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plethora's avatar

What do you think of Obama's proposals and promises currently being made on immigration overhaul? What do you think he means by immigration overhaul?

Asked by plethora (10009points) March 11th, 2010
14 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

This is not addressed to the bleeding heart concern that we should open our borders to the world to save mankind. This deals with your opinions as to the effect on American jobs and the long term benefit to our country of implementation of proposals regarding immigration levels and proposals of amnesty for current illegal aliens in this country. See background here

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faye's avatar

Your background link didn’t work.

jrpowell's avatar

The horror. Imagine if people here weren’t afraid of being deported for paying taxes.
And here is the link.

plethora's avatar

@faye….hmmm….just worked for me, but I did have a problem getting it on. Can you try it again?

faye's avatar

Hmm, neither work for me and I’m Canadian so maybe I’m not supposed to answer this- the Fates.

jrpowell's avatar

I botched the link too. I fixed it.

edit :: It was not adding the http:// before the link that messed it up.

FutureMemory's avatar

I really don’t understand this obsession some folks have with the idea that immigrants take jobs away from non-immigrants. When was the last time you met an out of work white day laborer? Share with us the time you lost a job to a dude that can barely speak English (if at all) and has little to no formal education? The cheap labor they provide enables a lot of businesses to, well, stay in business. The short-sightedness and blatant xenophobia is really getting old.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Steve_A That clip is priceless. Thank you for sharing :)

plethora's avatar

@johnpowell Thanks very much..:)

plethora's avatar

I’m really more interested in your thoughts on the long term effects to the country, although jobs are an issue.

Nullo's avatar

I have nothing against immigrants; without ‘em the United States would be considerably more boring and likely less prosperous. And I would be living in a Tuscan hill town, which would be pretty awesome, but hey.
My complaint is with the illegal immigrants who are here illegally. The likes of which burden our various systems without contributing to them. I believe that these illegal immigrants have drained much of the job pool. I also believe that a certain corporate zeal for outsourcing production has done a better job of draining the job pool than the illegal immigrants.

@FutureMemory I once lost a job to someone who likely couldn’t speak English very well, and certainly had little education. I thank my Local 655 for that. Boot the promising new guy, why dontcha…

augustlan's avatar

Side note: Why does everyone assume that illegal immigrants don’t pay into our system? I have personally known quite a few, and every one of them got a regular paycheck… from which taxes and social security were withheld. The fact is, they often do pay taxes, and many of them don’t reap the benefits of doing so. They are too afraid of being caught to claim them!

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@augustlan: Illegal Immigration Costs California $10.5 Billion Annually while the average native-born family in California gets handed a nearly $1,200 a year bill for the pleasure of their company.

phillis's avatar

I have yet to see a white person who is desperate enough to take the shit jobs that those same people complain about losing. It’s all blue collar, isn’t it? So, let’s just call it what it is. When you’re ready to clean somebody else’s shit-splattered toilets, pick fruit for someone else’s brat kids, or muck the stalls of those who have horses, you can cry UNFAIR! all you want. I won’t be holding my breath.

As long as we’re taking advantage of the mouthing off that our sons and daughters bleed out on foreign soil to ensure, let’s make sure that we aren’t being manipulated by our own bretheren with thier own personal agendas. Here’s the difference between you and those esteemed bretheren. You have no voice because you haven’t bought the privilege.

Let’s examine what the selfish intentions of the few have done. We ignored our borders for 40 years because it benefitted us. We got cheap labor for next to nothing, and got fat and lazy. Many states grew wealthy off that cheap labor, so how can an eleted official get re-elected if he cuts off his state’s gravy train?

Since a few idiots decided to fly planes into our buildings, we suddenly decide that nobody should be here, even though the harmless have intergrated into our society. They fell in love, got married, and had children…....those basics things that every single one of us have taken for granted. But, so sorry! You need to leave now. It is now an inconvenience for us. I don’t care if you have a family here. That isn’t my problem!

To make you leave, we are going to make it illegal for you to work here. Who cares, if you were W-2’d employees? We don’t like you anymore. Our lawmakers have manipulated us into believing that, instead 15 million of you of paying taxes into our society (and never qualifying for any returns, like we have enjoyed), we are willing to cripple local and state economies, because our elected officials have decided that you no longer have the right to earn a living.

Oh, you wanted to work? Sorry, your driver’s licenses are no longer renewable. In case you wanted to earn an honest living, any business that does hire you is subject to audit and seizure by Uncle Sam. But wait – there’s more! We are still going to allow you to draw government benefits because we want the American people to hate you with every fiber of their being. That way, we get what we want AND look like heros by getting rid of you! All we have to do is allow some of you to draw government compensation until we can get your asses out of here. We would benefit more by allowing you to work and supplying you a social security number, but that would make too much sense. Thanks for playing. Were done using you now.

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