would be an uproar.” I have brought that up to friends many times no free passes I have not heard of Hispanic, Asian, or 1st Nation history months, they may have them bit they don’t go out of their way to let everyone know. And if there was a “White History month”, or a White Pride club on campus there would be an uproar. It would be called racist etc. As if to say white people can’t have pride in being who they are without being racist.

I was wondering since Gay’s had their own games if they would extend the same access to them as the regular (de facto straight) Olympics back in the 30s to 60s you did not have many open and notorious Gays around ah la Harvey Fierstein. Maybe one reason they never thought they had to name it “Straight Olympics”.

If one is going to drive the PC bus, don’t drive it on the wrong side of the road. :-)

MacBean's avatar

Whoever’s driving it, they should do it on whichever side you’re standing on.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I agree with you. You just weren’t initially clear on what exactly your problem was in the question description. Now I understand. GA, btw.

candide's avatar

no, but he might stick out like a sore thumb, having no fashion sense in the design of his gear…

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@MacBean I guess then they would be following my bus and not end up in a ditch, good idea, glad you agree….

liminal's avatar

As @DominicX has pointed out a “straight” person would not be kept from participating in the Gay Games in Cologne:

CMaz's avatar

“But then again, it’s coming from you so I’m not surprised.”

Wow, that is a bad attitude to have. God forbid we all are not thinking the same way.

fireinthepriory's avatar

First of all, as I suspected, @liminal has pointed out that straight people are allowed to participate in the Gay Games.

But even if they were not, the oppressed are socially allowed to exclude the majority. That’s the way it’s historically been. That’s why men’s colleges are seen as discriminatory while women’s colleges are seen as empowering, that’s why my alma mater has a Black Student Union and a GLBTA but certainly does not have a White Student Union or a Straight Students Club. And you know what, I think that’s fair! Those born into privilege don’t need their own clubs and organizations because they aren’t the victims of discrimination.

Is that hypocrisy? Hell no. Victims have rights that the privileged do not and must not have in order to create some semblance of equality in our world. Without these “inequalities” as you see them, the discriminated would be ever further behind those born into privilege.

This is not to say I think the GLBT community needs its own olympic games, I actually think it’s really silly, but if we want to have our own damn olympic games, then you shouldn’t say two words about it. It ain’t your place. Are you barred from marrying the person you love? Is it legal for you to be fired simply based on your sexual orientation? I didn’t think so. So until we’re equals under the law, shut up and give us our damn Gay Games.

liminal's avatar

@fireinthepriory you just made me feel all fuzzy inside.

fireinthepriory's avatar

@liminal Aww, shucks! :)

MacBean's avatar

@fireinthepriory Amen. GA. [fistbump]

fireinthepriory's avatar

@MacBean [fistbump] accepted with gusto!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

There is a reason why the Gay Olympics were even conceived as a concept and that’s because the ‘regular’ Olympics were homophobic. You are having serious historical amnesia when you say it’s all equal…the Gay Olympics didn’t start up at the same time as the Olympics on the same footing and level – that would be the only way you can then argue all people can go to both.

And don’t even get me started on the White Pride Month – how do you not get that all the pride months for the communities of color came out not because of random pride but because they felt so excluded from the dominant community in power. These celebrations/months/etc. aren’t to stick it to whites and to exclude them – it’s to give something, anything to the people that have always been excluded.

DominicX's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir GA

Another thing I noticed is that rarely is white pride and straight pride done out of general pride, it’s done as a counter to black pride and gay pride. It’s basically “well, we can have pride too, see!” Seems a little phony to me, sometimes…

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I object to any group that excludes people on the basis of sexual orientation.
That’s not fabulous in any way.

James17555's avatar

I don’t know if they would keep a straight guy from participating, but they would definitely have a reason. The Olympics are about sports for EVERYBODY. There’s now distinction, and there’s no clause which says that homosexuals are prohibited from participating. So why shouldn’t gays participate?

However, the Gay Games are specially for homosexuals only – it’s a prerequisite to be homosexual to participate. But I still think if somebody desperately wanted to participate, they would probably not keep him from doing so, because as homosexuals they know what it means to be discriminated because of your sexual orientation. But it could be, too, that some people would keep him from participating because they see the Gay Games as a competition that is for them only, a place which goes by Gay Rules and where straight people are not welcome. But these people would be the retards. But as we know, there are so many of them, both straight and gay.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@James17555 The Olympics, on the surface, are for everyone but as it turns out, they are homophobic in reality – or so has the reality been for queer athletes. And if you read above, it is NOT a prerequisite for someone to be homosexual before participating in the Gay Games.

DominicX's avatar


Did you even read what I wrote up there? Did you even take a look at their official website? Of course not because most people just buy into buzz and hype and don’t bother researching for themselves…

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