Social Question

FlyingElephantWithGiganticEars's avatar

Why do you think people have prejudices against other people with braces?

Asked by FlyingElephantWithGiganticEars (59points) March 8th, 2010
17 responses
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I don’t have braces myself, but my friends and I always thought it was pretty cool. But then apparently, other people think automatically that people with braces are ugly and that they are nerdy. I personally don’t, but since a lot of other people do, I would like to what other people think about this. :)

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Jeremycw1's avatar

I think it depends on who the braces are on 8)

Your_Majesty's avatar

You must wear whatever you like as long as you like it,it shows you the way you are. I know people will brand one as childish while wearing that. but again,it’s your right.

DominicX's avatar

There’s no reason to form judgments of people with braces in my opinion; it’s not like they will have them forever. I think they can be cute. My boyfriend had braces for several years (this was before he was my boyfriend) and I always thought he looked cute with them. I knew that he was going to get them off and of course I like the way he looks without them better, but there’s no reason to let them cloud your opinion of a person’s looks.

Dog's avatar

I have never seen anyone treat anyone with braces any differently because of it.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Captain_Fantasy's avatar

They foul up my cell phone reception.

deni's avatar

I do think braces are generally regarded as ugly. But honestly, if you weren’t ugly before you got braces, you probably don’t look ugly with them. I had them, and I looked fuckin gross. I admit it. Now that they’re off, obviously I’m dazzling. But then again teeth are the first thing I notice on a person, so maybe that’s why I think they’re more significant than others with regards to a persons appearance and attractiveness…

escapedone7's avatar

I am no longer young enough for this to be an issue. I don’t think braces are half as unattractive as really bad teeth are. I also have seen some rather cute new designs, even clear ones.

DeanV's avatar

Braces are no big deal. Being a flying elephant with gigantic ears may be a bit of a turn off, though @FlyingElephantWithGiganticEars.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I suppose to some simple minded people they just look weird and anything that’s weird is an automatic thing to make fun of – maybe they hate people that are doing something to improve their looks.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Anyone with a hint of common sense realizes that braces are a temporary aid to helping someone fix their teeth. Why anyone would hold a person who wears braces in social judgement is beyond my comprehension.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well it’s a bit awkward for a kid to have them and it’s often at a very awkward grade school age. As a result some of them feel even more self conscious and probably attract even more unwanted attention by their discomfort.
Edit: Case in point

galileogirl's avatar

I wear a brace. Most people at first assume it to be from a skiing or other athletic mishap. To an old lady that is really cool!

DeanV's avatar

@galileogirl On your teeth? I think that’s what we’re talking about…

galileogirl's avatar

“Oh. never mind” Rosanne Rosanna Danna

john65pennington's avatar

My wife and i have a friend that has braces. the first time we met our friend, it was apparent that she was embarrased to be wearing braces. i advised her that her braces made no difference in her inner kindness as a person. i advised her to laugh and carry on with her life and to let people either accept you as you are or losing your friendship is their loss not yours. just remember, one day your braces will be off and then you can tell the world to kiss your _____!

galileogirl's avatar


XOIIO's avatar

I actually find them somewhat attractive, and no, I don’t have a metal fetish.

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