I’ve really enjoyed Jim Dale’s readings of the Harry Potter books and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I recently finished listening to Villete, by Charlotte Bronte. It was read by Davina Porter and it took a while for me to get used to her, but I really enjoyed the story. I don’t know if you are into Alice Sebold, but I picked up The Almost Moon on a whim and it was engrossing, although slightly depressing for the long drive I was on. Also, Stephen Colbert’s I Am America, And So Can You is pretty entertaining. Apparently you like podcasts (I do too) I really loved Lars Brownworth’s 12 Byzantine Rulers. It was excellent. Oooh, also, BBC has put out some excellent multiple voice readings if you haven’t checked them out already.
I’ve got about 4 audiobooks right now that I want to get through at work/the gym. Hopefully, as I finish them I’ll remember to report back on the quality! Good luck on your search!