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liminal's avatar

Have you ever changed your dietary practices?

Answers to this question about people deciding to eat a vegan or vegiarian diet have me wondering how people determine the diet they want to follow.

I grew up in an environment where what one ate was merely decided by taste. Food was also treated as a source of comfort more than as a source of fuel. A McDonald’s happy meal was on par with a home cooked meal (Which, nutrition wise, wasn’t so different since the advent of tv dinners and recipes with cream of mushroom soup abounded in the culture of my childhood!). Cooking meant adding water or milk to something out of a box or can and then slapping a hunk of some sort of meat next to it.

Today I want to be more informed about the food I put into my body and offer those I love. My dietary choices are based on what I perceive as healthy for my body and connection with the planet. I also maintain some of my heritage in that I can appreciate food as one source of pleasure. I find value in having fresh and tasty food on the table and crafting special meals for celebrations.

What did you notice about your dietary habits that led you to want to change them? What changes did you make and why?

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